New homestead

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by annie, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. weapons_762

    weapons_762 Monkey+++

    well , we finally got moved into the new home, but still un

    the first week the furnance went out, where's the landlord to fix this problem, opps guess thats me, then we had a busted water pipe, and it seems that it was busted before we moved in, so got that fixed, and all the water facetts? have been replaced due to leaking, but the seller paid for all them, i just had to put them in.
    the bad thing, water pipes had been soldered to the piping, so new water

    the fireplace works real well, burnt about a cord so far, helps give it that homely feel if you know what i mean, comfy.

    anyway , so far so good, hope to have the net by next week or so, untill then i'll be posting from the road..

    till later... Weps Out!
  2. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Look forward to hearing more from you all one you get the web in.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member


    Well, not yet, but obviously we NEED to see what you landed on.
  4. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    Congrats on your find... it sounds like it has "potential!" :)

  5. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

    congrats!! great place!!
  6. RevBushmaster

    RevBushmaster When in doubt use more C4

    I think fireplaces make the home. You may be able to insulate the and seal the home or even replace the windows if the budget allows. Those inserts are much better than a blower and grate but cost a bit more as well! So I would insulate. I am hot natured anyway, so I may be giving you bad advice. I like a fireplace, I'm building a cabin that will be super insulated and use passive solar heat. While I would be the first to agree that, a fireplace is kinda wasteful I like em because you don't have to cut your wood to neat lengths, and if they are designed right, the thermal mass to the thing could keep the house warm long after the fire has went out.

    I cook on them as well , but that’s another thread! Hi everyone I am a newbie and hope to get to know all of ya all.

    : }>
  7. annie

    annie Monkey+++

    Hello to everyone & thanks for the responses. The fireplace has been our life saver, in that it does have the blower fans / cold air return & hot air back out. The furnace quit in the first few weeks and even with a new one, minimum propane delivery at $400. a crack was breaking us up. So glad to see warm weather. We are planning on getting wood thru out the summer, and hope to get wood burning stove in.

    Currently trying to get a garden started. I always thought it was important to fence garden to keep critters out, but some people seem to think it not necessary. Instead use dogs, egg shells to ward off deer, onions & garlic also. We were away for a few days & came back to find that some one's cows came to visit, fertilizer everywhere. They trampled one berry vine & something (them ?) ate the top of another. Sure glad the garden wasn't sitting there for them ! lol

    We were months without internet at home & when we did get it, only one system on line at a time. As of last nite we can now have both systems up & on, sure is nice to be back.
  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Cool, welcome back. Glad to see you again, had started to wonder if you forgot us. lol
  9. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Good to see you again!
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