Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    techsar, SB21 and Seawolf1090 like this.
  2. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  3. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  4. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  5. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Last list I saw the woke crowd had 150+ "genders" identified, and no doubt thinking up more. :rolleyes:
  6. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Nice "flock" of 'Birds! (y)
    Idahoser, techsar and SB21 like this.
  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    They are still worth about that, but they've gotten so danged expensive. :oops:
    techsar and SB21 like this.
  8. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    And I'm not so sure their burgers of today actually have any real meat in them .
    Dont, Jerry Fisk and Seawolf1090 like this.
  9. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  10. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  11. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  12. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  13. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  15. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    don't forget, those were 12 patties from a pound of burger, burgers.
    My two older brothers worked at the Speedway Blvd McDees back in the 60s.
    Zimmy and Seawolf1090 like this.
  16. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  17. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  18. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  19. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  20. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  1. Yard Dart
  2. Yard Dart
  3. Altoidfishfins
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    Thread by: Yard Dart, Oct 23, 2018, 23 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  5. 3M-TA3
  6. Witch Doctor 01
  7. Asia-Off-Grid
    Thread by: Asia-Off-Grid, Jul 25, 2018, 10 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  8. chelloveck
  9. 3M-TA3
  10. Yard Dart
  11. OldDude49
  12. RJB
  13. Legion489
    Thread by: Legion489, Jun 13, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  14. Yard Dart
  15. Yard Dart
  16. chelloveck
  17. Yard Dart
  18. Ganado
  19. 3M-TA3
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