New Deadly Flu Erupts

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TraumaHawk2011, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I think that by the time the officials announce that there is a pandemic, it'll be too late for the masses. Because it has to be widespread and killing right and left first I believe.
    Tracy and tulianr like this.
  2. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    One of the precious values of the internet. My wife is not cyber minded and tells me news a day or two after it is known here.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  3. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I think of all the 'doomsday' scenarios, a pandemic would be the longest to recover from, even if it would be over quicker than others, because the mass casualties would take a few generations to regain the population. But on the bright side, there'd be a lot less unemployed!
    Tracy likes this.
  4. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    A retired gent I knew as a kid had a saying: "let the goobermint feed you and the Lord lead you". Do not know if he was not a wiser fellow than folks gave him credit for. Seems over 50% of the population is following his first part. Should a pandemic hit I wonder how filled the "handout" centers would be. Not planning on being anywhere near a populated area. My brother has his retreat strongly gated. My gates are stored but the pipes are cemented into place and ready. We can shut down the farm quickly if need be.
    Sapper John and kellory like this.
  5. smithcp2002

    smithcp2002 Monkey+++

    Let the sheep have there feed, net the ants store, and the Eagles fly.
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