New Superbug is New Super Fungus

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Seepalaces, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    This is what happens when you leave agencies to police them self .
    Seepalaces likes this.
  2. Very interesting....I wonder if the CDC thought about seeing if it can be found on wild birds? That might be one way it spreads. It may not affect them, They migrate all over the world, and their droppings drop wherever . Even yeast cells can mutate depending on enviroment .
    Zimmy likes this.
  3. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Squirrels eat fungus. Wonder if they could spread it?
  4. I would think so, but what do I know. It's not my area of knowledge. But there are some facts, I know. Yeast exist every where. Some types of yeast can be found on every thing and everyone. very common in nature. Ever make sourdough without adding store yeast? I have, Because it is even in the air we breath. Which Might explain why it is so hard to find point 0. But , I am just mulling it over. I don't have the knowledge to even make a reasonable guess.
  5. BenP

    BenP Monkey+++

    Well it looks like the mainstream news is interested in c auris now:

    A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

    "The genome sequencing showed that there were four distinctive versions of the fungus, with differences so profound that they suggested that these strains had diverged thousands of years ago and emerged as resistant pathogens from harmless environmental strains in four different places at the same time."
    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I haven't seen any thing yet that colloidal silver does not deal with effectively.
    From what I understand about CS is that it suffocates the bacteria , so it cannot become immune.
  7. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    I too use colloidal silver for cuts, sore throat and I even wash my veggies in a mild solution of CS.

    In a systemic situation I'm not sure how colloidal silver would be applied. @arleigh how would you use it in this situation?
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