And those are just the major transportation pipelines. There are a LOT of other smaller gathering and distribution systems that can't be shown on that scale of map.
Funny how people worried about their rights, don't mind trampling on other folks rights if it benefits them
Not all, I for one won't lay a turd in someone else yard to keep my own pristine. Maybe that makes me a fool but at least I don't have to go to bed counting the number of people I screwed over each day.
This makes you an exceptional human being. My experience has been that most people only lookout for themselves. Integrity... in principle and in actions is not easy, which is why most people don't have integrity. And I am defining integrity as consistency of action in line with your principles and beliefs. Most people have integrity only when it's easy and convenient. We mostly lack the ability for the self sacrifice and self dicipline that it takes to have integrity.
people who have integrity NEVER think they are exceptional.... people with little integrity think they are the exception to every rule. (Yes I did use 'exception to the rule' on purpose) its one of those human paradoxes
ADINFO, courtesy of Natural Gas Now, an industry related news source. The Forgotten Us in the DAPL Controversy and Industry Two key points: -The Standing Rock tribes chose to not participate in the permitting and routing process. -The pipeline is planned to be placed in the same corridor of an existing gas pipeline. I have not fact checked these points. However, NGN is not known for coloring the pictures at any time since I've followed the articles over the last 5 or so years.