Navy Yard shooting thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DarkLight, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Conditioning us to be complacent in the actions of the police and .gov They don't want you to remember you have rights and freedom.
  2. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    To be expected from skeert sheeple. Personally, I like a former (10 years ago) coworker's take on it: skeert ain't no way to go through life.

    Or what YD said: conditioning.
  3. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    Pretty soon the whole country will declare martial law when a Senator gets a paper cut and nobody will think anything of it.
    Tracy likes this.
  4. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    Texas and CC permit will give the antis plenty to bs about
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  6. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    [tinfoil101] Ahhh, they could use that as a platform to make conceal carry much harder to get- nationalalize the permit process and circumvent states rights, by the example of this guy having a record and still able to obtain a CC permit.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    True, I believe they are conditioning us. When 9/11 happened no one shelter in place. The reports were how NY'ers kept going. It is getting more extreme. I also find it interesting that one hour after this started the news was reporting that the shooter had an AR-15 but they couldn't tell us what the shooter looked like. I read that Jay Carney has already come out and said,
    Jay Carney on Navy Yard, other shootings: 'This is why we should take action' on gun control |
  8. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    Uh oh. I think I need to stop by Sams Club on my way home and pick up some industrial size packs of tin foil... Just was this head line: "Obama vows justice for those behind 'cowardly act' at Navy Yard". I thought there was not terrorism involved. Only a lone work place violence shooter. Does this statement mean he plans to reveal previously manufactured links to Syria? Or some domestic militia group? The stuff DHS agents are planted in the shooter's home yesterday?
    Brokor likes this.
  9. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    Or is he thinking every gun owner in America is somehow behind this?
  10. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    wait. old report. from earlier today before they knew anything about what was happening.
  11. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    Motomom34 likes this.
  12. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Hadn't seen anything yet that confirms he had a permit. If he did, is it reciprocal with DC? (Yeah, right---)
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
  13. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Thanks for sharing that article. Just makes no sense. Did he work there or not? Was he PO'ed at the Navy?

    Are they still looking for more shooters or not?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    If he had a less than Honorable discharge then he could not have a CHL from Texas.

    Firearms charge in 2010
    But a police report filed in September 2010 painted a different picture of Alexis.
    Records show that he was arrested for discharging a firearm within a municipality.
    Police were dispatched to the Oak Hills apartments about 6:40 p.m. Sept 4, 2010, on a report that someone had fired a shot through the floor and into the ceiling of a woman’s apartment, according to a Fort Worth police report.
    The woman told police she had been sitting in a chair when she heard a loud pop and saw dust.
    “She then saw that there was a hole in her floor just a couple of feet from where she was sitting while shredding papers and a hole in the ceiling,” the report states. “She told me that she believed someone had shot a bullet through her apartment.”
    The woman told police that Alexis, her downstairs neighbor, did not come up to check on her after the shooting.
    She said that Alexis had called police on her several times in the past for “being loud” but that police never heard anything and therefore, no action was taken.
    “She said that several days ago Aaron confronted her in the parking lot about making too much noise,” the report states.
    The woman told police that she was “terrified” of Alexis and felt the shooting was done intentionally.
    The report states police attempted to contact Alexis at his apartment but received no response.
    Fearing someone could be hurt, police had called the Fire Department to the scene to attempt to force entry into the man’s apartment. When firefighters arrived on the scene, however, Alexis came outside voluntarily and told officers he had been cleaning his gun when it went off.
    “He said that he was trying to clean his gun while cooking and that his hands were slippery. He told me that he began to take the gun apart when his hands slipped and pulled the trigger, discharging a round into the ceiling,” the report states.
    “When asked why he didn’t call police or go check on the resident above him, Aaron said that he didn’t think it went all the way through since he couldn’t see any light through the hole,” the report states.
    Alexis told police he thought people would dismiss the noise as a firecracker.
    “I then asked why he wouldn’t answer the door when I knocked and he said that he thought it was just his upstairs neighbor and he didn’t want to talk to her because she is always making noise,” the report states.
    Police arrested Alexis at the scene on suspicion of discharging a firearm in a municipality, a Class A misdemeanor. He was released from jail the next day, Tarrant County records show, and was never formally charged in the case.
    “After reviewing the facts presented by the police department, it was determined that the elements constituting recklessness under Texas law were not present and a case was not filed,” said Melody McDonald, a spokeswoman with the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office.
    The Orion at Oak Hill apartments in Fort Worth began eviction efforts against Alexis later in September 2010. Records show that he moved from the Oak Hill apartments in December 2010.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I find it very unusual, that the Metro DC Police were the ones called for an issue on a NAVY Base.... Isn't it a Marine, or ShorePatrol Issue, for Base Protection? Not having been in the .MIL, I am just not that familiar with Base Security, other than at NRTS in Idaho which was Marines, Shimia, Alaska which was Air Force MPs, and Adak, AK which was Marines and Shore Patrol. I understand much of the old Base was turned over to the City of DC, but this was in a NAVY Command HQ Building.... shouldn't that be a .MIL Response?
    Icefoot and Motomom34 like this.
  16. stg58

    stg58 Your message may have been removed or altered. Founding Member

    Glock and AR-15.

    The old AD while cleaning a loaded weapon excuse, happens to me all the time...
    Here is the incident report, from the Fort Worth police department.

    “On Saturday 09-04-10 at approximately 1849 hrs I, Officer M Medders 3835 working W237, was dispatched to an apt complex, Orion at Oak Hill Apts, at 2450 Oak Hill Rd in reference to a shots fired call. The details of the call stated “CP STS SHE HEARD A ‘POP’ & SAW SMOKE & DUST; NOW SEES THAT THERE IS A HOLE IN HER FLOOR & ANOTHER IN HER CEILING; BELIEVES SOMEONE JUST SHOT INTO HER APT; DID NOT SEE ANYTHING OR ANYONE; CP HAS MOVED AWAY FROM AREA WHERE HOLES ARE; CONTACT CP”. Upon arrival I met with the witness who was inside her apt and visibly shaken up.

    “She told that she was sitting in a chair when she heard the loud pop and saw the dust. She then saw that their was a hole in her floor just a couple of feet from where she was sitting while shredding papers and a hole in the ceiling. She told me that she believed someone had shot a bullet through her apt. She then told me that no one from downstairs had come up to talk to her and she had not gone down. She also told me that her downstairs neighbor ARR (Alexis,Aaron) has called the police several times on her for being loud however the police always said they didn’t hear anything and no action was taken. She said that several days ago Aaron confronted her in the parking lot about making too much noise. June told me that she is terrified of Aaron and feels that this was done intentionally. I then relocated to apt and attempted to make contact with Aaron 3 separate times by knocking on his door and I received no response.

    “Due to the fact that someone could be hurt I called FD for a possible forced entry however when FD arrived Aaron came outside on his own. I made contact with Aaron who informed me that he did have a gun and he said that he was cleaning it when it went off. He said that he was trying to clean his gun while cooking and that his hands were slippery. He told me that he began to take the gun apart when his hands slipped and pulled the trigger discharging a round into the ceiling. He said he was sitting on the floor facing toward the large couch in his living room. When asked why he didn’t call police or go check on the resident above him, Aaron said that he didn’t think it went all the way through since he couldn’t see any light through the hole. In regards to the noise he said he thought that people would just think it was a firecracker. I then asked why he wouldn’t answer the door when I knocked and he said that he thought it was just his upstairs neighbor and he didn’t want to talk to her because she is always making noise. While inside the apt I looked at the gun which was taken apart at this time. A gun cleaning kit was located next to the gun and the gun was covered in oil.

    “After investigating the situation, Aaron was taken to 350 W. Belknap and booked. A report was generated.”
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
  17. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Many post have taken the MP's off gate duty and turned perimeter security to civilian GS type roles.
  18. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yes and this was mostly a civie work force.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    That doesn't seem very safe. This place is supposedly a very important place and they don't have military. Seems like and accident waiting to happen, oh wait, it did.
  20. bfayer

    bfayer Keeper Of The Faith

    They do have a small military security force. But nothing set up to handle something like this.

    Navy Yard is a pretty small facility compared to most other bases. Think small town college campus size.
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