Wow, RH.. Nice dogs... and you got robbed? CRC... Every one of my 'pets' has been a rescue. That lost dog Mara, was the older dog at the HS and I knew that all the cute puppies would be taken... She was also the quietest and had been there for 7 months. Well, I did get 6 good yrs with her. Still don't know what happened to her
Let my guard down and took both pups with me for the day as I was doing more frequently during the past year. Most of my clients don't mind when I bring them along. Big mistake on my part. Ninja, the female, is a particularly good guard dog and Taj, the male, follows her lead.
Thanks. I'll see if I am able to post some pictures (I am not too computer savy), unless the pup eats the camera first!
I know what you mean roscoe. My Taj, as a youngster, got into my camara bag once and chewed up both my light meter and my very expensive flash. He also has a penchant for eating bars of soap - if I'm not very careful about putting things out of his reach, his breath smells suspiciously like Irish Spring.