muslim bro'hood / tanks move up to Israeli border

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CATO, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    I'm still watching. I would distrust his moves more, had not the military, backed by the judicial branch, attempted to strangle the democracy from the very beginning. What we are seeing now may simply be an attempt to level the playing field. Maybe it is the beginning of a grab for absolute power. We will see. Lord Acton's famous quote may indeed prove itself out once again, and power may indeed corrupt.

    Our own nation went through a messy time (as if it ever ended). Whether we would be a democracy, or a republic, or even a parliamentary monarchy (several of George Washington's officers proposed that he be made King, near the end of the Revolutionary War), was hotly debated and fought over.

    I don't know Morsi; maybe he's a good guy, maybe he's a power hungry jerk. Time will tell.
    BTPost likes this.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Instead of posting a new thread, I'll just add to this so you can keep in mind what has happened since this guy got in office:

    U.S. gift of F-16 fighters headed to Egypt, despite Morsi's harsh rhetoric | Fox News

    So, tanks move up to the border is where we left off with this story . . . .

    Next, being a thoughtful and kind leader, the United States' President, Barrack Obama GIVES Egypt TWO HUNDRED tanks and TWENTY F-16 fighter jets. Now, in this region, who are Egypt's major enemies--those who might attack them?? Hmmmm.....(time goes by)....I can't really think of any since they are in the Muslim club. Using deduction, I'm thinking they fear an attack from Israel, since that's where they moved their tanks. Geee, let me think, when is the last time Isarael attacked Egypt. IIRC, that was 1967, but why??

    Not to get off topic here: Why is the U.S. President giving arms to those hostile to peace now?

    Just to keep in the back of your head, here is a portion of Article 3 (Sec. 3) of the U.S. Constition:

    Didn't this guy just swear to uphold the Constitution??
    kellory and Brokor like this.
  3. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Israel is probably the most war prepared nation in the world. Everything they have is underground/protected/hidden so when the gavel drops they will be able to respond effectively and swiftly. On another related note-------why did nobammy give the Egyptians fighter jets and are training their pilots/crews? Makes no sense to me but what do I know.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Proliferating the enemy to spurn a war can be profitable in many ways. First, it can help to further solidify political and military positions in the region. Second, it can create a legitimate excuse to wage war abroad. Third, it can enrich the corporate cartels who profit from war. Fourth, it can welcome private banking cartels who can then control, manipulate and steer a nation with very little effort.
  5. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Only a total idiot would play two sides. Carter was one of the more recent examples as he supplied both Iran and Iraq with intel information.

    0bama arming a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who is also in charge of Egypt is inciting more instability in the Middle East.

    We are already owned and not by the banking cartels.

    "China has actually decreased its holdings of U.S. debt over the past year, dropping from $1.31 trillion in June 2011 to $1.16 trillion a year later, according to the Treasury Department. Japan holds nearly as much, at $1.12 trillion. Those countries are by far the biggest foreign holders, but dozens of other nations, including Brazil, Russia, Taiwan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom hold trillions more.

    Inside the U.S., private investors hold nearly $1 trillion in federal debt, while mutual funds, insurance companies and state and local governments hold nearly double that amount.
    Read more: US debt tops $16 trillion: So who do we owe most of that money to? | Fox News"

    The biggest pyramid scheme in history begins with our tax money buying America's debt.
  6. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Tikka, you just contradicted everything you claimed. Despite your discrepancy, the banking cartels really do control everything, and yes wars have been played on both sides. As far as you see it, "owning" debt equals power --but to the banking cartels, it's just a ledger entry. The fact that another country, state or company buys debt doesn't mean THEY hold the power to destroy or the power to create virtually limitless currencies. You fail to see the inherent system in play. Each country can fall, their society in ruins, but the ability to create such debt in the first place is the key to power. Debt is just a figure, you don't want to ignore the money masters.

    We agree here. ;)

    Appearances can sometimes be deceiving.
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