Dude, spend some time at the range... And LEO's stop shooting people's dogs.. - The family was home, you could have asked them to bring the dog inside. Cop shoots self instead of dog...
Had a meeting with an attack tree rat at the front pasture today. Tree Rat-0 45ACP +1 No Police required.
Time at the range would be beneficial....gun safety training would be better. This guy also needs some training in dog behaviour as well. Not every dog that barks attacks....but when a yapping bark turns to a growl....then that's the time to give the dog some space. The cop was lucky that the projectile(s) didn't hit a human...other than himself.
A Hidden Camera During DUI Checkpoint Exposes the Vileness of the American Police State | The Free Thought Project
Never could figure out how the SC ruled that DUI checkpoints did not violate the 4th A. Any other stop requires probable cause to be legal but no PC needed for a checkpoint.....BS! "Let me see your papers", says the Nazi Germany checkpoint thug.
Here's a nice little story to warm your heart from this week... Cops tackle and beat 78 year old man in his front yard after he called for help.
Wow. I wish I could say, "Unbelievable," but unfortunately, it is sadly believable. I hope the guy gets a good attorney and makes the police department there sit up and listen to the people. Cops like that do no favors for the hard working good cops out there; their thuggish behavior colors the public's attitude toward all law enforcement.
I can understand in that situation with the woman acting as if she needed help while the man was holding on to her why LEO's could think he was an aggressor. But it seems as though with all of the millions of possible scenario's that they run into on a daily basis they would approach each situation a little more cautiously than a running tackle. -- Okay, I'm done armchair quarterbacking now.
I also thought of that scenario. I still think a flying tackle takedown followed by beating up of an obviously elderly man was a bit heavy handed, and like as not a near killing. (Not to mention that pulling your arms out from under you to permit handcuffing with a pair of overweight cops sitting on you is a mite difficult.)
If you have ever seen & know this alzheimer's dementia mind set , you would know that what is said & seen is NOT what is always true. These thugs are a embarrassment without training !!! Im NO doctor or special anything , but in a few mins of talk , you can understand that the time / date / situation is a little off . Were Plagued with the under-trained dumbed up everything .. What was common thinking & reasoning is now jump to for best points !!! DUH ! I know this alzheimer's dementia world ,, Im really Hugh H In my dream world ~
Here's another one. ‘Suspicious’: Sober driver arrested for drunk driving after deputy runs stop sign and crashes into her car | Odd News - Yahoo News
This article seriously questions the ramifications of the "no knock law" as it is used today, and the unfortunate consequences to innocent citizens as well as LEO's surprised that a citizen would shoot an officer in the face at 530am as he was breaking into his house thru his bedroom window. The dead innocent marine is another example of WTF occifer sir? . Some 40,000 of these no knock raids happen every year in this country. The CATO Institute not only released an interactive map of botched paramilitary raids, but a white paper with an extensive catalog of mistaken raids and abuses that, at 103 pages, is long enough to prove that no knock raids are a horrible pratice that needs to stop. Read more at No Knock Raid Results in Multiple Cops Shot - One Killed : Freedom Outpost
Not so much bad behavior on this one as much as negligence. Come on guys, try a little recon before a raid. Georgia Toddler has face blown off by police flash bang.
How about a entire dept and city that's corrupt. Miami Gardens ‘Stop & Frisk’ Nabs Thousands of Kids, Finds 5-Year-Olds ‘Suspicious’ -- Fusion.
A meth dealer with no record of violent crimes, even with weapons in the house? How is that sufficient to get a "no knock" warrant? The official swearing to the need should be stripped, painted with kerosene and hung upside down in the sun.