What was done in the past cannot be rectified. It's 200 yrs in the past. The individuals involved are dead. We cannot bring them back. To continue to argue over the past is what continues to divide us. When did justice become about money? And more import when did equal OPPORTUNITY begin to be interpreted as equality? The truth is there never is equality but we all have the opportunity to fit in to the status or social structure of the group we choose. All it takes is time and effort. As an example I will never be equal to mechanics, welders or electricians, I simple don't have the skill set. Could I develop this skills? Absolutely because still in this country I have the opportunity (equal opportunity even though I am female and these are traditionally masculine roles). So for me living in the past or living in regret about something that happened before I was born is a waste of the precious life I have been given. There are so many wonderful things today (there alot of things in decline in America) but to live in the past is a waste of this one precious life we have been given. As my grandpa use to say With one foot in the past and one in the future all you can do is piss on today.
EEk. We shouldn't have government trying to solve problems. They're just so damn...ineffective it hurts. Dunno if most managers have this problem, but you've got to be very careful what questions you ask in an interview. They can be one-eyed, lazy, stupid, not want to work at all, have so many medical problems it wouldn't help you at all because they will just call off and claim FMLA. But, you had better not inquire, not even once! Shoot, being a female isn't even an issue. Finding Americans to work who aren't accustomed to suckling on unemployment or sponging off the parents is really hard work in itself! Whatever happened to having the equal opportunity to prove ones self or get tossed out because you're costing your employer more money than you're worth? MURICA.