Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Georgia_Boy, Marck, tbf8170 and 3 others like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

  3. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

  4. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++


    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
  5. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    That could do as my Xmas present.40 years ago +
    I see Castle has had his dip-stick checked.
  6. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    nom nom nom

  7. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    heart attack in a bun. With bacon!
    Tully Mars, Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe


    ¿Quién se ha llevado mi queso?
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    with tomato soup! (yes, I skipped dinner tonight)
    Tully Mars and chelloveck like this.
  10. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    all it needs is bacon!!!
    Tully Mars, chelloveck and ghrit like this.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    the best selfie evah! goodnight!
    Tully Mars, chelloveck and Ganado like this.
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Airtime, Georgia_Boy, Marck and 6 others like this.
  13. William Warren

    William Warren Monkey+++

    He can read the menu ... He just can't order!
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Depends whether the deserter, and the sniper were muslims or not.....A conservative is not likely to concede that a Taliban or a Shiite Militia sniper served their cause (Iraq / Afghanistan) with honour and distinction, nor that a "towel head" deserter is much of a hero, if an American deserter is viewed as a coward.


    Islamic State kidnaps around 150 Assyrian Christians in Syria | The Long War Journal

    It seems a rather silly and self serving meme that paints progressives and conservatives in a false dichotomy of black...and white...with no gradations of grey in between. People and their perceptions may not be so neatly pigeonholed as some might like us to think. It is particularly poisonous to exploit the life and reputation of a dead celebrity serviceman towards mean and ideologically divisive purposes (by both extremes of the ideological/political spectrum).

    There is no intrinsic honour or heroism in merely racking up a big body count...even if doing so requires some skill, perspicacity, and determination in the face of danger to oneself. Bomber pilots can achieve a large body count from 30K feet in a single sortie.

    There is no intrinsic cowardice in deserting as a soldier, particularly if the cause is morally questionable. It could be argued that to desert may be evidence of moral courage. Would that more Germans in WWII had shown the moral courage to desert the command of a lunatic meglomanic (aka Adolf Hitler)...instead of dying as heroes and killing American servicemen to prove that Wehrmacht soldiers would serve with honour and distinction to the bitter end.

    Heroes and villains...Hollywood can transform one to the other and vice is rather short sighted to look at the world as being populated by people wearing white hats and black hats...or swollowing uncritically the propoganda of either side of the ideological spectrum, whatever the source....

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
    Marck likes this.
  15. jab73180

    jab73180 Monkey+++

    Did that make sense to anyone else? Yeah, me neither.
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  16. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Sure it makes sense... point of view, shades of gray... (no not the movie)... with the proper "Press" (read propaganda in some cases) a spin can be put on anything... I do think however that the comments in the meme were pointed at a specific liberal who writes from a left wing perspective and doesn't like MacDonald's...
    chelloveck likes this.
  17. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    @Jab I think it was an April fools post[emoji12] uploadfromtaptalk1427901590425.
    Tully Mars and Yard Dart like this.
  18. jab73180

    jab73180 Monkey+++

    That makes more sense.
  19. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    THAT is Bloody Brilliant! I am SO making one for tailgating!(y)
    gunbunny and Yard Dart like this.
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Naw, just a fool's post full of meaningless straw man arguments.
    Ganado likes this.
  1. Yard Dart
  2. Yard Dart
  3. Altoidfishfins
  4. Yard Dart
    Thread by: Yard Dart, Oct 23, 2018, 23 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  5. 3M-TA3
  6. Witch Doctor 01
  7. Asia-Off-Grid
    Thread by: Asia-Off-Grid, Jul 25, 2018, 10 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  8. chelloveck
  9. 3M-TA3
  10. Yard Dart
  11. OldDude49
  12. RJB
  13. Legion489
    Thread by: Legion489, Jun 13, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  14. Yard Dart
  15. Yard Dart
  16. chelloveck
  17. Yard Dart
  18. Ganado
  19. 3M-TA3
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