Need to develop a vetting process for face to face meetings

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by fortunateson, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. Detentus

    Detentus Monkey+

    Fortunate Son,
    I used to be quite active in blogging and commenting for a local newspaper(on-line), until I received two letters to my home. While there was no implied threat in those letters, I was a bit unnerved that another poster took the trouble to look up my address and send them. The poster knew I had a community blog and knew my full name. I have since stopped blogging. I never give out my name, although I have met a few very nice fellow bloggers with whom I socialize. I'm pretty careful and would never give my name here or on any other forum unless I was absolutely sure with whom I was dealing. BTW, these forums and blogs had nothing to do with prepping.

    I would think if you want to meet like minded people, look into a state forum, or interface with the people in your community, neighbors, etc., but do this cautiously as well. Only one of my neighbors has seen my storage and since he and his wife are in their 70's, they know they can come to my husband and I if need be.

    Never talk to anyone on the phone. There are way too many crazies out there. Stay safe.
  2. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Will do. Thanks.
  3. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    I met many "wannabe's" in a restaurant setting, and talked after meeting for the first time...I only allowed certain individuals that I have known for any amount of time to have my home phone number, much less my home address.
    I was lucky in that respect. I was with 2 "groups" that did not last so long, and splintered away into nothing. I left as soon as I saw the internal conflicts already starting. It is not easy trying to meet with others that are supposed to be "like minded". Many are new to the scene and want to get some ideas, and some assistance. no harm in that. But, there are others that will put your name, address, and phone numbers on a list on the internet, adn if you let them, a complete list of what you have for an inventory! I know, I have seen it done! Scary is not even close to a word that describes that! Can you imagine having a "home invasion" after you met with a "group" that is supposed to be all about "OPSEC"?
    Right after separating from the last group, we chose to remove everything from the home, and put it into 4 different locations.
    I went and piurchased 8 IR cameras, 2 quad monitors and 2 quad controllers..Now that may see a BIT over the top, and even somewhat paranoid. Well we now ONLY have 5 cameras, as the others were shot out with either a pellet or BB gun. Now, who's paranoid? I put bars on all the windows, and replaced the front wooden door with steel pre-hung door, that opoens outwards ( can't be "kicked in"). Yeah, it's a pain! I put doubled guard covers ( expanded metal mesh) on the rear door, with a barred internal door.
    Why all of this? A "few" of the past members of a certain "group" were "HIT" while they were not at home, and they lost most if not all of their inventories!
    People will pay (if they have your REAL name) for your address' etc, online. It can be as cheaply done as $6.95 for a single name, address, and phone numbers...If you want more it costs a bit more! You can get all kinds of information, unlimited, for as little as $29.95! They can get anything they want....When you consider the costs versus what they can gain, they win!
    I have been told that you can run a google search, and given enough time you can find out a lot about people, especially if they have ever been on a forum, done any posting, or what sites they contribute to. That's how one man checked me out! Not good. Oh, and BTW: all of that, NEVER goes away!
  4. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    And you don't realize how much about you is out there.
    Maybe you post a bit on site A. Then you do so on site B. Each time you reveal a bit about yourself. If you tell a total stranger about your activities on A and B, don't be surprised if he can't put together a complete dossier on you!

    The more I think about this stuff, the more I think it's just easier to take close friends and make them into preppers regardless of how oblivious they are.
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