NatGeo: Doomsday Preppers 2011

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UGRev, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    cool, not having a tv tho and not paying much attention to youtube... i didnt know this
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Confected controversy sells better than prosaic facts

    Agreed about the biased slant of the documentary maker, but it seems like a case of telling the "normal" people what they want to's only crazies who fill their houses to the ceiling with baked beans and toilet paper against such outrageously far fetched events as planet killing coronal mass ejections. They seem to forget...or choose not to consider that prepping for the most part, is for credible events that are historically common enough to be of prudent concern.

    The documentary producers make their money from being popular revenue producing entertainment....and the "sexier ' and more controversial it may be perceived to be, the better the ratings and the greater the advertising demographic draw.

    Some who watch it will get quite a lot of inspiration and practical value from it....others in their materialistic coccoons of wealth and comfort will shake their heads in disbelief ......until their coccoons of wealth and comfort are ripped away from them by some disaster that they never prepared for...then they will again shake their heads in disbelief for different reasons.

    I had similar trouble accessing the aquaponic video clip...I think it is a glitch with the web page.
    tacmotusn and UGRev like this.
  3. johnnybgoode

    johnnybgoode Monkey+

    I and the Mrs. watched this as well. We could not believe they agreed to allow NATGEO to name the metro city they lived in, show pictures of their homes and family members. Everybody in their neighborhood knows where to go to get food if things get bad.
    Falcon15 likes this.
  4. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    did you ever consider that those may have been actors just posing?
    hollywood and any film maker are in the business of making the artificial into reality
  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    When someone says, "Why does he need CASES of XXXXXXX?"

    I opine, "Cause it's a lot cheaper NOW than it'll be in a few months....!"

    I 'Prep' so I don't have to merely 'Survive'. [beer]
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Far be it from " Me" to assume the reasons why these folks decided to allow themselves to be filmed, but from my point of view their OPSec is
    Blown, and if anyone else is paying attention, they are wide open, for exploitation. I get my basic OPSec, by living so far out that it does not matter
    If others know exactly where I live, because getting there, on foot, is near impossible, and any other method, post SHTF, will be easy to monitor, and defend. ...... YMMV.........
    fedorthedog and Falcon15 like this.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Chances of me bugging out are quite slim. A federal warrant for my arrest might do it however. Your area would look real good then. As for defenses, I personally know of a real good man with a long rifle or a m60 if one could be obtained for targets airborne or asea. Need a spare[gun]Might be interesting getting to your AO via sailboat. I am a bit of a coastal gunkholer
  8. Catullus

    Catullus Monkey+++

    Totally Agree! I may be new to prepping but I thought the whole goal of it was to not let everyone know.
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Surely isn't a goal, but is good sense.

  10. beast

    beast backwoodsman

    been naggin at my son in law
    he likes to brag at work about his preps
    i asked him bluntly the other day
    "when things go bad, what you gonna do ab out the 100 or so peeps you been braggin to, when they show up on your doorstep wanting food?"
    i think hes startin to rethink his braggin, too bad its really too late
  11. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    About time he had a major pipe burst and ruin his preps....
    beast likes this.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Tac, your welcome at my fire, ANYTIME....

    Beast, Witch Doc has the answer for your SIL... and he should be-moan
    his loss, as loud and as long as his bragging.... then just maybe he ca regain his OPSec, in place, if he is lucky... if not, he either will have to move or have a Whole Pile of Ammo.... .... HMMV........
    Falcon15 and beast like this.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    There are countless soundbytes on the television in practically every show on "crazy" people who don't fit in with the rest of society, and among those labeled as such are in fact people who store food and ammunition. A recent movie, "Red" depicts John Malkovich as a crazy survivalist ex-spy with a fallout bunker complete with gas masks and stores of supplies, who is constantly living in fear of being killed. Most folks don't see the way Hollywood has used these stereotypes (some say in harmless fashion) to convey the idea to impressionable minds and the subconscious.

    The reason I bring this up, is because I would be more concerned with others turning you in to "authorities" as the economy and "terr0r15m" becomes worse, instead of showing up at your doorstep looking for a handout. Both are likely in a SHTF situation, but out of the two, I feel the Stazzi retribution style scenario is more likely. Even little kids are used (Boy Scouts, YMCA, daycare) to spy on parents and neighbors, reporting to the Fusion Centers around the country on a daily basis. So, yes --it is important to keep your prepping on low key.

    There are a lot of zombies out there who actually believe the official government solution to their daily problems and what Oprah thinks. My brother is married to one.
    KB01, beast, IceNiner and 2 others like this.
  14. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Brokor, you have my sympathy for your lack of intelligent In-Laws
  15. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    LOL, well she is a pretty nice lady. I cannot allow my own perceptions get in the way of the family unit. That said, I think this is more common than some will even care to admit; there is a certain level of secrecy which must be maintained when prepping at all times. It's quite sad that some people have become so complacent or wrapped up in this bubble that surrounds modern life that they have entirely missed the most important point of all: self preservation. It was no mistake that the greatest minds of Nazi Germany were spirited away to our own government funded laboratories and centers of study. Where the prize sought after by the psychological warfare agents was just out of reach in the 1940's, it later became obtainable through careful indoctrination and incremental alterations of traditional authority in our own nation.

    There now exists an army of zombies, fully willing to cling to their lifeline at any cost. When the true reality of what we face is introduced, their programmed response is to resist it. This means the house with the high mortgage, the new car every 4 years, the fine furniture and the swimming pool --all of this means more to them than liberty, because liberty has never been promoted on the same level as conformity, at least not in 100 years or more. When a programmed receptor like a "survivalist" enters their fragile reality matrix, the defense mechanics kick in, and there will be no alternative for the zombie but to protect the life they have grown accustomed to. As the economy continues to plummet, and the police state steadily increases its presence, even a word or two spoken out of perceived concern can label the survivalist type with a death sentence. "Come back to us...we're worried for you...we want you to be like us...the sane...the happy...the normal ones...come back and join us...we mean you no harm...we love you," this is their nature, and it is most dangerous.

    They have been trained to love their own enslavement.
    beast likes this.
  16. IceNiner

    IceNiner Monkey+

    I like the zombie comparisons, but actually, monster-movie wise, I think the pod people from the Invasion of the Body Snatchers folks are a lot more apt. "Sleep, then become like us... or else!"
  17. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    More like The Matrix. Sheeple are 'plugged in' to the System, feeding it with their consumption and taxes. They have only the illusion of being independent free-thinking human beings......

    Oh crap..... now I'm starting to sound like Brokor...... forgive me..... :rolleyes:
  18. bluedog

    bluedog Monkey+

    Interesting I sure thought differently than many of you. I thought the bent was much less wacko crazy than other MSM efforts I've seen. Even the retreat guy with the wood fueled truck said he's not afraid - because of his preps. I thought the show covered those only thinking of inflation to Utah guy vaugely ready for full blown nukes.

    Of course OPSEC sucks, my wife wondered about the guy doing the welding on the underground access hatch - if not a team member - where is he going to go when TSHTF? Also the film crew. Interesting thought that it could be all Hollywood staged.

    The "experts" who commented on each unit sure didn't show their faces on camera or volunteer tours of their supplies and situation.

    Online reference last week had me tuning in last Sunday. Is this a weekly show or what?
  19. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    David & Scott are a pair of outstanding guys. [beer] They definately aren't actors. They knew what NG would mostly likely do with the show and they decided to do it anyway. They went into it with eyes wide open. Brokor's first response to the thread is spot on. It's all an illusion.

    If you'd like their YouTube names drop me a PM. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I gave that info out here but for now I'm not going to post it. You can watch their videos and learn quite a bit from them.

  20. bluedog

    bluedog Monkey+

    Thanks for the offer but our old box and cheap dial up make utube (or any video for that matter) too tedius and not worth the trouble. We'll just read for now. Money and effort is going in other directions (wink wink nod nod).
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