My Liberal Diary

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 35, My Liberal Diary

    I am sitting off-shore on a ship pulling security for the military to conduct weapons tests; it’s a pretty boring job, just sitting here at anchor unless a fishing boat or ship tries to breech the security perimeter of the bomb-test range. Some days, they shoot missiles, some day they use drones, other days they might use jet fighters or helicopter gunships, it’s pretty much just target practice. They have these drone boats that pull targets through the firing area and blow them up. Then they go around gathering the target boat debris for disposal. I am probably breeching security protocal by mentioning any of this so I won’t go into any details about it except to say that the drones gave me an idea. I suspect that some of our elected leaders may be drones or automotons. I remember years ago, down in the Dry Tortugas, we made a commercial for John West tuna that featured a giant antomotronic shark. It was 28 feet long and sort of a hybrid between a Great White, a Tiger, snd Mako; a really vicious looking shark, if you discounted the hydraulic umbilicals running from what should have been his anal vent. He gnashed his teeth, swam, thrashed around rolling his eyes and biting at stuff. They used this same shark in Movies like The Deep Blue Sea and The Perfect Storm, so many of you have probably seen this shark. Thinking about this made me want go back to the election and view some video and I am convinced that Hillary Clinton was a robot. I believe the great number of surrounding entourage were there soley to hide and move her umbilical around. I just do not believe that a real human could possibly tell so many lies and keep such a straight and sincere expression. At first, I believed it was a new twist of The Stepford Wives, but after some serious thought, have determined that Hillary was actually a automotronic politician and being controlled by the same folks that gave us Obama and Bush. This would explain why her platform

    always smelled so fishy!

    This revelation opened another important question; just like the Wizard of Oz, who was the man behind the curtains? Who was pulling her strings? Well, it is pretty obvious that the only way her control could have been so disjointed was if there were a committee in charge of her operation. Don’t forget that a camel is actually a horse designed by a committee.
    Tully Mars, Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  3. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    @Seacowboys I think you fell off the liberal bench [touchdown]:lol:

    or did you just roll over :D
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 36, My Liberal Diary
    The most wonderful thing about Hollywood being our statesmen, is that they make their entire living pretending to be someone else and that is the nature of being a liberal. If they can't pull it off by script, their part can always be animated, voice-overed, green-screened and even automatrons used to represent them so they can be on a number of platforms in different areas all at the same time!
    I hear now the Barbra Streisand is getting fat because of Donald Trump. I'll bet Rosie McDonalds is blaming him too. I Don't think that if she porks out a bit, it will effect her market in the LGTB community. they still listen to Judy Garland and she's been dead for decades. I hear that Michael Moore is planning to promote a world-wide concert event with Barbra, Rosie, Whoopi, and Richard Simmons performing the Village People classic, YMCA. I hope they take up my suggestion and use it as a recruitment drive to join and take over the NRA.
    On the home-front, we broke an anchor cable this morning on my watch around 03:00 and had to put back into port at Destin, the seas were just too high to remain outside and I couldn't type with my computer sliding all over the place. My son used to sail with me. He's no longer with us and I miss him even if he was a right-wanger just like his mother. He married a liberal and she made him give up the things he enjoyed most in life. I am sure that if they had remained married, he would be sporting a man-bun and flannel shirts by now. Remembering how she tried to change him I have decided not to try to convert my dear wife into a liberal. I do not want to change a single thing about her and I will not call her stupid, ignorant, or any other name just because that is the way we Liberals answer those annoying facts they keep throwing at us. Watch this video and see what happiness is all about: Facebook
    I always remember the look of pure joy on his face when he was flying. I talked him into taking up sky diving because I knew he would get it and nothing else would come close. He told me that he had sold his rig and quit flying only a week before he died. He cited too much responsibility to his wife, translation? He gave up his joy for that whining psycho c**t. I should have dragged him to the field that day and made him jump. You cannot take someone that is damaged into a happy person by giving up the things you love, that is not the kind of sacrafice that one makes in the name of love, it is the type of aquiessence one makes in the name of control. I will always love you son, your mother jumped and scattered your ashes, I know you are proud of her. We would have both flown with you if only we had known. May you fly forever. I love you.
    Caveman Jim, Tully Mars and Yard Dart like this.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Lives, as well as ships and boats, need mud hooks and proper cables or moorings. May we all have such, even libs.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 37, My Liberal Diary
    I have made an in-depth study of where we Liberals went wrong. Some of you are not going to like this but it is the simple truth and unless we first admit we have a problem, just like substance abusers, we cannot fix the problem. Our mistake has been in trying to treat the symptoms rather than the disease. Our problem is mostly related to being stupid. Yes, we are the stupid ones. Ignorance, no matter how passionate, is still ignorance and you can't fix stupid. For the safe of argument, let's put aside our whining for a moment and think rationally. I realize this is going to be difficult but it is essential, none the less, if we ever hope to achieve our goals.
    There are 75,000,000 or so registered democrats. We can assume that most, if not all of these are liberals. The problem is that democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin and have a monopoly on our corporate government. We need to escape this pattern. It is really stupid that we expect the majority to pay for all our objectives when they are having to borrow money to pay for their own. There is a simple explanation to this. Look at where their deficit money comes from; they sell bonds. China buys a trillion dollar bond, we have a trillion dollars to pay nothing but interest on, secured by our tax system and the earnings of tax payers until it matures. This is nothing new, we sold war bonds to pay for the War of Northern Aggression, WW l and WW ll. When we couldn't pay the bonus promised to our army in WW l and they protested, we turned the army loose on them and burned them out. This is a true story, just google the Bonus Army.
    The government has proven that it can't even run a whorehouse with a profit, why would we want even a bigger one to administer our demands? If we, as Liberals, issue a few trillion dollar bonds, sell them to China, then we have a enough to distribute to every registered liberal in the United States and make us all billionaires! Then we can afford to buy our own health care insurance, we can all buy brand new Prius cars, we can install solar power in our homes, give free tuition to all our children, have really nice affordable housing, eat non-GMO foods, have all our protest signs professionally printed, buy real flame-throwers when we need to burn down a portion of our community, and still have over $999,000, 000 to spend on whatever we want. Even trans-gender surgery, the best available in the world, will be affordable to those that are gender confused without even touching their principle. Fact is, that with a billion dollars at even 2% interest will more than cover the costs of everything we want and never touch the principal and there will be enough left in the coffers to pay the bond interest until the principal is due. If we could just stop being so damned stupid, like sheep, and hire a real financial management company to oversee the bond and distributions, none of us would have to work, we'd all be billionaires and could run for president.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2017
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 38, My Liberal Diary
    I was speaking with a much respected friend yesterday, a true Constitutionalist. The conversation turned to environmental influences on the present day mentality or lack of it. I have come to believe that we must operate at a diminished mental capacity to uphold many of our Liberal principals, as I understand them. NORML might assist us with that, to a point, but some of these principals stretch even a stoned logic. It amazes me that kids can operate a smart-phone or tablet and pretty much have the sum total of mankind's learnings at their voice command. They can communicate with all their friends without ever going out to play. They can fight and call each other names and never worry about getting punched in the nose. Tech is so wonderful; totally astounding. But what happens when they actually "have" to do something in reality, rather than virtual 3-D reality? These times will arise and so many will find themselves helpless, defenseless, or at least, dreadfully inconvenienced while they wait on a serviceman to fix their flat tire.
    We don't give them tools to learn to build or repair with, any more, they might injure themselves and besides, our little geniuses will grow up and be making choices and decisions rather than actually stooping to manual labor. If I understood correctly, my friend has an associate with 3 masters, a BA, a BS, and an Associate degree, something like 20 years of secondary education, mostly in Liberal Arts and he is working at a Wendy's asking folks if they'd like fries with that? There either isn't a great amount of ambition there or reality interdicted and eating became a priority. I tend to support the hunger thing. There is an absence of real thought in choosing a course of education that will prepare you for one of maybe a half dozen jobs in all of North America, it's kinda specialized and not many "for profit" employers are actively recruiting MAs in Holistic Healing with Tai Chi Chuan. unless they can flip a burger. I am starting to see a little more reason to this $15.00 an hour minimum wage thing now.
    Caveman Jim, Tully Mars and Yard Dart like this.
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 39, My Liberal Diary
    When I was a child, I had the key to the whole world, a complete set of World-book Encyclopedias! I never much cared for television because I hate commercials. I love movies but they didn't really show movies without constant interruptions trying to sell you a car or shooting Master-locks or Bic ball-point pens with a rifle. I could open any edition and travel to places in color and read about the people there, what they ate, how they made their living. My grandfather had every edition of Popular Mechanics magazine and I spent hours browsing them, learning why things work, how things work and what to do when they don't work. I could read history without the uncertainty that it was written by the victors. Drugs were bad, Castro was bad, Indians were bad until we conquered them and made them into casino operators instead of scalpers. Man might someday travel to the moon! One day, telephones might be wireless and instead of paper money, people will use machines to dispense electronic money. The possibilities for mankind were limitless! They had a new plane that could fly faster then the speed of sound. Television would one day be all in color.
    We would climb hickory saplings tp the very top and swing out, riding the tree to the ground. Grape-vines were swings, sometimes hundreds of feet over a hollow from the ridge top. Caves were to be explored. Every boy had a rifle and we would shoot squirrels or rabbits and we would bring them home and the whole family would eat them. We caught fish and ate them too. We picked strawberries, peas, corn, peaches and helped preserve them in glass jars.
    My children seemed to have no real interest in reading about the rest of the world. Video games and M-TV were about the limits of their interest, as much as I could tell. They had no real interest in learning to play a musical instrument. Google has taken the magic from learning. Meat comes from a grocery store because it is wrong to kill something to eat. We went to the moon and all they brought back were a sack of rocks.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 40, My Liberal Diary
    I am starting to suspect that I am not a very good liberal. I apparently offended some LGBTQs because I wanted to remain heterosexual. I offended some Animal rights folks because I like a good porterhouse once in a while. I offended some negroes, but I still think they should pull their pants up so I don't really care that they got a little miffed. I think I offended some women because I told them that their vagina suits really didn't look very realistic and maybe they should dress like an ovary instead? I offended the anti-gun crowd when they discovered that I still carry a 1911 every day. I offended the Obama-care crowd when I mentioned that because I actually have a job and make more than is allowable to qualify for the fine option, my premiums tripled and it upset me that I earn the same amount of money but now have to pay more for my insurance so that Tyron and Jose can have cheaper insurance. The only ones that I apparently haven't offended are the NORML folks, they love my potato salad.
    OK, so I shoot animals once in a while and I don't especially like cats. I admit that I still support the NRA with time and money and I own a dobermon that is sort of a misanthropist. I drive a GMC pickup and a motorcycle, not one of those pussy little scooter things but a real motorcycle. I have been in real fights with blood and injuries involved and I have never called anyone stupid, ignorant or any derogatory name without being fully prepared to defend my statement with actual physical violence. I do not think black lives matter nearly as much as my own and I still haven't figured out this white privilege thing. I am abhorred by the thought of abortion as a means of birth control and I do not believe that people should reproduce unless they are both emotionally and financially responsible enough to feed their own children. I offended several educators by stating that I did not believe the Federal government has any business at all in public education. I offended several folks because I think we should support the arts ourselves rather than taxing everyone else to do it. I admit to feeling responsible towards supporting the ideas and ideals that I believe in with both my time and resources rather than whining about why the government can't just tax us more to pay for it. I don't have enough left over from my paycheck now to support any more taxes. I wish I did but I just don't. I want the government to be restricted to the job description given them in the Constitution FOR the United States of America. I don't want them wiping my ass, telling me what to eat, or teaching my kids their version of the truth. For those of you that I offended, I am not a Republican! I am a Liberal, dammit! And you can kiss my ass, virtually or come visit and do it in person; whimp.
    Tully Mars, bebop and Yard Dart like this.
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    You must make penance
    Say 30 Hail Marys and wear your Vagina hat for all weekend!
    After winch you are forgiven!
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 41, My Liberal Diary
    While shopping for 9mm ammunition last night at the local Walmart, it occurred to me that Walmartians are mostly liberals! I should have guessed by their rudeness if not by their dress-code.
    I also found out that LGBT is actually LGBTQ, if you want to be politically correct and political correctness is apparently a defining law of Liberal. I only acquired this information while reading a book today by Ellen Degeneres, apparently Gays and Queers are not exactly the same. Gays can get married and adopt children and Queers hang out in city parks and bus stations. Gays will sometimes offer to pay you for deviant sex but Queers usually try to charge folks, although it apparently isn't considered prostitution because nobody really invited the prostitutes to join our liberal cause and they (prostitutes) are sort of a grey area, at least where our political correctness is concerned.
    I may return tonight for more ammunition and see if they got any good Obama T-shirts on the clearance table. All they had yesterday, were Hillary T-shirts that were marked down to if you buy one of these, we'll give you a free blow-job.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 42, My Liberal Diary
    I have noticed that pretty much all atheists are Liberals but I do not think that all Liberals are necessarily atheists, but I could be wrong. I don't think I am an atheist but I might be and just not know it. I really don't care if people pray in school or swear on a bible in court. I do not mind that our money says "In God, We Trust" even though it doesn't really mention which God that is. I was brought up in a Christian family but I am not a Christian but don't have anything against them, except that sometimes I get a little annoyed with Jehovah's Witnesses. I am pretty sure, having read both the Bible and the Koran, that Allah and Jehovah are pretty much the same deity but a little differently interpreted by the clergy and that creates some problems. Maybe we should select a committee to determine just what God is and what he/she/it wants us to do? It would be a lot easier to trust in God if I knew with certainty that a committee had approved the appointment of a more contemporary, living , Messiah. There is just too much room for editorial interpretation of Messiahs that have been dead for a couple thousand years and even the languages they spoke while living were subjected to translators that were either divinely inspired or had an agenda. Did the mountain come to Mohammad? When something doesn't make sense in Christianity, we are told it is a parable or asked to just have faith in magic. If Christ was as cool as they say he was, I think he would have wanted a successor to keep people from taking minor points to the extreme while overlooking some important shit, like treating your neighbors with respect. I really don't think that any kind of benevolent Deity would advocate the wanton destruction and violent deaths of so many folks just for seeing things a little differently.
    I got no problems with this ten commandments thing from the bible, it makes sense in maintaining some social order, with some exceptions of course. Sometimes it is kinder to tell a lie, like when your wives asks you if that dress makes her ass look too big? Some folks really do need killing occasionally. This false prophet thing is a little too ambiguous to become a law, and the adultery thing, well sometimes that is the reason that some folks need killing. We liberals sort of got a monopoly on the coveting thing, what with all the free stuff we want others to pay for. The whole Commandment thing might be a little better received if we were to call them the 10 suggestions and put them in more comprehensive language, even an ebonics version. The ambiguous parts could just be dropped until the committee determines just which God it is that should be in first place, apparently Deities do not accept the idea of each and every one getting a trophy just for showing up to play. I really like the idea of people honoring their parents unless of course, their mom is a crack-whore and the baby-daddy belongs to a gangsta crew. I believe it is your right to believe in whatever you want, as long as it doesn't kill me or impede living my life in a peaceful manner,. I just wish you Christians, and Muslims, and Jews would just get your shit together and quit killing each other. You just don't see much of this going on in Shinto, Buddist, Taoist, or other religions.
    bebop and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 43, My Liberal Diary
    Ya'll need to help me out here, I keep waiting for Trump to actually do something harmful but so far, every piece of equipment we have at work is working on paying jobs, we are having to hire more employees. Fiscally, things are looking much better than they have been in a few years. Equipment maintenance that has been being delayed until it absolutely had to be done is now routine and over all, accounts receivable seem to be arriving on time and that hasn't happened in a while either. I am pretty sure this upturn in our economy isn't related to our whining and calling people stupid. I have seen photos of the mess that we liberals have left in our protest wake so I starting to have some reservations about mentioning environmental damage. I still play music for fun and profit without any endowments from the Government supporting the arts, so this doesn't really impact me in any manner because I never had access to any of those endowments anyway. That wall thing sounds sort of silly until you think about all that labor being paid to people that otherwise might have to steal, sell crack, or live on entitlements for fathering bastard children. So it's a token wall, they will dig holes under it, fly planes over it, and it will make a great canvass for tagging. I don't understand why that is such a big deal? Can't they just walk through the gates, like everyone else? One side says bien venito and the other side side says welcome and it costs less to obtain a work visa than it does to pay a coyote to smuggle your bean-eating scrawny ass across the desert somewhere.
    We:re not making many valid points here so far and Rose McDonald and Oprah haven't even left the Country yet.
    bebop and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 44, My Liberal Diary
    I took a survey today concerning my support for A Day Without a Woman, I think it was supposed to be some sort of Liberal protest thing but I don't watch television so I really didn't know too much about it. I am sure I would have worn my pussy hat to show my solidarity, if I had been aware of this important event, but since I more or less missed it, I shall recount my day from this momentous event.
    My wife, the Right-wanger, awakened me at 05:45 by gently scratching my back and telling me it was time to get up and get ready to go to work. While I was showering and brushing my teeth, she ironed my shirt and laid my clothing out for the day. When I was dressed, I enjoyed the cup of fresh ground coffee with sweetened condensed milk that she had prepared me while she mixed me a bag of walnuts, dried bananas, and mixed dried fruits to take with me for breakfast along with a thermos of green tea with cider vinegar and home-grown honey. I spent the morning welding stuff that needed welding until around 11:00, when my wife called me and said that my lunch was ready so I drove to the house and played with my puppies and had a nice lunch while discussing what a crappy job Trump was doing to expedite my entitlements that would allow me to be a full-time Liberal, instead of having to work every day. I returned to work for a while, then came home and walked my puppies and played with them a while then went to my reloading shop and puttered with an antique shotgun that I am rebuilding. About dark, I came in and showered so I could get my clean hug. Clean hugs are much better ones than I generally get when I first get home from work. They tend to last several minutes and even the right-wanger seems to really enjoy them almost as much as I do. We always have dinner by candle-lite and that evening, she had prepared home-made chicken and dumplings, pinto beans, corn bread, sliced tomatoes, and fresh green onions along with a cold glass of milk. We then sat and watched a movie on Netflix before she turned in for the night and I went to my studio to work on recording a new song. Around mid-night or so, when the puppies came to tell me it was bed time, I let them outside for one last romp and to make sure we were not being invaded by marauding republicans before arming the alarm systems and fixing two glasses of Ovaltine. I carried my wife's Ovaltine to her and we watched Bogart and Bacall in To Have or Have Not and snuggled a bit until we drifted off to sleep. I realize this didn't have much to do with supporting those righteous angry women everywhere fighting for their rights, but I am clinging to this heterosexual thing and occasionally I get pretty lucky with that dear republican wife of mine and I wouldn't want to imagine a day without her and I don't even believe she has ever even had the desire to wear a vagina suit.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 45, My Liberal Diary
    Apparently I hurt the feelings of some of my liberal brothers and sisters with a sign I posted on facebook. It wasn't meant to be a political statement; I just thought it would help recruit a few more Liberals so we can win the next election. FB_IMG_1490018627870.
  16. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 46, My Liberal Diary
    OK, I get it now; we can't win arguments when these right-wangers start spouting facts and real statistics without the syllogistic reasoning necessary to believe that we can have something for nothing if we shout loud enough. Hell, it worked for colored people in the 60s and 70s; they burned the cities and we gave them entitlements instead of birth-control, job and skills training, and a real education. It only makes sense that we give them special treatment, Mexicans too., or they'll drive the insurance premiums through the roof, but at least we can be certain that our Union labor will eventually rebuild it all, vastly improved. Those of us that have white privileges, can use this to our advantage and become movie stars, talk show hosts, news anchor persons, and LGBTQs. I have been trying to win an argument with my wife, the right-wanger, for 30 years and so far every argument seems to end with me falling back on saying something like "Why do I waste my breath, all you want to talk about is facts, you just can't seem to grasp that I am taking concepts here." I always stop short of calling her names because she still wakes me up in the morning scratching my back and nibbling on my ear. I just can't seem to shake this damned heterosexual thing, it is sort of like kryptonite. If she would just become one of those angry leftist LGBTQ type women then maybe we could agree on something simple at first. She has already admitted that Donald Trump really should do something about his hair and the tweeting thing isn't very dignified for a billionaire.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 47, My Liberal diary
    Someone sent me a song called "I Got Friends in Safe Places", it was supposed to be a parody, I am sure but damn, did it strike a chord! So what do these right-wangers think, that we can get a gun and defend ourselves against criminals? They just are not aware that a loaded gun is a bigger threat to the person owning it than to an innocent criminal. More people are killed by guns in America than are killed by bubonic plague! More people are killed by guns each and every day, than are killed by falling meteorites and dinosaur attacks combined! And their favorite, the Assault Rifle -15 is made for killing large crowds of people by spraying bullets like a water-hose and just having one in the house will eventually tempt them into shooting up their kid's school. Why any reasonable person would possibly need more than one bullet to defend themselves with, is beyond me. Look at Barney Phife, Deputy of Mayberry, NC for decades. He only had one bullet and carried it in his shirt pocket rather than loading it into a dangerous weapon!
    We Americans fought off the entire British army with guns that only fired one bullet at at time! We had to pour that powder stuff in the barrel and then push a big round bullet down the barrel thing with a stick, then cock the gun and a piece of stone would strike a steel platte and make a spark that would ignite the powder stuff and shoot the bullet. Of course, the British had to do exactly the same thing when they shot back at us, they had to reload their muskets and shoot again. If some one shoots at you one time, you shoot back one time! If they are spraying bullets at you with one of those AR-things, call the police. The police have them too and they can shoot back for you. OK, so it might take a little while for the police to get there, but when they show up, if the bad guy is still there, he'll probably be out if bullets by then anyway and they can spray him down with their AR-15 machine guns and then take him to a correctional facility to be rehabilitated into a democrat.
    Tully Mars, bebop and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 48, My Liberal Diary
    I have been abound with thought the past weeks, seeing the world come alive around me, trees blooming, longer days to spend working in the garden, removing three aquaponics beds from my green house and constructing another outside bed to gravity discharge through a waterfall back into my koi pond, and rebuilding a 1909 Model 325 Stevens double-barrel shotgun. . There is one really large catfish in my koi pond, she weighs maybe 20-25 pounds and is named after Nancy Pelosi so we'll probably never actually eat her. She has a bug lamp above her rock hiding place that attracts all sorts of bugs at night and zaps their little bug asses right into fish food, She is a bottom feeder, the koi and blue-gills get more than their share, long before they sink and Nancy slurps them up but she'll come to the surface and snatch them too and Jimi feeds them daily just to watch them fight over food, sort of like some of our liberal constituents. We had two really beautiful koi that were a house-warming gift when we moved here, in the wake of a Hurricane Katrina. One of them died this past winter and I miss him. It always makes me melancholy when I see beauty pass and become fertilizer in the garden.
    We had a crane that moved into my koi pond, last year, while I was away in Kentucky for the spring machine gun shoot at Knob Creek. I get several daily updates about this hungry bird from my wife, the republican, all weekend while machine guns were being fired all around me.. This damned bird was eating all of our fish. We had blue-gills, black crappie, channel catfish, and maybe a hundred or so koi in the pond that was carefully monitored to insure adequate oxygenation, PH, and nitrites percentages.Since the pond is heavily oxygenated and water from our well, is continually recirculated through the gravel growing beds where the fish excrement and nitrites are converted to nitrates that grow cabbages, peppers, herbs, strawberries, onions, and such, that constitute a significant portion of our diet, along with the fish growing in the pond and now a free-loading bird was eating my fish; a beautiful bird only doing what comes natural to a crane, eating all our fish that I had worked hard to grow into dinner for my wife, family, and friends. This bird would catch a fish and fly to a nearby limb to swallow it and digest it; a little while later, he would go catch another one and another; this went on all day and night for a week. Sometimes. Jimi would throw something at the bird to chase it away and several times, it would drop his fish and the weinerdog would snatch it up and eat it. Apparently cranes only sleep for the half hour or so it takes them to digest the last fish they caught, then come right back and catch another one. Jimi said she would throw a rock at it while it was sitting on a limb digesting it's catch and the damned bird would just sit there and duck. When I finally made it home and observed this behavior, I immediately realized it was a right-wanger. You could tell by the way it kept coming back to get more and more.
    My wife, the republican, told me I was gonna have to shoot that bird or it was gonna get every one of our fish. I am sure that it is illegal to shoot a crane, so I called animal control to see if the government could come out and safely remove this beautiful bird but apparently, there is no real local bird remover specialists in the area so I called some folks that catch alligators for a living but they weren't interested in scaring away a crane unless I wanted to give them a lot of money; Republicans, no doubt. Now all my fish are gone except for a few blue-gills, one really fat koi, and Nancy Pelosi, my catfish. The crane is gone too, just before Jimi gave it a name, Icabob, Icabob Crane.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 49, My Liberal Diary
    I have a few confessions to make and I hope this doesn't disqualify me from being a liberal. First, I am certain that I am male gender, I have no confusion about this and not only do I have a functioning penis, but I really enjoy it and most of it's functions. It is almost my favorite anatomical feature and I try to use it daily for many predominately male things. I am also heterosexual and not really interested in some of the suggestions that my new found LGBTQ friends have suggested I might try. I not only own a gun, I actually have maybe a hundred or so of them and I enjoy shooting sports and I sometimes kill animals to eat and have, on occasion, used a gun to persuade people to choose an alternate course of events, particularly when their initial plan involved doing me bodily harm or taking away something that I really worked hard to earn. I have a nice home and am married to a Republican. We do not necessarily;y agree on most of our politics but we do enjoy each other's company and do not call one another names or degrade them in any manner. I do not really have a pussy hat, although Chellovek said he would knit me one and send it to a mutual friend, he is Austrailian so I don't really expect to ever receive it. Many of my friends are black and some are Muslims, but I generally don't trust most negroes or muslims because statistically, it just seems safer. I don't like Big government and I really wish that it would just leave us alone. I pay for my own health care insurance and have all of my life because I have a job and work every day to afford things that I want without having to rely on someone else to pay for it. My insurance does not cover hearing aids and I am nearly deaf but I do not blame that on anyone else and I do not expect anyone else to pay for them. I do not like white trash but equally, I think white privilege is a crock of shit made up to stir the pot. I think abortion is basically murder but I have nothing against murder, so make your own choices and live with the consequences. I believe marijuana has some medical benefits and enhances music but I wouldn't want to get on a plane with a stoned pilot, even if he had glaucoma. I support the Tea-party movement. I did not and do not think Obama was a good president and I believe Hillary Clinton and her husband are crooks and deviates and should probably be put in jail. I do not especial;ply care for Donald Trump but that has more to do with his bad hair cut than his job as president because he is doing his best to accomplish everything he promised his supporters he would do and I admire someone with the fortitude to do what they say, even if they are political. I do not believe rioting and looting makes you anything but a criminal and you should be thrown in jail or killed by someone defending their property or life. I understand that most of these principals would tend to make me sound somewhat conservative, maybe even Republican but we have one thing in our nation that I hold dear, we have the freedom of choice and I choose to be a liberal and if you don't like it, then you can kiss my ass.
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 50, My Liberal Diary
    I am seeing so many changes since I became a Liberal. I now know how to do the towel thing on my head with out looking like some sort of demented Arab and I have noticed that I have started lowering the toilet seat. I want a pedicure! I have the most peculiar craving for peach schnapps with Bailey's Irish Creme and I believe I might go bake a quiche. My plum tree has hundreds of fruits and is still blooming like crazy so I am planning to make plum jelly. I have gained 12 pounds. I am pretty sure I am becoming a Lesbian and I have never even been to Lesbia.
    Tully Mars and Gator 45/70 like this.
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