Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  2. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  3. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  4. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  5. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck ***BANNED***

  7. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Agreed! I often pass good memes on to my buddies! Pickings have been a bit slim of late. o_O(y)
    VisuTrac likes this.
  8. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++



    : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture. Memes (discrete units of knowledge, gossip, jokes and so on) are to culture what genes are to life.
    Homer Simpson, Seawolf1090 and SB21 like this.
  9. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  10. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  11. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    3793689243091207be7a241d4b8d1ecc8aada197. img - 2023-02-12T142144.071. img - 2023-02-01T231503.061. img - 2023-01-02T132700.013. 290549281_1674670666229099_8111903712610265689_n. img - 2022-10-25T214444.062. 464. img - 2022-04-30T214247.657. img - 2022-04-02T132631.253. img - 2022-03-17T200730.034. img - 2022-02-25T202108.881. img - 2022-02-16T185122.456. img - 2022-02-14T213837.174. img - 2022-02-02T225438.086. img - 2022-01-31T211311.176. img - 2022-01-26T205553.506. img - 2022-01-21T210727.436. img - 2022-01-10T185244.578. img - 2021-12-27T173017.353. herewefukingo. img - 2021-11-30T214005.293. 157111725_2844165195851662_4908383728215843991_n. 240741931_10223019344366463_128737571667308232_n (1). 240886623_10223019652294161_6192751342939746070_n. img (71). img - 2021-07-15T221542.035. img - 2021-01-21T223158.652. img (17). img - 2021-01-05T213726.693. img (53). img (32). 118513657_10158250943246014_2153532891916267032_n. img (9). imgWX3W2ZLN. kjhlh.
  13. CraftyMofo

    CraftyMofo Monkey+++

    How long were you saving up, VT?
    Idahoser and VisuTrac like this.
  14. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I could probably do a folder dump that would take about an hour to upload. I've got north of 1500 of them. For just about every occasion and situation.
    Homer Simpson, SB21 and CraftyMofo like this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck ***BANNED***

    Yes, beribboned participation trophy chests are terrible:
    General Douglas MacArthur
    The essential difference is what one was participating in.

    Interestingly, Eisenhower's portrait in the meme posted at the top of the post features him as a 2 Star Major General.....a later portrait as a 5 star General (Supreme Commander of SHAEF) shows that his participation trophy tally had increased....significantly. ;)


    and later as POTUS
    SB21 likes this.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck ***BANNED***

    I think you're an over achiever @VisuTrac. ;)
    SB21 likes this.
  17. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    too many words.
    need more memes
    img - 2022-09-15T223447.196. 305324688_5767380253273008_4115469726283-2520916.JPG 298986704_5491422547614071_257255914437962941_n. 299575703_5494223844000608_5315019300601721888_n. almost. 298958720_1529479140898591_5064790711124000830_n.
    Homer Simpson, SB21 and OldDude49 like this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck ***BANNED***

    SB21 and hot diggity like this.
  19. chelloveck

    chelloveck ***BANNED***

    SB21 likes this.
  20. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow


    Good morning, no words are necessary.
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