My Liberal Diary

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I wish they would send me some. Barrel cots for my .54 hawken are getting expensive.
    Ganado likes this.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Write the Aids Coalition, they'll send you tons of them.
    Ganado and oldawg like this.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 132, My Liberal Diary
    Definition of TRANSPARENT
    clear, transparent, translucent, limpid mean capable of being seen through. clear implies absence of cloudiness, haziness, or muddiness. ⟨clear water⟩ transparent implies being so clear that objects can be seen distinctly.
    Now politicians have promised us this for the past several elections and I have heard so many people complain that things really weren't as clear as they had been promised. Quite a few actually got angry about the transparent lie. I have to take exception with this, almost everybody I knew could see right through all of Obama's empty promises, just how is that not transparent? Nobody seems to notice when a politician is kissing your baby, he's also patting your pocket to see if you got any spare change. I seem to have been blessed with a gift of being able to see right through most bullshit, so I suppose that is a kind of transparency? Some examples that come to mind, for example, take that fertilizer bomb that destroyed the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I have made a good bit of my living legally blowing things up with explosives, including ANFO, the apparent culprit, and can say without any reservations that due to the slow detonation velocity of ANFO (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil), it would have not been possible to breech the concrete supports that allowed the building to collapse from the distance it was detonated., not even with 20 times the amount of this particular explosive that could have been contained in a Ryder truck. NASA proved this in several experiments duplicating the event and issued numerous reports about it but nobody really listened. So it was pretty clear to me that someone was feeding the dumb-masses a platitude and wrapping it in decorative newspapers filled with stories of dead babies. When the Clintons assassinated Vince Foster after firing him as head of the FBI and nobody made any issues about his missing records, it was pretty clear too, that he committed suicide because he lost his homework. JFK was killed by a magic bullet, that's pretty clear, especially to a skilled marksman but nobody ever considered looking towards Harry Potter as a suspect. SO many engineers have created some really wild theories about how the World Trade Center Towers came down and some of them are almost believable if you ignore about two-thirds of the rest of the available engineering data but they really haven't said much about building seven. We went after Sadam Housin because a Bush was offended by his treatment of Daddy Bush and weapons of Mass Destruction were everywhere, except that they never found a single one but they did find Housin and hanged him with him asking "What did I ever do to you?" It is pretty clear that you just don't want to piss off a Republican. I watched the government burn down a church full of people, women and children included on national television and listened to BS tales of child abuse, sexual perversion, drug manufacturing, and whole-sale weapons of mass destruction but when the truth finally came out, all those people were guilty of was owning a handful of rifles that they had not registered and paid a $200.00 tax on. Yes they shot a few Federal Agents that SWATTED them, in defense of their lives but if these A-holes had just walked up to the door and knocked, explained that they were there to remove any weapons that were on the premises with unpaid taxes, then those folks could still be enjoying their life devoted to whatever God they believed in.
    Transparency exists in our government, you just have to look instead of listening to the spin they put on it.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    Tully Mars, oldawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 133, My Liberal Diary
    Maxine Waters has warned us that if Obama Care is repealed over 700 billion people will loose their health coverage. That is a frightening number of people, I wonder if it includes any of the 324.1 million people that live in the United States? That woman is a prime reason why I am offended when we liberals start calling Republicans ignorant. That a woman as stupid as Maxine could actually be elected to public office, especially representing us brilliant Liberals, astounds me. If this dumbass can even read, I am sure she never wastes her precious time on anything except Black Power Racist Propaganda and comic books. Listen brothers and sisters, if we are ever going to be taken seriously as a political force in this country, we need to get rid of people that can't read, count, or even lie convincingly from representing our interests in Congress and the Senate. Nancy Pelosi is another example, although she can read and at least has a staff that holds up placards so she won't miss a number by such a margin. There are 324.1 Million people in the United States so if you take the health coverage from 700 billion of them that only leaves minus 675.9 Billion with any coverage at all or to put it in clearer (more transparent) perspective, several times the entire population of the United States since mankind had to kill mastodons for lunch through the next ten centuries at the present birth-rate. Yet we not only condone this type of blatant ignorance, we keep electing them to hold public office and govern us.
    Ganado, Tully Mars, oldawg and 3 others like this.
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 134, My Liberal Diary
    Words have always been of importance to me, clear and concise choice of words, descriptive adjectives, appropriate interjections, all make effective accurate communications so much easier. Misunderstandings have caused more deaths, injuries, even wars, than pretty much any other event and it is no small wonder! Language has been bastardized, ebonitized, and proper grammar is almost nonexistent in most urban environments. Diction and elocution are not even words that register in most folk's lexicon. I recently heard a person of color use the word "conversate" in a court room and when the judge corrected him, a dictionary was produced and damn, someone has actually inserted that travesty into the dictionary and I'll bet Merriam Webster is rolling over in his grave.
    While I totally understand that things exist today that did not exist in prior generations will necessitate the advent of new words, mostly nouns, but I can stretch my imagination to include some colorful adjectives. I do not find issue with these words but "conversate"? Come on. I conversated wit chew, you know what I mean? Intentionally placing ignorance, illiteracy, and ghetto ebonics into acceptable conversation destroys what most separates man from monkeys, we might as well conversate with grunts, squeals, and belches.
    Proper words that I have known and used effectively throughout my life have now changed in meaning, so much that I feel the need to start my own personal Liberal Dictionary.
    1. 1.
      a person that disagrees with anything a negro says or does unless the negro is a republican or conservative.
      synonyms: republican, conservative, libertarian, tea-party member, whitey, cracker, offay, policeman
    1. 1.
      showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another. See BLM and BET
      "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"
    1. noun
    1. a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to disagreeing with Liberals.
      synonyms: right-winger, republican, racist, whitey, homophobe, bible-thumper, gun-owner, stupid, ignorant, Trump supporter

      1. 1.
        (of a form of government, constitution, etc.) belonging to, or characteristic of a republic.
      1. 1.
        a person advocating or supporting republican government.
      2. 2.
        white wealthy racist homophobes with guns that are against women, blacks, queers, undocumented workers, free health care and higher taxes to support the rest of us

        1. engage in conversation.
          "sometimes it's nice to be able to sit and conversate"
    Ganado, Tully Mars and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    I've had a hard time recovering from choking on "wifi" used as a verb. Yes, it's true.
    Ganado likes this.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 135, My Liberal Diary
    The Great Social Tit! (GST). Xenophobia used to trouble me and so did the many problems with illegal aliens until I started to put it into perspective. I first started feeling this animosity during the Cuban invasion of South Florida. Then I realized that most of the Cubano I knew were hard working people just trying to make the best of a really shitty life. I saw a calculation that the late Carl Sagan had done giving every man, woman, and child on planet earth, a generous three square feet to stand in side by side and geometrically, they only occupied an area approximately the same size as Jacksonville, Florida...a dot on the map. So I looked at spreading the entire population of Cuba across the State of Montana mathematically and it became apparent that they couldn't even land a rifle shot from a .30-06 in their nearest neighbors back yard. I have become a full-blown supporter of the Great Social Tit (GST for short). Let's invite the whole population of Mexico up here, hell I'll hire a few of them to cut my grass. "Yo te lo pagaré a cortarme el césped" Let the ones that don't work, and there are fewer of them that will not work than there are Citizens here that will not work, Let them bull their way right up to that big old free stuff Tit and feed until they burst! We will never be able to defeat this great social order as long as enough of us keep working and paying taxes to support it. Quit your job! Go on Welfare! Bleed this puppy dry and they have to start over with something that will work or leave us the hell alone.
    Ganado, Tully Mars and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 136, My Liberal Diary
    I am so very fortunate to have been born into white-privilege. I could have been born a Mexican and sneaked across the border working menial jobs until I got caught and sent back to Mexico without the 26 kids I fathered while picking avocado in California, even though I voted illegally for Hillary. I might have been born on a Reservation and spent my life drinking and working in one of our casinos or I could have been born in Louisiana, weighed 400 lbs from a diet of gumbo, boudin, and crawfish and used words like "chute em" when hunting alligators. I might have been born into a culture where I had to speak with a Pakistani accent and answer telephones for Tech Service all day or ask folks if they wanted their cigarettes, Fritos and big gulp in a bag? I might have been born Asian and had to learn to stir-fry every menu item from Mu Gu Gai Pan to number 69 ( beef with broccoli). I might have been born somewhat confused by my gender and so envious of vaginas that I would have to grow fake tits and have my penis inverted. I might have been born a LGBTQ and been forced to listen to Judy Garland records and march in parades wearing a cod-piece. I might have been born black and used intransitive verbs like "Be" without a modifier (I be Black) and wear my pants below my ass while I await my one in three probability of ending up in prison conversating with my brothers about how whitey unfairly discriminated against me for shooting Darrien when that nigga owned me money, what the fuck? Does he think crack grows on trees? But I wasn't born into any of these lives, I was born into a rural Southern white family with a married mother and father that both worked to feed us and keep a roof over our heads. I had an extended family of Uncles and Aunts that helped teach me how to hunt, fish, raise animals for food, grow and tend a garden, and work to earn money doing helpful tasks for neighbors. We mowed lawns, shoveled snow, painted and repaired fences, cleared brush, picked fruits and vegetables, replaced roofing, painted houses, baled hay, and gave a portion of our meager earnings to the household to help with necessities. When I was 14, a white man gave me a job mixing mortar and carrying bricks to the black men he had hired to build brick houses. I was fortunate to have a real job and the black men began teaching me how to lay runs of concrete blocks and bricks, how to strike joints, and the importance of a level and a straight line. When I was 16, another white man gave me a job unloading sides of beef from a truck and carrying them into coolers at grocery stores all over Tennessee, Kentucky, and Mississippi. I am sure that I got the job because of white privilege and it had nothing to do with the fact that my family was having financial difficulties and I had developed a pretty decent set of muscles while mixing mortar and toting bricks and concrete blocks up scaffolds for the last couple of years. I took shop classes while in school and learned to weld metal and cut rafters, how to measure land and survey elevations. I could always find work building houses, working as a nail-driver or a roofer. I loved to read and always took immense pride in developing an effective vocabulary and politeness was ingrained in my Southern upbringing. I learned to play guitar in a Pentecostal church that my Granny owned. Religion didn't make that much of an impression but the fellowship and Christian kindness and charity made a wonderful example to me and I still believe in the kindness and good of my fellow man even though I have seen the underside in ways that only desperation can seed. I am now 61 years old and I have never been unemployed, even when I had to go to rent-a-wino places like "Labor-finders" and stand in line for a job picking up construction debris. I have never drawn a single entitlement check of any manner, no welfare, no housing assistance, no medicare, not even a meal at a charity soup kitchen unless it was while I volunteered to help cook for others less fortunate. I have broken laws. I have been jailed a couple of times for injuring someone in a fight that I would have really preferred to have avoided altogether but just couldn't walk away from. I got arrested once for writing a bounced check but the Judge dismissed the charge when I said that I would pay it in cash and that I hadn't written it with intent to defraud the person, that the money had been promised to me by my employer before the check was written but he didn't pay me in time to beat the check to the bank and I had to sell my guitar: thirty something years later, I am still waiting on getting paid that money owed to me.
    My wife's health has taken a bad turn. She broke her neck while working for a prominent Marine salvage Contractor in a foreign country years ago and never received the proper treatment due to something to do with the Jones Act. Now she has complications from that old injury and has lost most of the use of her lungs due to chemical exposures during the BP oil spill. Medical expenses have wasted my savings but I still work and will until the day I die and I do not expect anyone to bear my responsibilities, this is my responsibility. I can no longer work internationally because I have to be here to help with my wife and her mother. I work for a local commercial diving contractor and I supplement my income by playing music and recording the music of others. If I earn anything over what is required to cover our living expenses and medical costs, the IRS attaches it to pay taxes they say that I owe from 2000 with interest. This is the 'white Privilege" that I know and love.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
    Tully Mars, Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 137, My Liberal Diary
    I have been thinking about this illegal immigrant thing again and I really don't think that wall will do much except serve as a graffiti canvas. I suppose that it will employ a lot of people but if you think about it, most of the people now days that actually do manual labor such as brick laying and post-hole digging are what we PC Liberals refer to as undocumented workers. I like the idea of open borders, myself, at least as long as I don't have to pay for it in additional taxes and also time waiting to push 1 to hear it in English. If we just stop all the PC crap like Spanish options on electronic menus, then what's the big problem? I just don't understand what all the fuss is about, I mean it's only cheap labor and a few children...and their mothers...well, maybe a few cousins too and uncles and aunts...and you can't really expect to leave the grand-parents behind, I mean, who the hell is gonna take care of them?
    Instead of building fences, we should be paving highways, building bridges, put in a few rest stops and welcome centers. Maybe one of those turnstiles to distribute free cell phones and EBT cards, and don't forget a medical clinic and delivery room for the newest of our new citizens! No reason why they can't have the best Obama-care has to offer.
    Maybe they can all bring Budwieser, Coors, Levi, Chevrolets, American Beauty dolls, Martin, Taylor, and Fender guitars, and Craftmans tools with them, since they make them in Mexico now anyway and save on trucking costs. We could put up a Super Walmart to end all Walmarts right by the welcome center, hell they make most of the products sold there anyway. Then maybe those of us that actually work to pay for this BS can just move South to some of the richest farmland in the world , and start a new Republic with impunity since all the democrats, liberals, and ass-hat Republicans are stuck up here learning Spanish.
    I offered to trade all my surplus bricks for one of those tanks that the government is giving away to every mom and pop police department in the States and they haven't responded so I really don't think they're serious about this wall. And the health care thing is not nearly as expensive as maintaining all those agencies that employ people to spy on us, we could just ask the Mexicans to call them every few days and tell them what they see folks doing, save all that money spent of eavesdropping, spy satellites, drones, and instead of giving military hardware and vehicles to local police, turn them into taxi cabs and send them to New York City.
    Tully Mars and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 138, My Liberal Diary
    I warned you. We keep rioting, burning, looting, attacking people that disagree with us, calling them names, they are going to get fed up with it and they are much better armed than the Left and much more skilled in the use of arms. We can't reasonably claim that the new NRA ad is promoting white supremacy, that is stupid. They used actual footage catching us in the act. We can't pretend that they'll just stand there and get the shit kicked out of them by a bunch of BLMLGBTQS carrying "Ban Assault Weapons" signs and molotov cocktails, without expecting them to respond with appropriate force. Like it or not, my Liberal Brethren, their lives matter too and we should be a little more appreciative of that since they are the majority of working Americans that actually pay the taxes that support what is left of our Liberal agenda. Allen West is a life-time NRA member, so am I, for that matter, and I have a LARGE number of black folks that I regularly shoot competitively with, that belong to the NRA. The NRA was actually created to guarantee your right to own firearms to defend yourself, your property and family and to teach folks how to safely use weapons to defend themselves, particularly black people protecting themselves from the Democrat organization known as the Ku Klux Klan. We liberals are making this dangerous world we live in even more threatening and I stand behind the NRA making a strong and clear warning that there is a line that we will not be allowed to cross without consequence. Suck it up, Snowflakes. We have been warned and for that, I thank the NRA. They very well could just have started shooting back.
    Tully Mars, Gator 45/70 and oldawg like this.
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 139, My Liberal Diary
    Some things are very predictable, like July weather in South Alabama, just know it is going to be hot and humid with a chance of afternoon Thunder storms. That's just the way it is and there's really not much reason to waste time watching those television star wannabe "meteorologists" because that's pretty much what they'll waste twenty minutes of you life telling you with all the silly computer images and $50,000.00 worth of dental work. Some things are always unpredictable, like how long will the mustard pickles my wife, the right-wanger, makes each summer last? We'll never know that answer because they are always eaten or given away long before they have a chance to go bad. I get a daily intelligence briefing that makes predicitons based of world events and trends. This is very useful, if you are planning a trip to Paraguay for example, because they predict statistically any likelihood of you being kidnapped and murdered for your fake Rolex, based on real time events and data. A few years ago, I was in route to Port Au Prince, Haiti to raise a sunken freighter in the harbor there and was advised to expect increasing political demonstration, some possibly violent, and a possible coup attempt. I shared this news while aboard our plane with my fellow crewmen and was met with a bit of skepticism but when we landed, we were just hours ahead of NATO troops and Aristide was hiding in a basement somewhere, hoping to be saved, while most of Port Au Prince was either burning or being shot to hell and gone by bands of roving former military that hadn't been paid in many months so they took their weapons and started killing people. I am only mentioning this because hasn't bothered to make any predictions about Liberals actually changing anything significant around the United States, based on the intelligence they have gathered, but this doesn't surprise me much. I am not seeing a lot of intelligence coming from liberals. There are multiple reasons for this, I am sure, but the two most likely reasons are either we are being super-sneaky and flying beneath the intelligence radar or that Liberals are just not intelligent so there is none to gather.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 140, My Liberal Diary
    I am a big proponent of animal rights. Most people just do not realize how important animals are to them. I begin each and every day with a big serving of bacon and couldn't imagine a world without pigs, cows, and chickens because grits without bacon, milk gravy, and eggs just wouldn't seem right. I wear boots and belts made from the skins of several animals. I have some made from alligators, kangaroos, elephants, eels, snakes, lizards, cows, elk, and even a pair of shoes made from a cute little baby goat. I usually wear a Stetson made for a aquatic rodent and my .45 Colt has grips from the tusks of an African elephant and is carried in a holster made from the skin of an Asian cobra. I might have a cute little bunny cooked with dumplings for dinner or maybe some fish or shrimps. I am not likely to become a vegan any time soon. I love to watch and photograph animals, especially before dressing them and cutting them up to store in the freezer to await their turn on the grill. Yes, I shoot them sometimes with a gun, sometimes with a bow and arrow, hell, I even beat a deer to death once with a boat paddle but that was sort of in self-defense but we did appreciate the meat.
    I do not hang dead animals around the house for decorations, no stuffed heads hanging on the wall, no bear skins on the floor, but there is a small elephant made from leather and ivory that was a house warming gift from a wealthy friend sitting above the rear foyer.
    Liberals see the hunting and killing of animals for food or sport as being cruel and barbaric. I get this, but what most of us miss is that animals are renewable, if given proper management and habitat. Deer and many other game animals and birds, for example, were nearly wiped out to the point of extinction in North America by 1920. There was very little sport hunting, just some really desperate hungry people with no WIC cards, just grandpa's trusty old shotgun. Farmers were plowing fields where buffalo once roamed to grow potatoes to feed their children. Large tracts of land were covered in concrete to house liberals and put up super markets so we could buy our food rather than chasing it down in the woods. This was a pretty good idea except now, the animals had no place to make other little animals or forage for what they needed to eat. That's where sport hunting became a player. Monies generated by hunting and fishing licenses have been used almost exclusively to purchase wildlife habitat and hire game management professionals to see that we have a continuing supply of pretty well-fed little Bambi for liberals to fawn over and some of us Neanderthals to shoot for dinner. We don't shoot all the animals we save with our conservation programs, not even one in hundreds, so there is plenty left over for the tree-huggers. Without these funds generated from hunting, there essentially would be no animals left for us to enjoy. This is not a pretty picture but that does not make it a right-wang conspiracy, it does not lessen the truth; Ted Nugent does more to protect nature by killing deer, elk, antelope, bears, gophers, and wild pigs that the entire population of Liberal anti-hunting tree huggers combined. Sorry brothers and sisters, but we just would never consider the idea of spending money that could purchase a new pair of hemp Birkenstocks on a license to kill a moose, so that money would not be spent saving our wildlife if it were not for those of us that want to eat them for dinner.
    Yard Dart, oldawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 141, My Liberal Diary
    It is too easy to think you have all the answers when so much of the data you are processing is a syllogism at best and very erroneous and misleading. Take Van Morrison's song, Tupelo Honey, for example. You listen to the song, enjoy it, know that Tupelo is a town in northern Mississippi and when anyone asked about Tupelo Honey, well naturally it came from Tupelo. Wrong. You just thought you had enough information to figure that one out and have been spreading it as fact every time you heard it on the radio.Tupelo honey ain't got shit to do with Tupelo, Mississippi. It is honey made from a Black Tupelo Gum tree, a flowering tree that grows in river bottoms and swamps throughout the South. A Lot of them are hollow too and actually have hives of lazy bees that live in them because they only have to fly a little ways to collect all that Tupelo nectar to make their honey with.
    I see this same trend when talking with Liberals about firearms. The most popular sporting rifle in the United States is the AR-15, most folks assume incorrectly that the AR stands for Assault Rifle. It doesn't, it stands for Armlite., the company that designed them. They are not even assault rifles. They are semi-automatic rifles that fire one time with one pull of the trigger, just like your dad's other hunting rifles. That's all they do, they don't "spray' bullets and yes they were designed to kill, what else is is a rifle designed to do and what's the big deal about that? It really is more practical to kill something with a rifle than it is to kill it with a hammer yet an exponentially greater number of people are murdered by hammers and other blunt objects than are with rifles, assault or otherwise. This is just a fact, not something that i have an opinion on other than I own many of these so called assault rifle 15s and enjoy shooting things with them and yes, occassionlly killing something with them too; it's what they were designed to do after all.
    Yard Dart, Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    A real monkey Ninja would use the hammer!
    Yard Dart likes this.
  15. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    My favorite
    'Would you please disconnect my internet? If only need the wifi'
    BTPost and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 142, My Liberal Diary
    I always liked that line in the preamble to the Constitution For the United States of America, the one about establishing justice and insuring domestic tranquility. Domestic tranquility is very important, especially if you are a liberal living under the same roof as a right-wanger. I recently had a refresher course in insuring domestic tranquility when I came in from work and announced that some friends were coming by in a couple of hours to play some music. I never anticipated the flurry of activity that resulted from that notification to my wife, the right-wanger. Apparently the house-fairy has been abducted by radical dust bunnies and it is no longer acceptable to just impulsively invite folks over to play music without an undetermined advance notice to she who throws vacuum cleaners when surprised on Friday afternoons by an announcement of impending guests. I am sure she thinks that has something to do with the "justice" part of it. Fortunately, I was able to dodge the hurled cleaning implement and avoid a personal injury lawsuit, but the long-term ramifications have still created areas of caution, where I tread lightly. I suppose that I still have remnants of my conservative upbringing influencing many of my preferences. I really would rather just have an argument and get it done than to have to be constantly aware of the many secondary passive-aggressive events that can follow a major disturbance of the domestic tranquility thing even days after the catalyst event, like left-overs for dinner or hearing graphic details about a yeast infection in response to an amorous nibble on her ear.
    I can only imagine how long this fracture in the marrow of domestic tranquility will take to abate unless I take some drastic measures to remedy it; apologies and offers to call my guests and tell them not to come over did nothing to prevent the shrapnel wounds from flying vacuum cleaners. I realize the solution towards reinstating domestic tranquility lies solely in finding a suitable replacement for the missing House-fairy. I know that since that Trump guy got elected president, there has been a severe shortage of undocumented workers available for such tasks, particularly in Southern Alabama, but if anyone has an extra Mexican I can borrow, it would be immensely appreciated.
    Yard Dart, Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 143, My Liberal Diary
    IMPEACHMENT EFFORT GETS JUST ONE DEM SUPPORTER... It's a start brothers, sisters and undecided! We have one democrat that has filed for impeachment of the elected president. I am sure Nancy Pelosi would also support this guy but she can't remember the President's name. She keeps getting him confused with George Bush and calling him Bush. Nancy, Bush isn't president any more, Donald Trump is now the president, did you miss an election or two? If you could get over your problem with reality, maybe you could help out Congressman Brad Sherman, he's from California too and is the sole supporter of the impeachment proceedings filed by the democrats. He could use the support of a powerful, if somewhat forgetful, woman such as yourself. Maybe you can persuade your friend, Maxine Waters, to support him to then surely the black caucus would at least call Jesse and ask him if he'd like to help. If there is any hope for us to be able to freely pee in the restrooms of our preference, then we've got to get that man out of office! As long as Bush is president, we'll have to hide our undocumented house servants, put up with constant assaults on Obama Care, have cheaper gasoline available to pollute our environment and hasten global warming, and live with the knowledge that him and his Russian friends might grab you by the pussy any time they want. Let's stand together on this and Impeach George Bush!
  18. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Don't forget to round up Shirley Chisholm while recruiting a gang of protesters.
    Seacowboys likes this.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 144, My Liberal Diary
    Many of you believe this on-going diatribe to be a parody and I suppose somedays, it might be but essentially I am a liberal. Not what the Left has become with their socialist agenda, no whining, no wanting higher taxes or free stuff. There really is no free stuff and we have to end this welfare state. Civil liberties have to be much more important than what the nanny state will allow. We must be fiscally conservative, much more so than either republicans or democrats would have it. The IRS needs to go! People should be able to opt out on Social Security if they choose. Gun ownership should not be restricted, as per the second amendment, period and that includes feel good bullshit like the 1934 gun control act. I could care less who screws what or marries them, for that matter, as long as I don't have to watch them on tv or wait at a cross-roads while running late for whatever to let their silly little parade go by.I do not think the government should be allowed to take a citizens life for punishment for anything but I do think people should be allowed to kill someone that does them harm, threatens them, or takes their property. The war of illegal drugs is a joke, a bad joke and we lost. The only thing that it has accomplished is creating mega-wealthy cartels and fleshing out local police departments into paramilitary units that can be used to control us. We do not need a giant central government, just a little administrative branch to oversee national defense and foreign trade agreements. We need to get back on the gold standard, make our money actually worth something other than what the Fed tells us it is worth. People really aren't that damned important that we have to worry about those that can't take care of themselves. That is exactly what natural selection is all about. If you can't cut it, die and don't pull the species down with you. I don't think anyone's god has a place in our government but whatever you want to believe is fine with me as long as I don't have to listen to him/her delivering a 20 kiloton message with a half-life. There is a reason why we have separate restrooms based on gender and being confused about it should not be a problem, if you have a penis, you use the one with men on it, if you have a vagina, then use the other one. I don't mind seeing a woman use the men's room if there is a line outside the Lady's room and try to be respectful while they attend their bodily functions but this falls under the category of special circumstance and shouldn't be confused with cross-dressers whacking off in the lady's room and logic tells me that if a man is so screwed up that he wants to use the Lady's room, he's a pervert and not a special circumstance. Another thing, these LGBTQ queers still give blow jobs in public restrooms in spite of having all these laws made against discrimination and this is NOT socially acceptable behavior. Black Lives Matter but not one damned bit more than Asian, Native American, European, Scandinavian, Spanish, or god forgive me, white trash and redneck's lives. I also believe that racism will always exist mostly because black people and liberals tend to believe it is only a black and white thing that travels only in one direction. So I am probably the most dangerous type of liberal there is, one that is armed and thinks.
    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Dangerous my ass, them's the best kind of liberal. One of the things that gets lost in the faux newz world is that politics (and most other divisive aspects of life) are a spectrum NOT a hardened concrete lump of consistency at polar opposite side of a precise line.
    Seacowboys likes this.
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