1. Mandatory Military Service for Two years after High School where they are taught what America is really about and are deprogrammed. 2. Change the educational system so that our kids are prepared to enter the job market. Children need to be evaluated to discover how each individual kid absorbs and retains information and where their strengths lie. 3. After evaluation, those kids need to be taught in classes where they can learn most effectively. 4. Those kids who don't want to stay in school should be placed in a rural environment where they will be put to work in the fields growing and raising their own food. The classroom may look much better after a month or two... And we may get some life time farmers out of the deal.
I'm not ready to insist on military, but service, yep and make it something useful. Like waste management to replace all the PhD's that are wasting their educations on those big green trucks --. Or hospital scut work. Or cleaning services for government buildings. Or maybe something like the CCC back in FDRs time. But mandatory, and work.
Yeah...there are other countries that do require 'service' for example Germany. A two year solder is not a very good soldier...I really think we should stick to a completely volunteer military but do understand @Dunerunner point - meaning - this would bring discipline, responsibility and maturity to those youth. What Germany does (not sure if still doing this) is one has to complete 2-yrs of service either in the community, social services or the military and if they choose military then they are slotted into positions like truck drivers, kitchen help etc. lower level positions (no combat arms) but they can choose at anytime to commit to the professional forces and sign a contract to do so which includes training.
For some reason this 4 point plan scares me. This sounds like plans they implement in all those dystopian novels I read.
REMEMBER! The lib-tards now have THREE MONTHS to do what ever they want as the next election is two years away and the sheeple can barely remember who they voted for yesterday. Look at all the commies in CONgress who are now pushing for MORE gun control, MORE taxes, MORE Obummercare/price increases, MORE restrictions on our rights. Just because Trump won does not mean the lib-tards will give up as CONTROL OF THE SHEEPLE is the ONLY thing that has meaning for them! A free people means they LOST and that ain't a gonna happen! Dunerunner said: ↑ 1. Mandatory Military Service for Two years after High School where they are taught what America is really about and are deprogrammed. Soviet Russia anyone? Nazi Germany anyone? Just go look it up. 2. Change the educational system so that our kids are prepared to enter the job market. Children need to be evaluated to discover how each individual kid absorbs and retains information and where their strengths lie. Woody Wilson pushed this. The "lower classes" were to be trained to serve their masters, the upper classes trained to be masters of the lower classes. Go look it up. 3. After evaluation, those kids need to be taught in classes where they can learn most effectively. See above. 4. Those kids who don't want to stay in school should be placed in a rural environment where they will be put to work in the fields growing and raising their own food. The classroom may look much better after a month or two... And we may get some life time farmers out of the deal. See above. Sure it all sounds good, until Hitlery/Stalin/Obummer gets control.
not my saying...I got it from a Bobby Akart novel: "When faced with a choice, choose Freedom". Words to live by and to teach our kids and grandkids to live by.
Soviet and Nazi types are not the only ones that has done this as this country had mandatory military service for eons... Personally, I don't think it is a good idea. BTW Russian still does have mandatory military service... What I do like "2. Change the educational system so that our kids are prepared to enter the job market." I believe they do not teach enough true skills in Public Schools anymore like metal shop, wood shop, welding, auto repair and others... These need to be brought back and some of the grey fluffy subjects need to be thrown out. Typing and computer hardware/software, and computer programming need to be mandatory subjects. EDIT: And Electronics!
I think ya'll already know my feelings about forced servitude. If the cause is just, there will be plenty of volunteers. Great countries don't need drafts.
The key is... has been... and will be... the education system... we need to turn it around so our young people actually learn how to learn... and think... rather then be taught how to swallow the pablum n kool-aid... and obey...
You forgot Israel... You are a lost soul, aren't you. My point was that everyone, because of their early development and level of maturity, learns at a different level than others. It is non-productive to attempt to teach from several different angles within the time constraints of a classroom session. It makes more sense to group those who learn in a similar manner together. We have learned from Common Core that children cannot be pigeon holed with respect to learning or curriculum. Having taught electrical theory to adults and teens, I have found that some can learn from lecture and others get the lecture in the lab. To think that you can cram thirty two kids into a classroom and teach from the guide with the expectation that all within that class will absorb the lesson, would be delusional. See Above See Above, and I have no tolerance for drop outs and they need to experience the real world in order to get their attention. It may be easier to have your six year old sister sell your drugs from the street corner, but I don't know how to address that issue. Not everyone will be a Pro football, baseball, basketball, tennis, rock, dance, theatrical or golf star. The arts should be nurtured, but you really have to stay in school to reap those benefits. This is exactly why Education should be under the control of the local schools and parents, not the Federal or State Government.
I don't think that any educational program, military service, job training, etc will make any difference in the future of our society. You can teach school over a log and use the back of a shovel for a blackboard and turn out men like President Lincoln. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars in the most modern educational system with Phd teachers and computers etc, and turn out your neighborhood crack dealer. What we have lost is the family, the work ethic, the respect for others, the belief that we can succeed if we work hard and apply ourselves, and the ability to do so. For whatever reason, diversity, multi cultural society, loss of religious beliefs,loss of respect of ourselves and others, etc, we have become a nation of sheep being lead to our slaughter and anyone who is attempting to slow down or halt the trip down the path is now labeled the deviant. Ours is not the first society to tread this path and the ones that followed it to the end have fared badly. In theory the richest area in the world, most natural resources available, is what used to be the Congo area in Africa. For whatever reason, there is not even a fully functioning government in the area and most of the population is living in the stone age with full automatic weapons available to all to keep them there. May God have mercy on us as it looks like everything else we try is failing. There is no single magic bullet to cure the problems we face and many are profiting from the path we are taking in the short run and will fight to protect their rice bowl and their group and the he** with the good of society or the nation.
I agree @duane they need a job to complain about, something to keep them busy and not outon the streets beating each other up.
I knew the school system was corrupt when I was a kid , that's why I home schooled my own children. They both passes the GED just fine. They were raised with good values ,and know how to think for them selves.
The school system IS corrupt ! & LIES !! Ask any Native (Redskin ) Im white as they come & what my native brothers have endured is unbelievable & never spoken about to being washed over etc. Tell the truth , will figure it out . Blacks , your not the first in line for the crap the Native tribes went through & still to date up here in Kanada , we still have our differences & problems . Sloth