Need Help Discouraging Strangers

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Motomom34, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    For the folks that park on the edge of your roadway...

    Water the lawn. Make sure the water goes out in the street. Put a timer on to ensure your water starts about 5 min B4 the kiddos get out.

    We've posted the property, it seems to help. And we don't answer the door....
    fmhuff, KAS, chelloveck and 2 others like this.
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Of course, always answer the door when a stranger knocks empty handed. Then when they kick in the door you can engage them in a foot race to your weapon and fight them for it before they overpower you and kill you with it.

    And the police confiscated her firearm leaving her defenseless. Brilliant!!

    Sounds like it is time to relocate, @Motomom34
    Motomom34 likes this.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I need to amend this- she got charged with brandishing a weapon. Though she wasn't waving it around, she was just holding it.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Motomom34 likes this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Dawg23 and Tracy like this.
  7. shaman

    shaman Monkey++

    This is just my $.02. Y'all can take it or leave it.

    1) I like the sprinkler thing. I've not had that problem, but that is a nice way to tell folks not to park.
    2) Signage, I don't care how clever or malevolent it generally won't cut it. Half the critters I've bumped into could not read. I have had fairly good luck with a letter posted on the windows at the bunker addressed to the burglars. It's a unique letter for a unique circumstance. I've had only one serious break-in, and that was a bunch of illiterate kids looking for food. Most folks that mean to do harm will ignore any sign.
    3) Cameras , fake or otherwise, seem to be a huge deterrent. You have to keep them up and running to keep them a credible threat. If you are serious about a deterrence, this is the tool.
    4) Be careful using firearms as a deterrent. You can get into a brandishing charge in a hurry. Firearms need to be brought into play only when you seriously afraid for your life, and then they probably be need to be used.
    5) Instead of firearms, think dual-use weapons. A claw hammer, a spade shovel --those are the sort of things that can be shown openly and they get the message across. Again, don't get a brandishing charge. I had one of the locals wave a spade shovel at me a few years ago, and I got him brought up on charges. I know he was just trying to scare me, but it was a credible threat, and it did far more for me than seeking a restraining order. Just having something hand is usually enough.

    To the OP: Look, I don't know what was in your yard, and I don't need to know. If it was valuable, it probably should not have been out in full view to begin with. Ditto for what was on the shed. My place looks like it has seen better days, and what shows is ratty and disheveled. If I'd been talking to the guy, I'd have told him straight up: " Listen, you'd better leave. This neighborhood has had a lot of break-ins lately, and the cops are regularly patrolling. I frankly don't trust you." In a similar vein, I got a bunch of panhandlers to move away from my favorite downtown watering hole once by telling them the manager had been talking to the police and they were going to be cracking down. I even suggested another place to go beg. They disappeared and never came back.
  8. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Check the legal stuff regarding NO TRESSPASING signs. Second if you own firearms research (as in no interweb advice) YOUR local firearm laws. Open carry (even in one's home) might not be lawful in all locations, carrying in hand (one or two) could be construed as "brandishing" and actually POINTING the gun is considered "ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON" even if you do not shoot.

    A camera (video or still) could be your best friend in resolving trespassing issues.

    Not every person wandering around is a thief, rapist, child snatcher or murderer. Sometimes people actually do get lost.

    HOWEVER, caution is always advised for minors, women and folks of smaller stature.
    If there are no personal objections to carrying a sidearm, purchase a good concealment holster and get lots of range time practicing your draw, presentation and firing two at center mass.

    Castle laws are all good but when it comes down to standing in the courtroom you need to have the law and jury on your side. Deadly force is ALWAYS the last resort unless the SH has hit TF.
    Motomom34 and kellory like this.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    A Shotgun carried in one hand, is nothing more than a glorified BaseBall Bat, as it is NOT a threatening carry... It is the same as a holstered Pistol, or a Rifle slung over your back shoulder. One MUST MAKE a transfer of Position, from that Carry, to bring these weapons into a Position of Menacing Carry, where they might be fired. Is Colorado and Open Carry State? If so you are covered.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  10. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Big Dogs, are straight up the answer. I have 2 , a German Shepard and a Dalmatian/ Lab mix, looks like a Black Dalmatian. Neither of them are socialized with anyone outside our family. They are ferocious when they see someone come near our gate. I have a Make My Day policy here, whether the State does is not my concern until it is! I am completely fenced and have a gate that is closed when we are not leaving and locked when we do. My dogs cannot get out and run the Property when we are not home and at night.
    We have a lot of Meth-heads here, but I have never had a problem, though many of my neighbors have.
    Get A Big Dog!! and don't turn it into a Sissy!:rolleyes:
  11. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    So all points covered... Signs, cameras etc...
    One last thing to consider : local sheriff call him up and made an app... chat and they will have some suggestions and better yet he and his men know the trespasser problem and stop by for coffee to check on you...

    Consider if you live in city limits to have same kind of convo with Community liaison officer. What this does is gets you some ideas that are legal AND it puts the police on notice for your area.... That way if you have problems they have been briefed. Also ask community liaison for the contact information for the on duty Sargent for all three shifts.

    I know that is a lot of work but it's really about building community connections for long term survival.
    Motomom34, Tracy and kellory like this.
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    2 words. Open Carry.
    Other words are Fence, Rottweiler
    Brokor, Dont, Motomom34 and 2 others like this.
  13. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    I second Ganado's suggestion. Talk to your local LEO's. Let them know what happened. Ask if there've been any incidents in your area that had the same type of beginning. If you're talking to them, and asking how they'd like you to handle it, that's a great way to establish a positive relationship with them.
    Motomom34 and kellory like this.
  14. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Open carry is a yes in CO except Denver. Castle Doctrine- yes but Stand your ground- No. As I understand you need to retreat into your home then you can defend yourself but only if they come inside?
    Ganado likes this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You can't have "Open Carry" and then be convicted of "brandishing" for just Open Carrying a FireArm... Brandishing requires a positive, and menacing movement with the FireArm, where just Open Carrying a FireArm, in an Open Carry State, can not be construed as Brandishing, as per a SCOTUS Ruling on Probable Cause, a few years back. Single Hand carrying a ShotGun, in an Open Carry State, is NOT A Criminal Offense, and does NOT constitute Probable Cause, for ANYTHING.
  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Was your friend in Denver,city or county of?
    If so, that's why. They are EXTREMELY anti gun, and literally make up their own rules and have for years. Jeffco county is similar. Samesame for the people's republik of Boulder. Can't add much to what the others have said. The driveway alarms are good-we use them here. A fence/gate should be on the "must have soonest list". I was told that I needed signs posted every 100' @ my ranch to be legal AND they needed to be signed by me. Haven't a clue as to your layout, but even a small split rail type fence around the yard will provide a reasonable expectation of privacy as required by Colorado state law. I would notify the local LEO's just so you have proof you did "follow the rules" for any future uses. The fake camera idea is good-and cheaper than the real ones. If you can swing a CCTV system, then by all means do so. Get the stickers for the windows and a "this property is security system monitored" sign from ADT or some other company,they will sell then to you.
    Yard Dart and Motomom34 like this.
  17. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Fence might not be an option but a camera or something that looks like a camera and signs would help. I should ask a local LEO but hate to draw attention to myself.

    So I looked and you are very correct. For years I have been collecting old tools and saws, fun interesting rusted stuff and tacked it up on the shed. I saw the idea in rustic living or something. But you are correct, it is a magnet. Same with what is in the yard. I know now I need to take stuff off the shed and remove the interesting stuff from the lawn area. Make it plain.

    Kids would love a big dog. Can't guarantee it won't become a sissy. Our other dog was friendly as anything. He only growled at a few people and I took notice. I believe dogs can sense good and bad.

    @Tully Mars she was in one of the 3 you named.
    Yard Dart and Tully Mars like this.
  18. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    The dog next door to me, just adores me, but let's very FEW other people near the yard. He is a Dane, and highly protective of his domain/family.
    He will rub heads with me, and nuzzle me, but even I have trouble introducing him to others. He is very gentle, as long as he knows you belong there, but scares the crap out of many walking by. I've seen adults change the side of the street they were walking on to get away from him.
    So he could be truly sissified with family, and still pull guard duty.
  19. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Our Rotties are a lot the same way...if you are a friend they are sweethearts...if you are not and come on their turf, they are a really great cure for constipation...
  20. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    A plain "Beware of Dog" sign every 50 feet will deter until you get another dog. Also, have an obvious chain in the yard (big 3/8 job) with a gnarled up collar that has been broken if you want to have a little fun.
    Add in a "No soliciting" sign.
    A door vibration alert that has a barking dog sound will do wonders if you're away. Most homes are broken into during the day.

    You can add a wireless driveway alert that basically acts as a doorbell to let you know someone's coming. But, there's not really any substitute for a properly trained German Shepherd, especially at night.

    Initially, I would shy away from open-carry, but have something in my pocket. Having a can of pepper-spray might be a good first-contact weapon--I have a small can in the door handle of my truck. But, for a problem or continued visitor, a shotgun sends a clear message that you're not buying anything today.

    Keep a small pad with you to take down car make/model/color/tag to give to the cops . . .
    Yard Dart, Ganado and Tully Mars like this.
  1. Ganado
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