Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  2. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I believe that bacon seed is to be found in the testes of boars. Planting them in a garden bed may not work though!
    CaboWabo5150 likes this.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

  6. charliefox42

    charliefox42 Monkey

    Take that cover off indoors!
    CaboWabo5150, tulianr, Mike and 2 others like this.
  7. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    He is wearing his side-arm.... you just can't see it :rolleyes:
    chelloveck likes this.
  8. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

  9. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    Alumni here
    charliefox42 and Yard Dart like this.
  10. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I'm old skool... the bunks were not as nice it was an old WWII barracks, and we had wooden floors...
    Yard Dart, chelloveck and Mike like this.
  11. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    Back when I was in I had to hump to the chow hall 10 miles both ways in 4 feet of snow. I also had to carry a 50 cal as my primary weapon when I had to do wall sits [lolol]. Seriously I do remember those type of bunks though.
  12. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I remember when rocks were no-lone zones...
    Mike likes this.
  13. charliefox42

    charliefox42 Monkey

    Mike and chelloveck like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

  15. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    I noticed the dogs, thanks
    chelloveck likes this.
  16. rm3482

    rm3482 Monkey

    How about if I just threw up. Do I pass?
  17. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    lol.. passed, rm3482, passed
    HK_User and kellory like this.
  18. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus don't like cute ugly puppies?

    A member for 7 months and this is your maiden post?....methinks thou doth protest too much. ;) welcome to to the monkey tree! :)
  19. Mike

    Mike Ol' Army Sergeant Monkey

    The puppies are ugly. Big wrinkles. But still easier on the eyes than a naked dude. My early time in the Army was filled with naked dudes in the shower. Not what I wanted to see, but life as I knew it at the time.
    Yard Dart, tulianr and chelloveck like this.
  20. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I know the feeling. Soap dropping avoidance was an art form for everyone lol
    . Though I have to say...on a single occasion, I shared a shower block with a female....she was singing away...soaping herself, totally unperturbed. (one of the cleaners) She was not as young and attractive as some in the G&G forum. I looked up towards my shower rose (the cleaner's name wasn't Rose as far as I know) like I was avoiding eye contact with the Medusa.
    tulianr likes this.
  1. Yard Dart
  2. Yard Dart
  3. Altoidfishfins
  4. Yard Dart
    Thread by: Yard Dart, Oct 23, 2018, 23 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  5. 3M-TA3
  6. Witch Doctor 01
  7. Asia-Off-Grid
    Thread by: Asia-Off-Grid, Jul 25, 2018, 10 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  8. chelloveck
  9. 3M-TA3
  10. Yard Dart
  11. OldDude49
  12. RJB
  13. Legion489
    Thread by: Legion489, Jun 13, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
  14. Yard Dart
  15. Yard Dart
  16. chelloveck
  17. Yard Dart
  18. Ganado
  19. 3M-TA3
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