My Liberal Diary

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 256, My Liberal Diary
    Today I received a Fed-ex package. Inside were the frozen tongues of 36 lambs and I can't imagine what the farm that sent them to me does with all those mute little sheeps? My wife, the right-wanger, was not as thrilled as I, when the frozen tongues arrived. She did open the package to see what had arrived and I wish I had been here to see her reaction. I, on the other hand, am delighted! I became very fond of a soup called Sheep's Tongue Souse, while living in the Bahamas and haven't had any since I stopped working over-seas a decade ago. It is such savory and delightful soup made with tongue, onions, potatoes, bird peppers and lime juice. They serve it with Johnny-cake. I have been searching for sheep's tongue since I returned to the States with no joy until last week, when I came across a farm in Wisconsin that advertised nothing but fresh grass-fed meats and while looking over their listing of products, saw "Lamb's Tongues". I ordered eight packages of fresh frozen lamb's tongues, enough to make several pots of that delicious soup. It's funny how living and working with people from different cultures ingrains many of their customs. I spent most of my adult life living and working in countries that were owned and operated by people of different race and ethnicity than my own and developed a respect for them that I was never able to achieve here in the United States. I cannot begin to comprehend why these people are so different than the ones here at home. The last time I was in the islands, a cabby picked me up and I asked him to drop me at the Rake and Scrape Cafe on Freeport Harbor. He said he was hungry too so I invited him to dinner and we had bowls of sheep's tongue souse and johnny-cake and talked about Miami. He had just returned from Miami visiting family a week earlier. I asked him what he thought about it and he said that he just didn't much care for those North American negroes, especially the African-American ones and he was glad to be back home where black people were just people.
    I am pretty sure my wife will not dine with me when I prepare my soup but that's ok; just means more for me. I miss living where black people are just people too.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 257, My Liberal Diary
    Today I clicked on a site to get quotes on refinancing my home and within seconds, had 11 calls coming in all at once while I was talking to the first that called. I was told that it is a Federal requirement that they must ask my race but that I was not required to answer. I thought that was very politically correct. They then asked "Mr. Wallace, what gender do you identify yourself as?" I was then told that I wasn't required to answer that either but they were required by Federal law to ask.
    "You've got to be fucking kidding me?",
    "No sir, Mr. Wallace. Do you identify yourself as a male, a female, or as 'other'" he asked again.
    I couldn't help a sneaked feel of my genitals to reassure myself that nothing had changed since I woke up this morning and told the gentleman that I was pretty damned certain I am and always have been a male and didn't plan to adjust that in the foreseeable future, barring any serious accidents or really pissing the wrong person off.
    Nikolaus Cruz, you piece of shit.
    I wonder how you identified your miserable looser existence this morning when you crawled from under your momma's skirts? Did you listen to the Boomtown Rats, "I Don't Like Mondays", and think some punk band is gonna make you a star? Yeah, we all know there are guns available everywhere but funny thing is that most of them don't decide to go shoot up a High School that expelled you until an idiot looser like yourself picks it up. And I wouldn't feel a damned bit better about you if you had stolen a church bus and ran a bunch of kids over. I don't care what your reasons were and I don't care that you used a gun. What I do care about is that there are a bunch of people's children that will not get a chance to become adults. Sure, some of them might end up a useless piece of shit like yourself, but others might well have been part of the salvation of this maelstrom we live in today. And just one armed person present and willing could have finished your day before the damage was done but we have these wonderful gun-free areas where only miscreant excrement such as yourself can walk in and randomly start killing people. People like yourself are the sole reason that I want to believe in Hell.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 258, My Liberal Diary
    I am seeing a lot of passionate rhetoric about banning and confiscating firearms because once in a while some nut-case kills a bunch of people. Outwardly, it sound like a really good idea, make guns illegal and murder stops, right? That's one of biggest reasons that I find it difficult to be a good liberal. It isn't the guns so much as it is the blatant stupidity that would have you believe that making more laws will have any impact on people that break laws. News flash: murder is already against the law, as is assault with a deadly weapon. Just look at how succesfully making drugs illegal stopped the use and sale of drugs in our country.
    There is another thing that you should be aware of, I am a Southerner. Just a hundred and 153 years ago, we fought the only war that our nation has ever actually engaged in for freedom and our army was defeated. No it wasn't a war about freedom from slavery, it was about freedom from Republicans. What you guys need to understand is that if by some twist of government legislation, you were able to pass laws to dis-arm folks around here, that "cold dead hands" rhetoric would probably take on a whole new meaning because there are many more of us law-abiding members of our nation that will not be dis-armed and be made defenseless against a handful of assholes that want to shoot up a mall or a school or a church. I offer no apologies about that, you may not take my firearms and leave me defensless unless you are willing to provide me and my family with a full-time professional armed security guard. Police are not in the business of preventing crime, they respond to a crime after the fact, write their reports, gather their evidence, and hopefully they catch the criminal and maybe the miscreant gets a little jail time. Meanwhile, you lie there dead and family distraught, property exchanged for crack cocaine or meth, even if you managed to dodge the first 130 or so bullets fired while listening the "this is 911, what is you emergency?" , you're still pretty much 3-5 degrees cooler by the time they get there. Just how many people are you guys prepared to kill so that you can get your little Eutopian gun-free nation? I have a better idea, instead of trying to tilt a windmill like "gun control", let's try a different approach. The first time Junior gets caught torturing a puppy, kill the little son of bitch and mom and dad can try again or get steralized. It's not like there is anything unique or irreplacable about your demented little spawn bastard, hell we abort an average of 1820 of them every day, 365 day a year. When it become apparent that you failed as a parent and your darling child is destined to become the next Charles Manson, nip it in the bud and shoot the little son of a bitch and save us all this arguing about guns being responsible.
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 259, My Liberal Diary
    Nikolas Cruz was reported to the Federal Government's premiere law enforcement agency, the FBI, not once but twice, that he was a dangerous nut-case and was talking about buying a gun and killing a bunch of kids in a school and the FBI didn't bother to do anything about it. They didn't investigate it, they didn't even notify their local field office and say " hey, watch out for this kid, he's tweeting that he's gonna buy a gun and kill a bunch of kids at a school." I'll bet you that the TWA put him on a no-fly list, but he was able to walk into a store and buy a weapon and follow through with his plans unfettered by the existing laws. He passed the back-ground check, paid his money and walked out the door with rifle. Everybody wants to blame the rifle. Sure, he picked a type of rifle that is very efficient for his purpose. That is still not a problem. The problem is that once he was reported as a threat, he should have been flagged and when he went to buy that gun, denied the purchase by laws that are already in effect. That wasn't the rifle's fault nor was it the gun store's fault, or the law's fault; it was the fault of our super-cops, the FBI, not doing their damned job because they were too busy chasing mythical Russians.
    AR15 rifles are the most popular rifle in America. This is because it is extremely versatile and can be configured for hunting any game in North America, it is used extensively in rifle matches and competition by hundreds of thousands of competitive shooters, it is used by law enforcement, and it is extremely effective for home defense. It is a natural choice for someone wanting a general purpose rifle to fill virtually every need for a rifle, unfortunately that also includes the desire to kill a bunch of people because you like to torture puppies and think it would be cool. You wouldn't select a pair of wire-pliers to use when changing an engine in a Mack truck or a parring knife to cut under-brush, you would select a more appropriate tool. I can understand why many people see this as being something potentially dangerous, it definitely is. The problem is that you cannot legislate something into non-existence. If the people that we have entrusted with saying yes or no to a legal purchase of dangerous weapons had done their job, this school shooting would have been avoided. Nikolas Cruz would have been denied purchase of a weapon because he was a danger to those around him, maybe he would have been locked up and gotten treatment for his mental illness. But not likely. We banned drugs and look how well that's worked out? Look at Mexico or Honduras. They do not allow civilian ownership of "military" type weapons and in fact, have some of the strictest gun control anywhere yet they have the highest per capita firearms murder rate on this planet. WHere do they get these guns? They don't just have "semi-automatic" AR 15s, they have actually machine guns and even rocket propelled grenade launchers. These weapons are not purchased at the local Walmart and there are no "Gun Stores" to buy them, where do they come from? They are brought to you by the same fine cartels that bring us heroin and cocaine. The reality is that criminal gangs are already armed to the teeth with weapons that are already illegal and banned in the United States and they really don't have much regard for the laws they are breaking, after all, they are criminals. Here's another little surprise, there are 1.4 million gang members in the United States and only 765,246 policemen. If all the gangs were to unite and declare a day of drive-by shooting, we'd be in some serious shit. There is another tradition that has saved countless communities from this happening throughout our history; the civilian posse. Armed members of our community have often been called upon to aid in the keeping of peace because sometimes the police are just out numbered and out gunned. We live in dangerous times. There are well-armed criminals and nut-cases out there with intent to do as much harm to innocent people as they can. Taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will not change that, it will only make foe easier victims. There is still truth in the adage that God did not make men equal, Sam Colt did.
    Byte, Yard Dart, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 260, My Liberal Diary
    I was lucky to have a father while growing up. He was a hard working man and given to strict discipline but had tremendous kindness and he believed in teaching his children how to work and why things worked the way they did. He was very protective and spent time teaching his children to hunt and fish, how to cook on a camp-fire, how to ride motor cycles and drive a stick shift. He did not wait until the law said we were old enough to do something, if we wanted to learn, he taught us. I was a proficient driver by the time I could see over the steering wheel. We built our house and every step of the construction, my father taught us how to help. I had three younger brothers and a sister, but being the oldest, I suppose I got to do most things first but I was expected to teach my siblings too: nothing was taught that wasn't meant to be shared.
    We had firearms in our home. They were a part of our lives. We used them for recreation, competing with one another and our neighbors and extended family while target shooting. We hunted for food and enjoyment. Some of my fondest memories were opening day of squirrel hunting season, getting up at four in the morning, riding with my father and Uncle Billy to the Hatchie River bottoms or Chickasaw State Park to spend the day in the woods with my rifle. Rarely was a firearm needed for protection but there were occasions, fortunately none where anyone had to be shot. We were taught firearms safety from the earliest age. Guns were not toys, they were a potentially deadly tool and had to be respected. We had to earn the right to own a firearm by being responsible.
    My Father is still alive and well. He spends most of his time traveling to exotic places with friends now. He doesn't hunt or shoot much any more. The last time I visited him, he gave me my Grand-father's old shotgun. I have many shotguns that are much more expensive, but none that I cherish more.
    One of my brothers took his own life with a hand gun. It was not the gun's fault, he made a choice and it would not have made any difference if he had used a rope, poison, or walked in front of a freight-train; he decided he was done. Our son also lost his life to a gun-shot. The weapon used was a .45 pistol I had given him. His mother and I will always feel the loss but we do not blame the gun. We know who pulled the trigger. Our grief would have been no less if she had killed him with a frying pan, a knife, or ran him over with a car. It is hard to talk about something like this because so many of the living have all come to terms with these incidents in their own way. I do not find fault with my niece for not caring for firearms, she has never been exposed to them other that loosing her father to one. Depression is a mental illness and needs treatment. It can be treated but unfortunately, we live in a world where mental illness is ignored until it is too late, then rather than recognize our culpability in ignoring a problem, we blame an inanimate object that becomes the final means of someone screaming for help. I have a crazy mother in law. I love her. She is the mother of my darling wife and is a wonderfully sweet and dear person. She is also a paranoid schizophrenic and if untreated, has psychotic episodes that endanger herself and everyone around her. We tried to get assistance with her treatment but unfortunately, there just isn't much treatment available for the mentally ill from the government. We have to monitor her daily to make sure she takes her medications that keep her stabilized. We removed all firearms from her house, including the one that belonged to her deceased son that she kept hanging on the wall as memorabilia. We take her shopping, do not allow her to operate a motor vehicle. We include her in family functions and social gatherings. We take her to regular visits to her Doctors. She has responded well to treatment. It is not her fault that she is as crazy as a shit-house rat, but it is our responsibility to see that she gets the treatment that she deserves to enable her to have a normal life. It really isn't a whole lot different than having a problem child, an 80 year old child. Family is a much more important structure than our society has come to accept and that is a god damned shame. Look at these kids that keep shooting up schools and such, they don't have a structured family and probably never did. I'll wager that none of them ever had a father or even a father figure that guided and taught them. I imagine they grew up without anyone to take them fishing, to teach them to respect life, to teach them to be responsible. We can blame it on the guns all we want but the simple fact is that we are culpable. We have replaced the family with a fucking i-phone.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2018
    Ganado, Yard Dart, oldawg and 2 others like this.
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 261, My Liberal Diary
    There are six words that when I hear them, immediately throw me into a state of extreme alert. Those words are "All you have to do is..." The rest of the sentence with that modifier, always tweaks my funny-bone, especially if they are uttered by an engineer. The statement in and off itself is basically true, minus a million or so details such as "who got the front-end loader stuck in the road where there was previously no hole filled with mud?"
    It is sort of an elegant solution to everything, now that I think about it. All you got to do is put it into it's most simple form and follow through until the desired effect is achieved, never mind the details. Build a dam? No problem, the McDonalds have been farming that hillside since the reconstruction but they won't mind moving to a project in Knoxville and living in a tenement. Want to live to be 100? All you have to do is keep breathing! Do you want to go to Tulsa? There's a bus leaving every four hours. Would you like to be a country music star? All you have to do is get your records selling enough. Are you dissatisfied with your gender? All you have to do is decide to use the other bathroom. Want to end drug abuse? All you have to do is say "Drugs are Bad". Want to live in a gun free country? Move to Chicago.
    Ganado, oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 262, My Liberal Diary
    I have some bad news to share with you and I do not know how to say it in a politically correct manner so I'll just be direct and hope you can understand. There are people out there that want to kill you and me and our children. They are heavily armed; they don't have to go buy a weapon, a gun, knife or assault rifle tomorrow, they already have them. If we pass laws to ban these weapons, they pay about as much attention to them as they do to the laws against killing innocent people and do it anyway. They do not value their own lives so threats of punishment mean nothing to them, even capitol punishment. Most of them would like nothing better than to die spectacularly while committing their heinous deeds, either killed by a cop or themselves after they have wreaked havoc in the lives of ordinary peaceful people. Their agenda is understood by no-one but themselves; it may be political, it may be religious, it may be a grudge against the mother that breast fed them too long and wouldn't buy them a pair of air Jordans. They might be psychotic, deluded, crazy as a shit-house rat, under-privileged, persecuted, on psycho-tropic drugs, under the influence of drugs or alcahol, or just having a bad hair day and don't like Mondays, but that doesn't alter the fact that they've got a gun and a lot of bullets and are intent on killing someone that probably isn't in a position to defend themselves. These killers do seem to have one thing in common, they like to pick on defenseless victims. They don't generally start shooting up a police station or a gun show or even a downtown street event because there are usually armed people there that will shoot back so they tend to pick on class rooms and churches and shopping malls and other places where people are discouraged by law from carrying a firearm to defend themselves with. Let me point out a second time that these people are are already armed, they have guns already and are not likely to turn them into the police when asked to do so because it is a law. They have another unlawful use planned for them and you are their target.
    There are also a lot of really good, decent people out there, ones that would risk their lives to save the lives of others. I know many of these good people. They own and carry firearms, not to do harm but to simply have a fighting chance to save their own life and the lives of others if force to do so by one or more of these evil miscreant bastards. It seems overtly stupid to want to disarm or marginalize the types of weapons that these law abiding, caring citizens might actually use to save you very own miserable life but we liberals seem dead set intent on doing that very thing. THINK ABOUT IT.
    Ganado, Yard Dart, Tully Mars and 2 others like this.
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 263, My Liberal Diary
    I walked into the living room this morning wearing my usually weekend morning attire, moose hat and sasquatch house slippers and nothing else, and observed my wife the right-wanger covering her face with a blanket. "What ever are you doing," I asked?
    "Don't make me laugh", she said.
    "Why not; laughter is good for you. It keeps you young and makes the frown lines go away."
    "I can't laugh"..."Leave me alone..." So I pulled the blanket away and what a surprise I got. She was painted up like Al Jolson, her face except for the area surrounding her eyes and mouth, totally black as charcoal. "Mammie..I sang..and she laughed and called me names. "What in the hell are you doing? Gonna audition for a Birmingham Brown part in a Charlie Chan movie?" I grabbed my phone to take a picture and she covered her head again and said I couldn't take a picture but I told her that if she didn't let me take a picture, I would tell her one of my best moose jokes then I reminded her that it was rutting season after all so she pulled the blanket away and let me take a picture. I thought we should pose for a selfie, me with my moose hat and sasquatch house shoes and she in her Al Jolson black-face and purple house-coat. This would be one suitable for framing except that I didn't have any underwear on, it's morning and it is rutting season, but I will admit that the Al Jolson look doesn't really do anything for a moose's libido. She has now gone back to the dressing room and emerged without the black-face. Apparently it was some sort of charcoal mask used by women as a beauty treatment. I may be scarred for life.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    20180325_080518. 20180325_080518.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 264, My Liberal Diary
    I am in the middle of a passionate exchange with my step-daughter on social media. She posted a video of a speech and rally demanding our Bill of Rights be altered to ban a particular type of firearm that is by far the most popular sporting rifle in North America. Unfortunately, the rifle resembles a military machine gun in appearance even though it is just a sub-caliber semi-automatic sporting rifle. It is made of modern materials, highly modular and adaptable to a large number of shooting sports, it is configured in various calibers to take essentially any game in North America except for Grizzly bears. There are millions of them owned by all types of Americans, hunters, sportsmen, law enforcement, competitive shooters and for home defense where it verifibly HAS been used quite successfully on a large number of occasions to save both lives and property from bandits and murderous scalawags. I am not upset that she supports this legislation. I am upset that she bought into it by purely slogan and sentiment without any factual supporting data. It upsets me that anyone would think they have the right to alter the Bill of Rights to favor something that does nothing real to help save lives. I believe the American people, a significant portion of the population, will stand and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I see the division in our Nation growing broader each and every day. I see people that I always viewed as intelligent and resourceful, reverting to name calling and slander rather than intelligent argument. Facts are being ignored and that is pretty stupid. She knows me better than to believe the things she is saying, she is just being rude and hurtful because she can't find a factual based reason to justify removing a protected liberty from our people for a false sense of security, especially given the likely-hood of being killed by a deer on the highway is statistically greater than being killed by specifically what they are trying to Ban.
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 265, My Liberal Diary
    I reached a good stopping point on my project at work Friday around noon, so we dogged it off for the day and I called my wife, the Right-wanger and asked her for a date. Immediately, she asked what kind of music or shooting event I was going too and I said I had no plans what so ever and would like to do anything she wanted for the evening. We decided to play miniature golf, not something that I am overly proficient at playing but I figured my skill set would improve with practice. It was a lovely Spring evening, not cool enough for a jacket, the full moon just hazed behind passing clouds on occasion. Jimi was wearing a long brown dress and an evening shawl and I was dressed in my usual attire of jeans, long-sleeved shirt, kangaroo hide cowboy boots, black Stetson hat, a ranger belt to hold the .45 pistol with ivory grips that I always carry, a tan vest, my Tag wrist watch, and a gold chain with a fouled anchor.
    I am not sure of the rules for miniature golf so Jim kept me apprised of them. She says the PGA, I think that stands for the something related to golf officialdom, rules state that a woman can start with her ball closer to the target hole but a man has to start with his in the center of the starting spot. This is so a man will not have an advantage because of his height or something. When your ball is next to a rock, a man may move it enough to get his putter between the ball and the rock but a woman can relocate her ball far enough away to be able to swing the putter thing. A woman may move her ball if she thinks the man's balls might hit hers and move it to a less advantageous spot. Women can push the ball with their putter but men are not allowed to do this and if they try to get away with several successive small taps, each one counts as a stroke unless you are a woman, in which case, the PGA has allowed women to make exceptions to this rule after the 4th stroke on par 3 hole. After 14 or so holes, it was apparent that I was getting a lot more points than she was, close to 100 and she only had maybe half that many points. I didn't want to make her feel bad so I started adding extra points to her score card, sometimes even giving her my 14 strokes when she only got 2 or 3. It wasn't until the 18th and final hole, that I decided we have to return for another match soon. There is this pond there and it is filled with bull frogs. We walked around spotting the big frogs, bellowing their deep croak. Frog legs are one of our favorite things and it's been a while since we've found a good spot to catch them. Thinking about frog legs made us hungry. We decided to go to Taco Belle because they were advertising that spicy french fries with cheese dip were about to be removed from their menu and neither of us had ever eaten them and didn't know if this revelation would have any impact on our lives or not and we were not properly dressed for catching bull frogs.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 266, My Liberal Diary
    Did the Chinese Space Station fall from outer-space yet? As if I don't have enough to do already. We were eating dinner and my wife said she was out of milk. We always have a glass of chocolate milk at bedtime so I said that I would run down to the store and fetch some for her. She told me not to worry about it. That confused me. I don't worry about being out of milk, I just go get some from the store. In fact, I do not believe there are many things that do worry me. Someone wants to get nasty with me? No problem, I just get proactive and punch them in the nose, no worries. If I don't have enough money to pay for something, I don't worry about it, I just do without it until I can afford to buy whatever it is. If relatives are coming for an extended visit, I don't worry about it, I just drink more. I suppose that for a liberal, I am kind of laid back. Not much bothers me. My job involves lots of details, but that's no sweat. I am supervising construction of a bulk-materials conveyor hopper at a Port facility right now. I explained it to my wife, that I am building a big steel box thing at the Chicken dock. She remembers the Chicken dock from an Ammonia spill a few years ago that nearly killed several of her co-workers. She asked me what was worrying me? I finally told her that I had spent all day at the chicken dock wondering if Chinese were going to start falling out of the sky on top of us.
    Ganado, Motomom34 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 267, My Liberal Diary
    I don't know what to believe any more. People have totally lost my trust. I listen to the evening news and immediately wonder what really happened? I know the spin I'm hearing is the sanitized PC version set to foster someone's agenda. People are crazy now. My mother in law is certified crazy and I expect to hear crazy shit from her. It is a course of event to be awakened in the middle of the night by her beating on my bedroom window to announce that there is a pregnant woman in her house having a baby and she needs help because she doesn't know the woman or how to deliver a child. Now there is something eating her house. My wife, the right-wanger, has been down there two or three times today to try to find what is eating her mother's house but it apparently is digesting while anyone else is about. I remember this really bad movie where these giant worm things popped up everywhere, eating cars and trucks filled with people, I suppose one of these could eat a house and I am not entirely certain they are not indigenous to lower Alabama, there are some unusual creatures around here for sure. If I can catch it on video before it finishes munching up the floors, maybe I can get a viral Youtube Video? I was wondering why that Farsi woman decided to shoot Youtube up yesterday, she apparently wasn't very proficient with her pistol because the only fatality was to herself. Tim thinks I should start filming my diary and put it on Youtube to monetize but I don't think they would let me pass their censors. I probably don't exactly conform to their definition of a liberal and I do like my guns and my wife, the Republican. I sort of take offense at PC terms like "N-word" and really think describing LGBTQs as a "Community" is stretching it a bit. I am a student of History, particularly the history of the United States and refuse to accept the PC re-write of the War of Northern Aggression or the concept of a living Constitution. I really don't give a damn if I offend someone with my opinions, they certainly offend me with many of their's. I do not mind being called a racist, not because I am a racist but because the left has thrown that word around so much rather than defend their position, it sort seems like a honorarium. I'll make a deal with you, I will always treat you with respect until you cross the line into personal affront, at which point I will not be polite and may possibly make you wish that you had learned a few civilities.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Motomom34, Byte, Ganado and 3 others like this.
  14. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 268, My Liberal Diary
    My Doctor's office called today to tell me that an EKG I had a month ago finally got reviewed and the Doc thinks I need to go get something checked that will cost another $100.00 but she didn't say what it was, only that it needs to be checked and I have to pay for it. I have a brain scan a while back and they found a small tumor that is causing me to have bad headaches and occasional dizzy spells but they said that it wasn't anything to worry about, they'll look at it again in a few years and see if it grows any but until then, suck it up and deal with the headaches. SO they looked at the other end, and I have a tumor there too but they said that they would just leave that alone too, come back in three years and they'd look at it again. I am starting to think health care is a scam. They apparently don't really do anything except charge you money, charge your insurance company money, then charge you more money, give you a prescription for some pills and charge you some more money. I have to work to pay for this stupid insurance but it doesn't really pay the doctors to fix anything, just to keep an eye on it. Meanwhile, I am pretty certain that I will die long before I ever get to stop working and enjoy what little life I have left and as soon as I do, someone will ask me "why didn't you just get that fixed before it killed you?"
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 269, My Liberal Diary
    So many things are changing around me but I suppose change is inevitable. Age alone, creates a whole new set of rules about how you deal with obstacles. Trees are no longer for climbing, sitting on a limb and enjoying the morning through the limbs while watching a cautious buck sniff the air, is now just a treasured memory. I still have the muscle memory of being able to slam-dunk a basketball, but gravity has gotten stronger with each passing year and 10' is a lot further now than it was 40 years ago. People are dying around me; friends, family. Most of my favorite musicians and songwriters are now dead, many within the past couple of years. There are many things that I love remembering that now require considerably more effort than return, but these are the things that made me the person that I am.
    I will admit to being a bit of a misanthrope. It's not that I dislike people, it's more that I tend to believe most people are willfully blind to the long-term effects of their short-sightedness. I am also an optimist and I make a concerted effort at doing the things that I believe will preserve this. I create music to bridge the gap between what I can say and what I can feel. This helps me keep things balanced and in perspective. This is something that I never want to loose. I played an acoustic set last night to an audience of mostly 20 somethings raised on hip hop and heavy metal, nobody tried to take my gun away or called me a racist because I was wearing a leather jacket with a Confederate battle flag on the back. They mostly called me "Sir" and I found that politely pleasing. I also heard some of these kids performing and was surprised that they were playing songs from when I grew up and was their age. That was a pleasing evening but much different than what I've been seeing everywhere. People seem so damned polarized now that I really would rather avoid most of them just to keep from getting drawn into a discussion about why our opinions are so totally misguided.
    I will admit that is the single most difficult aspect of being a Liberal that I have encountered. Even with all the "hope and change", I cannot imagine answering a legitimate question with rhetoric and name-calling. It seems that the older I get, the more pronounced is my determination to be as accurate and factual as I am capable in any form of debate. Of cousre, being a liberal, I can always change my mind.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Gator 45/70, oldawg and Ganado like this.
  16. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 270, My Liberal Diary
    Where do you people get all these labels? It seems like everyone and everything now has an appropriate and equally PC name that is quite different than what you would find in Websters. I noticed this the other evening when my wife, the right-wanger, made a reference to my package. I was puzzled, then I realized she was talking about the imprint of my genitalia through my jeans, she also referred to this as my "junk", I don't know where she picked up this nomenclature, if I have to refer to my genitalia at all, it is with terms easily located in Websters Dictionary and usually only done in a Doctor's office or in the privacy of our bedroom. I realize there are some that have pet names for their private anatomy and I knew one guy that had decorations installed by piercings and while I admit this is a little beyond me, to each their own. It just doesn't seem dignified to refer to something like that as "Junk". Then there are these LGBTQs, when I heard what that stood for, I was confused. I had always been told that it wasn't nice to refer to them as Queers but apparently they like it just fine. I never considered identifying anyone by their sexual inclinations, not my business who's package gets mixed with who's junk. I am part native American and always took pride in being a redskin when we played Cowboys and Indians. I liked the thought of capturing Boonesboro and tying the coonskin cap clad settlers to stakes and scalping them. We Indians had rapid fire assault weapons with our bows and arrows, being able to reload and fire on the run several times while Davy Crockett tried to pour powder down his musket and pack a lead ball on top of it with a stick. I am not exactly sure why we didn't just kick their white asses all the way back to merry old England but instead, we actually helped them in their revolution against King George and boy was that a mistake. If we had any idea that helping the Rebels defeat England would lead to the Trail of Tears and Monsanto, we'd have opens a Fish and Chips franchise and let those white boys fight it out on their own.
    Gator 45/70 and Ganado like this.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 271, My Liberal Diary
    We were having a discussion about sea gulls. They can be bothersome and messy but there will always be those of the "Johnathon Livingston Seagull" post hippy faction that has never lived on a boat and slipped over the rail into the drink because Ole john and his flock shit all over the deck. yes, they are beautiful but a few left-over snack crackers can turn an ideallic peaceful panarama into a nightmarish scene from Alfred Hitchcock's "Birds" in less time than it takes for the cracker crumbs to hit the ground. That is why resteraunts on the waterfront always have signs up saying "Please do not feed the Birds". Shrimpers used to shoot them with shotguns when they swarmed the back of their trawlers but people got upset about that and started imposing large fines on shooting them. Someone suggested feeding them Alka-seltzer tablets. Apparently the legend is that birds can't fart and if you feed them alka-seltzer, they will explode into a puff of bloody feathers. I have heard this all my life but I am not one to kill an animal just to satisfy curiosity. Many have professed to having witnessed this practice or at least, allude that they either witnessed it or knew of a verifiable source that did. I realize that as a Liberal, I am suppose to believe stuff like this without verification but remember that I have only been a Liberal since the last election and I may never completely rid myself of the annoying habit of verifying facts and truth before spreading the rumor. After some diligent research, I was able to ascertain that just because we may never have heard a bird fart, they could very well rip one out if they needed to. There is nothing in their anatomy that would prevent either a fart or a burp, in fact, if you think about it most birds feed their young regurgitated worms and bugs. Also, I tend to think of knowledge as being both practical as well as useful, for example at a picnic. Instead of starring ahead and wondering who did it, just mumble something about farting birds. Urban legends can be funny but they can also cause some serious problems. For example, in 1985 a Connecticut State Representative, Mae S. Schmidle, introduced a law that would prevent people from throwing rice at weddings because the rice would expand in a bird's stomach and cause them to explode. If this were true, then it would have been a good law but the simple fact was that birds love rice and it doesn't harm them one bit, it's just another Alka-seltzer story but in Connecticut you can be fined $50.00 for throwing rice at a wedding. Several ornithologists were consulted, tests were conducted and proof provided that rice was not in the least bit harmful to birds, even Uncle Ben's Instant Rice, but don't throw rice at your niece's wedding in New Haven. When people get something in their minds that a law might fix, they find supporters and that gives birth to a "Cause" and subsequently a "Movement". It snowballs and plows right ahead with no regard for anything in it's path until it seems like there is no other common sense reason to deny validating a myth. I don't mind throwing meal-worms or grasshoppers at weddings, if that's what the consensus wants but please validate a legitimate reason before making it a law. Just check the facts instead of believing the Spin.
    Gator 45/70 and Ganado like this.
  18. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 272, My Liberal Diary
    I am 62 years old and that seems like a lot of years but I really don't feel any different than I did when I 18, except maybe a little smarter, wiser, not quite as agile. I thought about women a lot when I was 18, they were very appealing to me and near the top of my priority list. I guess a man never really quits thinking about the pleasures and delights of youth exploring their sexuality, that innate horyness will always be there it's just that now you are an old man and young beautiful women see just an old man and your wife and friends for the most part, are the same age and are about as appealing to you as you are to them. That is why so many of us old farts have guns. We are horny, old, and nobody gives a damn, so we want to shoot something. Did I get that right? OK, the compensated penis substitute just doesn't work for me, guy....I grew up in the Southern part of the United States in a rural region of western Tennessee. It was near a small community called Beech Bluff, most of Father's family farmed that area. Small game hunting, rabbits, squirrels, bobwhite quail, were just a natural part of event. My grand-father sometimes shot rabbits or raccoons to keep them from destroying our gardens or crops, and occasionally a fox or a weasel that was killing chickens. Nothing was ever killed for sport, but neither was it addressed any more than a task that needed to be done for food or protection of your food source, not a lot different than trapping a rat that is in your kitchen except we generally ate most of the animals that had to be killed. I was never taught that there was any difference between eating wild quail or chicken and dumplings because you still had to kill the chicken. My father began teaching me to safely handle firearms by the time I was four years old. I developed a life-long interest in firearms marksmanship and competition from family afternoons spent plinking at tin cans in a ditch with .22 rifles. It was a skill that each of us, regardless of age or physical abilities, could participate in and enjoy. It wasn't the focused event of the day, it was just another part of a gathering of friends and family to cook on a fire, maybe make some ice-cream in a hand-cranked freezer, shoot some cans or skeet.
    Years were measured in "seasons" but rather than Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, there was squirrel hunting season, which roughly coincided with the school year beginning each early Fall. Rabbit season always came later in the winter after the frost had time to kill parasites that sometimes lived in southern bunnies. There was a season for deer hunting, quail, ducks, turkeys, and other small game could be harvested for game but there were also feral animals, varmints, and pests that sometimes had to be disposed of for practical reasons. We had community "Turkey Shoots", usually held at a church. They were simple events where you paid a small fee to shoot a shotgun at a paper target and the one with the most shots closest to the exact center of the target would win a turkey or other prize. During one of these church socials, several of us might hear that someone was cutting a cornfield and the next thing you know, there are twelve of us planning a dove shoot that afternoon. What I am saying here is that firearms were just an everyday part of life, not that they were used daily, just that they were always there and in 62 years, I have never been compelled to shoot anyone in anger or hatred, but rather have fired thousands of rounds of every kind of ammunition you can think of through hundreds of different guns of all kinds and it has mostly always been in good spirit with friends, a loving family, and a small community that I trusted. I still enjoy shooting, I no longer hunt. I do buy a hunting license every year because I know the money generated from license sales by sportsmen is the primary source of funding for our wildlife conservation programs. I do own a bunch of firearms. Each one of them represents a particular type of shooting that I have done in the past. I haven't fired many of them in several years and may never fire them again but that is OK. I keep them because each and every one of them remind me of somewhere I have been, someone that I have met, something that I have done; it's like looking through a photo album only I can smell Hoppe's No. 6. I can hold my grand-father's old 12 gauge and feel the gravel driveway alongside the creek under the soles of my bare feet as we walked to the mail box at sun-down. Pappaw had that old gun over his shoulder, Smoky the sheppard was running ahead. "Might see a rabbit; they're eating the sprouts."
    These things have just always been part of the life and culture that I grew up in. I realize that maybe this life is quite a bit different than the one you live in now, but is bears you no ill will. That it is a right and not a privilege, has always been taken for granted by me and the people that I grew up with. We never really thought that in America, the right to own anything you want would ever be questioned if it did no-one else malice. Now I am having to take a serious look at Liberties clearly defined and stated in The Bill of Rights. It shocks me to see that so many people no longer have any appreciation of the rationale behind that magnificent document, so elegantly stated in it's clarity and simplicity. These ARE OUR RIGHTS and you may not take them away, impede, or re-arrange them. These are not "collective" rights belonging to everyone but rather "individual" rights of Everyone.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
    Ganado, Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 273, My Liberal Diary
    Today I joined a new LGBT forum on Facebook and was pleased to find so many things that I have enjoyed in private for years being shared on a public forum. I will admit that many of the shared photographs made me salivate and awakened hungers in me that have been ignored for far too long. It is strangely comforting to find that there are others that enjoy many of the same things as I do and with the political climate being as derisive as it has been lately, some of my interests are met with open hostility. For the first time in a while, I feel like I have found a spot on Social media where my interests are being freely addressed with impunity. If there are others out there that share my desire to find a place where you can be yourself, then I highly recommend joining the LGBT (Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Tits) forum on Facebook. I am now enjoying a BLT while cleaning my AR-15 and sipping jack Daniels with pictures of titties making me smile.
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 274, My Liberal Diary
    I have been noticing a disturbing trend, grown men and women are playing with dolls! When I was a boy, we often played with toy soldiers. They were cheap molded plastic figures made in poses of World War ll era Infantrymen in various fighting positions, as depicted in the John Wayne movie, Sands of Iwa Jima. Some were firing Garand rifles or Thompson sub-machine guns, some bazoozas. Some were hurling hand-grenades, but none of them were standing around protesting and none of them were posed hiding behind a rock. We would stage mock battles using a dirt pile as the battle ground, sometimes deploying firecrackers in the staged battle. Matel Toy Company thought they would grab the edge of manufacturing technology and take playing with toy soldiers to the next level so they introduced a foot tall plastic replica of a battle ready soldier called G.I Joe and a complete line of miniture replica weapons, gear, clothing, flame throwers, scuba gear, pretty much every damned thing you needed to fight an imaginary war on a dirt mound except that you could no longer outfit an entire army so what was the freaking point? It was playing with dolls and little girls did that. So inspite of a multi-million dollar Saturday morning cartoon advertising campaign that lasted for years, Matel finally figured out that little boys really didn't want to play with dolls, so they started marketing video games. I never imagined that adults would ever play with doll...and the prices that these things cost, up to $25,000.00 for a high-end multi-function unit but even the low-end products selling for several thousand dollars. And these things are supposed to be a replacement for sex between people! Can you believe that? People are so disenfranchised that they are investing in inanimate replicas of partners for sexual congress? I had always heard that a woman should feed and satisfy her man's sexual appetites because if she didn't there was always some whore out there with a sandwich, but this is beyond that. They are even opening doll "Brothels", no shit, where you can go in and rent somebody else's selection of rubber imitation people, whatever gender or combination there-of you should choose, and well this is where I sort of loose the visual image but you can read all about them in various articles on the Drudge Report or just google them.
    Apparently the new trend is in ultra expensive life-like sex dolls for sexual partners rather than people. They are now developing and marketing rubber men and women that have all the workable orifices and appendages to copulate in any manner you want, whenever you want, then you wash them off and stick them in a corner until you are ready to play again. They are even programming them with voices that will respond in any manner you wish. Hedonism has just reached a new level of depravity. I am really starting to get bothered by this trend in alienating people, steadily building walls and barriers between us and keeping us distracted from what is really going on around us. The world is on the brink of nuclear war, our elected government is being usurped by a loud and angry minority that is heavily funded by European concerns, attempts at openly subverting the Constitution of our Country and the Bill of Rights, the news media is nothing but corporate spin, but the good news is that we can all just stop having anything to do with our neighbors, no need to talk to those assholes, we'll tell you everything you need to know. They are just a bunch of racists anyway. Let's take their guns away from them and go fuck a rubber doll.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
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