that's why you are on ignore: I would love to give the woman credit for her skills. I give her credit for her courage and heroism, but she did not act alone. I'm not sure the outcome would be the same had she not had another person coordinating with her and intentionally was distracting the gunman. By the way the distraction guy (brave sob) did get shot. He was one of the people that went to the hospital with wounds. NOBODY CAN BE SURE THE outcome would be the same if it happened even one hour later and those (three?) people never crossed paths just exactly as they did, training just allows you to adapt to the situation more quickly by nailing down basic skills and hopefully freeing up room on the cerebral "hard drive" to process the situation. it's not a guarantee nor is buying a smokin hot custom 1911 a guarantee. Iit depends on how the millions of variables play out for real.Let me say it again. FOR REAL. Assem credits God(cnn this am);"because of the arsenal he was carrying." According to you she could not have survived.God(fate?) disagreed. You have been proven wrong. She's alive; another 19 year old lonely whacko with a rifle bites the dust. back to ebay.
Ditto. Hartage, I agree that the simulators that the military/LE run through are excellent teaching tools. These however are not the same as what the public plays with. Doom/Duke Nukem/FEAR/Medal Of Honor/Quake/Wolfenstein, etc. are not the same as the hi tech, hi dollar simulators.
She was fired from the PD for a "Truthfulness" issue and lost again during arbitration. It's still funny how the news is focusing on "Ex-police person" stops crime instead of CCW citizen stops mass murder. This was an ordinary CCW person that saw her duty and did it and we can't have armed citizens defending themselves! this could get way out o hand.
Is this the guy? Larry Bourbannais had decided after the Columbine massacre what he would do if he were ever in a similar situation, so when shots rang out in the church he attended, the heroic Vietnam veteran acted decisively.“I promised myself after Columbine, and I told my four daughters, that if something like that every happened and I was there, I would go after the shooter, because you want to protect people,” the 59-year-old Bourbannais told TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira on Tuesday. Bourbannais had been in a cafeteria in the sprawling church grounds eating a hamburger on Sunday when he heard gunshots. As others fled the church in terror, Bourbannais hurried toward the shooting scene, constantly asking, “Where’s the shooter? Where’s the shooter?” Early on Sunday morning, Matthew Murray, 24, the home-schooled son of devoutly Christian parents, had shot and killed two people at the Youth With a Mission training center in a Denver suburb. Twelve hours later, police say, he drove to Colorado Springs and started shooting in the parking lot of the New Life church before walking inside the church building as a service was letting out, shooting as he went. He took two more lives at the church. He was in the building when Bourbannais arrived. “I ran and heard the gunfire and it was roaring like thunder,” Bourbannais told Vieira. He saw a male security guard with his gun drawn, but the guard was not firing at the Murray. “I said, ‘Gimme your handgun. I’ve been in combat. I’m going to take this guy out,’ ” he said, adding he repeated the request four or five times, but the guard would not hand him the weapon. Bourbannais was behind a pillar at the time, deciding what to do next. “The only thing I could think to do was walk out from the pillar so the gunman would see me,” he said. “He was a man in black, but he sure wasn’t Johnny Cash. “So I yelled, ‘Coward!’ stood out, and our eyes met and he lifted his rifle, fired, and I took a few fragments – very minor – in my left forearm.” Bourbannais stepped behind the pillar again and repeated his demand that the security guard give him a gun so he could take the shooter out. When he got no response, Bourbannais stepped out from behind the pillar to confront Murray again. At that point, another security guard, 42-year-old Jeanne Assam, arrived with her gun drawn. Unlike the male guard, she was using hers. “They were engaged in a firefight. He was firing. She was firing,” Bourbannais said. “And she was completely exposed. I was in Vietnam for 14 months in combat, and it’s the bravest thing I’ve ever witnessed. She kept yelling, ‘Surrender,’ and returned fire the complete time.” Bourbannais walked parallel to her toward Murray as Assam shot him. “As he slumped down and his head tilted, I said to her, ‘That’s the calmest, bravest thing I‘ve ever seen. How did you do it?’ “ he said. “She said ‘I was praying and asking the Holy Spirit the entire time to guide me.’ ” Vieira asked Bourbannais if he realized that he could have been killed. “I figured my chances were 30 percent,” he said, as calm as if he were describing a trip to the corner store. “It’s the grace of God,” he said. “Like Jeanne, we’re both followers of Christ. I want to give God the glory, because I’m convinced He spared us that day.”
Let's see what The Brady bunch says about the the church shooting. Uhmm silence.CCW does work, and gun free zones don't.
No, they'll chime in on it. Claiming if there were stricter gun laws then they guy would not have had access to the weapons and thus no church shooting. They will completely ignore the CCW side of it
she was an "armed/ trained security guard" not just joe blow from the range.. Unfortunately; I wouldn't expect them (the antis) to give too much credit to any ccw argument..but it is one more strike against mr kalashnikovs namesake being sold to civilians.
Hey I played Astriods when I was young, so I should be ready to fly the space shutlle don't you think. OGM
Lots of quarters invested in "battle zone": I should be an m1 abrahms combat commander! izzatwhattheymean by close a "quarters" it's just getting abusive.
Amazing, do you not know anything but personal attacks ? I'm actually feeling sorry for you. Maybe it's like OCD and not really in your controll.
You are right, in many cases the "games" use far higher resolutions and frame rates than the "simulators". They are more advanced than the simulators. The difference in the past was style of play, arcade style or simulation style (much harder). The vast majority now have gone the simulation route because the arcade route has lost it's fizzle. Go play "americas soldier" a recruitment tool for the millitary. Or any of the newer first person shooters. You'll see what I mean. You just might be surprised as to what is shown/taught there.
The YF 22 and the JSF are suspected to be the last manned air superiority aircraft we are going to have. The next generation after are going to be un-manned robotic aircraft. Guided by some guy with a joystick basicly playing a game. We already have robot mounted sniper and assault rifle platforms that are joystick controlled remotely. Dinasaurs like you just want to hold on to the past. Airplanes were mocked as impossible before the wright brothers. You mock 3d artificial constructs as a valid training tool. Mankind does not move forward because of people like you. You mentioned that you can buy things at walmart now the you would have killed for back in your day (surveilance cameras) Do you understand now the tools regular people are exposed to every day ? Does not matter though. Even if people like you won't accept it others are and the future will come anyways.
Lol, no wonder you live in the hills. Our space program is one of our first adopters of game based training. It is too expensive and dangerous to train using real space equiptment so we use 3d games. So our REAL shuttle pilots are training on games. Lol....
What an amazing "discussion" , I will do my best to shed a little perspective on a few things . First of the notion that video gaming is such a wonderful training tool is partially correct . Have you ever played a 1st person shooter game ? I have , Quake II , Rainbow Six and Counterstrike in many of it's upgraded versions . Do you even know what you get for sights in these games ? When using ANY weapon with open sights your view "if right hand" is that of the right side and top of the weapon and your sights are a simple + floating in midair that you control with your mouse . Use a scoped rifle and all you get is the same as if you looked through any scope and kept your other eye completely closed . Now I don't know about you folks but I shoot my scoped deer rifles with both eyes open in order to judge distance to the target . Now lets dispel the myth of all of this somehow teaching people to shoot . Do you want to know why the kids are so great at these games ? In one simple two word sentence , They CHEAT !! You need to understand that for each and every popular game out there there are cheats galore . The three most useful when it comes to shooter games are 1 an AimBot , 2 A Speed Hack , and lastly a Wall Hack . As I am sure many have surmised 1 is an auto aim program that makes missing almost imposable 2 increases the speed at which the players character moves and 3 allows them to look through Walls . Now if we could transform these wonderful cheats into the real world well just about any 15 YO kid would be almost invincible with a "Deagle" which is what they call a Desert Eagle in Counterstrike . The only truly useful thing "if you consider it in those terms" these games have is the ability to desensitize them to killing people . In other words it teaches them resolve without hesitation . I think anyone else who is determined to save his or her life "or that of other innocents" and has real weapons experience is still way ahead in the game for one major reason , the kids may be prepared to die but how prepared are they to be wounded ? Suppose you get a lucky shot off and shatter some little punks knee or elbow when he is in the middle of his killing spree ? I have a gut feeling if you did this few if any of these mall killers would drag themselves over to their weapon to continue firing , but would instead suddenly want to live and request medical help . I have to admit in this day in age with terrorism I would be very hesitant to go searching for an active shooter by the sound of gunfire , the chance of running into two or more shooters would greatly concern me if I were alone no matter what I was armed with .
You make some good points but I think you've missed others. Games now are getting away from the mysterious floating + sights. Much like the flight sims before got away from arcade style and turned into simulations. Today sights don't float, you use the open sights on the gun (if it has it) and the rest of the gun partialy blocks your view. You can still "shoot from the hip" but no more floating + so where the bullets land is a guestimated thing. Counter strike and the games you mentioned are what ? 7 years or more ago. Those are several lifetimes in the evolution of games. The "simulator" trend has long invaded first person shooters like it did aircraft games long ago. Of course now we know "sims" are a mainstay a very large part of training with our real pilots.
When I was doing first shooter training in the service is was called the Miles system, and it wasn’t sitting on my arse looking at a video screen, Do a search on miles system.
The Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System or MILES is used by the United States armed forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Jointcolors.jpg" class="image" title="United States Joint Service Color Guard on parade at Fort Myer"><img alt="United States Joint Service Color Guard on parade at Fort Myer" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/d/d4/Jointcolors.jpg/300px-Jointcolors.jpg and other armed forces around the world for training purposes. It uses Laser - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Military_laser_experiment.jpg" class="image"><img alt="Military laser experiment.jpg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/a/a0/Military_laser_experiment.jpg/300px-Military_laser_experiment.jpg and to simulate actual battle. Individual soldiers carry small laser receivers scattered over their bodies, which detect when the soldier has been shined by a firearm's laser. Each laser transmitter is set to mimic the effective range of the weapon on which it is used. When a person is "hit," a medic can use the digital readout to determine which first aid method to practice. Different versions of MILES systems are available both within the US and internationally. The capabilities of the individual systems can vary significantly but in general all modern systems carry information about the shooter, weapon and ammunition in the laser. When this information is received by the target, the target's MILES system determines the result of the 'hit' using a random number roll and a table lookup. As a result a MILES emulating an M16 rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:M16a1m16a2m4m16a45wi.jpg" class="image"><img alt="M16a1m16a2m4m16a45wi.jpg" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/b8/M16a1m16a2m4m16a45wi.jpg/260px-M16a1m16a2m4m16a45wi.jpg rifle cannot destroy an Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), but could still kill a commander visible in the hatch of the vehicle. Vehicles are typically outfitted with a belt of laser sensors while dismounted troops often wear a vest or harness with sensors as well as a 'halo' of sensors on their helmets. Often these MILES systems are coupled with a real-time datalink allowing position and event data to be transmitted back to a central site for data collection and display. More sophisticated systems for tanks and APCs exist that use various techniques (including scanning lasers and coupled radio systems) to allow more precise targeting of armored vehicles.