New Hope for the Pfizer CCP Virus Vaccine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BenP, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I will remain suspicious for as long as I live.
    Though I have endured covid19, and over came it without medical assistance, I too am quite ready to graduate this life.
    Though my brother and his wife got shots.
    I am not taking some experimental drug, never did never will.
    I have never gotten a flu shot and never got the flu though several around me did.
    If I detect flu/cold-like symptoms I drink cider vinegar and honey in a cup of hot water. The faster I act the more chances of beating it. if you lallygag you are giving it time to settle in, and you are accepting it, not fighting it.
    Coved is not the flu, it attacks the brain as well as every other organ in one's body and there are wide variations of the symptoms that are not flu-like at all.
    From what I understand the current (vaccine) alters/enters your body chemistry making you more vulnerable than before. NO THANKS.
    A true vaccine is a diluted form of the parent virus, given so the person can develop their own resistance to it. very different.
    Cruisin Sloth and magicfingers like this.
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