Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    I'm gonna assume that the 5-second rule doesn't apply here, and go with 0%.:sick:
  2. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  3. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  4. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Same for me. Avoidance is the best policy here. :oops:
    SB21, techsar and Jerry Fisk like this.
  6. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    hot diggity, Seawolf1090 and techsar like this.
  7. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

  8. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    SB21, Seawolf1090 and techsar like this.
  9. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    SB21, Seawolf1090 and techsar like this.
  10. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Bet she had it set to vibrate mode, or maybe trying to smuggle it into a jail/prison.
  11. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I wonder if she hid the charger too.
    SB21 likes this.
  12. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Heard of some one talking out their ass but never vagina --that's a new one on me
    techsar and Seawolf1090 like this.
  13. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    I've heard of "butt dialing", but now "p***y dialing"? :ROFLMAO:
    techsar and johnbb like this.
  14. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    This was not a genuine news item but just another piece of junk news from WNDR, whose disclaimer notes that the site's content is "satirical" and "fictional."

    The photograph included with the story does not show a woman named Salma Briant but rather Kiersten Pyke, who filed a lawsuit against actor Tom Sizemore alleging that he had molested her when she was 11 years old...

    This 'article' shows up on a massive number of different websites as 'news'.

    This should be a cautionary tell on Fake News - it is everywhere.
  15. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

  16. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    DKR, Seawolf1090, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  18. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  19. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

  20. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

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