Muslims of America

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Silversnake, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Gotta love an oath keeper! [winkthumb]
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    kellory likes this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    It has occurred to me, that I gave my affirmation of allegiance to the Commonwealth of Australia, when I first enlisted, and on subsequent enlistments, until I retired from the Australian Defence Forces (Army). I was commissioned as an officer in the Army, and although I have been retired for nigh on two decades, my commission, as an officer remains unrevoked, and can be re-activated at my Sovereign's pleasure at any time. It stays with me until the day I die, or unless my commission is otherwise cancelled (for cause). My affirmation of allegiance can never be taken away from me, except by my own choice.
  3. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Thank you for your service to your country. I also took an oath some 45+ yrs ago and it is still valid. We both owe and allegiance to our country, it's ideals, etc. To those countries which hate ours, to those of different faiths which are dedicated to our demise, and to those who sympathize with either/both I owe no allegiance. I do not have to like them, buy from them, or fellowship with them as they are my enemy. To do so makes me a traitor to all those who have died at their hands from Beirut/USS Cole/twin towers/ and the current conflicts. If others want to that is their privilege and right. As for me, I will continue to view them suspiciously and spend my money elsewhere. When the muzzies take out their world domination section from their rules and stop bombing/murdering/torturing then attitudes will change. The POS hitlery said "what difference does it make" --seems some here feel the same way and can forget all the blood thirsty murderers running amuck in the world. Next explosion may be in your neighborhood, train, or bus--might change one's mind.
    Yard Dart and ozarkgoatman like this.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    @-06 , would you have me distrust or hate family then? My favorite cousin is Persian (Iraq) and loves the USA more than most, for he has lived without the freedoms we hold dear. Or my father's cousin, is married to Muslim, and lives down my street. A good neighbor, and a friend.
    I chose to put my faith in actions, not ancestry. I will trust, until I have reason to not trust. RMMV.
    tulianr and chelloveck like this.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Whooooa, Wait just a minute here Kell... Did you read what -06 WROTE?
    He isn't advocating that you do ANYTHING, So for you to come down on him for his post is TOTAL BS.... He is just stating his Personal Position, on the issue, nothing more...
    kellory, Yard Dart and chelloveck like this.
  6. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I can see what Kellory is saying. It's the same thing that went through my mind when I read -06's post. I don't think he's coming down on -06. Of course anyone has the right to feel anyway they want, but to dislike and distrust an entire religion or ethnic group because of the actions of a few isn't logical.

    I don't condemn all Catholics because of the actions of a few pedophile priests. I don't condemn all Southern Baptists, even though the Southern Baptist organization of churches at one time supported the institution of slavery. I don't condemn Mormons because of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. I don't condemn all of the citizens of Lebanon over the BLT building bombing. I don't condemn all Muslims over the actions of a relatively few maniacs, out of a population of 1.6 billion, who don't understand the tenets of their own religion; and I don't understand those who do. Bigotry isn't logical. Obviously, folks are free to harbor such feelings, but to express them in a public forum invites comment. Sometimes those comments contrast or conflict.
    chelloveck, kellory and Yard Dart like this.
  7. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I'm not coming down on him, just offering another point of view. I have more faith in my fellow man than some. It may be a personal failing of mine, but while I do watch for threat, I can't write off a group because of the actions of a few. If so, I would have to write off all of my school time as well. Just as I tell my kids when it comes to skin color. Fools come in all colors, and just because you may have more problems with fools of one color, it is because they are fools, not because their color made them so.
    Just as I can't write off all blacks because of the knockout game, it doesn't mean I stop watching for threat, it means I take note, and keep scanning.
    chelloveck and tulianr like this.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    No, go back and "Read" what you wrote...
    You are projecting, your own issues, on -06, which is BS, He stated this is HIS Way, and is not projecting HIS Way, and states so, on anyone else.... It doesn't have to be logical, as humans, mostly are NOT logical, it just has to be HIS Way, and that is his RIGHT, and as long as he does NOT project HIS Way on others, No Harm, No Foul..... .....
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    His circumstances are different than mine, but he does state "--seems some here feel the same way and can forget all the blood thirsty murderers running amuck in the world. Next explosion may be in your neighborhood, train, or bus--might change one's mind."
    I never forget, and never stop watching, but I don't tunnel-vision either. Did a Muslim do Sandy-hook, or shoot up a shopping mall? If I just kept an eye on all Muslims in my area, I would completely miss something like that.
    Projecting? no. Just stating that that mindset could not work for me. If I subscribed to that view, I would be denying Family.
    chelloveck likes this.
  10. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    I purposely started this thread here and not in the religion thread, because I see not so much a religion threat, but a threat from organized, potential marauders. Granted, these groups have wreaked some local havoc, but in a regional breakdown without even marginally effective law and order, I would want to have these threats templated in my AoO. Templated as in estimated strength, capabilities, tactics, weapons, range, etc. I also template the much more capable and potentially dangerous 1% OMCs as well.
  11. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Guess I am getting old and harder to assimilate into the way young people are being taught--diversity, tolerance, PC thinking. Was reared to think that if some group commits horrible crimes toward a certain group then they need to be watched very carefully. Biblically we are not to fellowship with such haters of our God. I have seen how some muslims hate Jews/and us personally, have seen them practice military moves, and spew vile heated comments just because we believe in Jesus. Several other groups were mentioned because of their beliefs and the problems they caused. Today's world wide terrorists are creating problems and it is going to get worse. If only 10% of that 1.6 Billion muzzies hate us enough to strap on bombs, shoot innocents, attack civilian targets then that is a tremendous number of people. That is enough to put them into every neighborhood, every school, every military installation, etc across the globe. Look around, who do you see, where do they work, how easy would it be for them to feed intel, support/hide, or actually move against our nation? The time will come when they do just that. It is inevitable because that is what they are taught from birth from their "holy" book. None of those institutions mentioned teach such hatred but muzzies do.
    ozarkgoatman likes this.
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Old?;) I'm 50. How old do I have to be to hate an entire people? Is this more like "the only good Jap, is a dead Jap"? Or "blacks are good for nothing but slaves"? Or maybe "never trust an Indian"? All of these were once "normal "views, held by the majority of people, here in the USA. :(
    chelloveck and tulianr like this.
  13. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Im right there with you 06. When people are taught from birth that you eighter convert everyone to your religion or kill them, well that's pretty clear to me.
  14. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Whoa there Kellory. Did not say I hated anyone but that I chose not to trade or associate with them. I also do not trust them as in a crux they would naturally side with their brethren. I do not hate anyone---other than those who jump to conclusions--or is that pity? Please do not put words in people's mouths and stick to the subject. As for the "Jap" comment---during WWII that was a popular saying. If you had lived in Nanking or had friends on the Arizona you may have had a similar feeling.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    That would be why I brought them up. They are known factors.
    I'm not trying to feed you words, in that I stand corrected.
    As to the Arizona, she cries to this day.
    I don't have Japs, Germans, Italians, or Britt's to watch, but gangbangers in plenty. Most are no real threat, some are. Both there are far too many to shoot them all. Much like your muzzies. Like your muzzies, most are not a threat. They bear watching (agreed) but not aggression.
    Like your muzzies, they may band together under stress, who really knows? But unless they become a major problem, they are not my problem.
  16. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Let's hope they remain just a figment of my paranoia. Know a few middle easterners who farm/raise animals and a few others in various fields. They seem to be decent people. I remember nobammies comments---"should the tide change I would come down on the side of islam". That is not a direct quote but that is what was said---makes one wonder what others think also. Example--one of the most dangerous situations for a LEO is a domestic argument--often the offended(victim) spouse will turn on the LEO when they see him being locked up/handcuffed/etc. I use the same logic about the muzzies---in a bad situation they will side with their kind--it is natural and we all do it.
    kellory likes this.
  17. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    " May they stay a figment of your paranoia". I'll drink to that. Care to join me?;)[beer]
    ghrit likes this.
  18. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Sounds like a plan Kellory. Soldiers (even old ones like myself) know better than anyone the cost of war and/or the misery of conflicts. My son has 18 yrs in the 82ond and I want him to never have to fire another shot if possible--and I certainly do not. Getting too old to be "snoopin n poopin".
    Yard Dart and kellory like this.
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