More LEOs behaving badly

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by CATO, May 14, 2012.

  1. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Here's the dashcam for this incident:
    Video shows South Carolina deputy crying after shooting 70-year-old man - CBS News
  2. TexasAggie

    TexasAggie Monkey+++

  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I'm inclined to give this guy a pass based on the cane's appearance and the tension of the moment. No such excuse exists for most of the beat-downs we see and hear of. At least, he showed remorse and the damage done to the citizen was minimal given the givens. (The damage actually speaks more toward the cop's skill with the weapon than anything else.) The department owes the citizen more than an apology.
    Mountainman and CaboWabo5150 like this.
  4. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    WW2 hero refuses medical care, so cops kill him in his nursing home | The Libertarian Republic

    I think the comment section in the attached link says everything I am thinking at the moment..... disgust.
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    AT this point, the Officers involved, should be charged with MURDER, or at least Voluntary Manslaughter, and if convicted, do their time in the General Population. If I was on the Grand Jury, I would vote to Indict, FOR SURE.... His wife should get the most sleazy LawDog she can find, and sue the Assisted Living Joint for Wrongful Death, and Coercion. My Opinion.... YMMV.....
  6. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    This is exactly what I have complained about in previous posts. They are training these cops to be pu$$y jackboots that think they are so high and mighty that they do not have to go hands on for anything. Using that kind of force against a 95 year old with a walker, even if he had a knife, is outrageous. If there was a knife the riot shield was sufficient to deal with the situation and the rest was overkill, literally. I agree with BT, murder charges for all officers involved!!!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
    Yard Dart likes this.
  7. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

  8. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

  9. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Well I'm speechless on this BS shoot and my previous posts should cover what I would have said.
  10. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I just about destroyed my NSA tracked iPhone after I saw it. No words compare the the fear of a knife wielding homeless person 25 years away on steep terrain. Flashbang? really necessary after the guy agreed to give up. real bullets on a homeless guy.

    Speechless is the word.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  11. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Here in Ohio, emergency vehicles have an "E" on their plates and are exempt from traffic laws in the performance of their jobs. The officer would have been told to pound sand.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I think the Fire Marshal is going to come down on the Chief of Police. "Like a Ton of Bricks"... and the Officer is likely going to lose his Job, as he will have been convicted of, at minimum, a Gross Misdemeanor, for "Interfering with a Fireman, in the Performance of his Duty" He is also Civilly Liable, should there be ANY complications, to the Woman Patient, in the incident. If I was on that Town Council, I would be hauling the Chief, up in front of the Council, and demanding an explanation, and if I wasn't extremely Satisfied with the answer, the Chief would be FIRED, and looking for a New Position, as well as the Officer in question. Both have showed VERY Poor Judgement. ...... YMMV.....
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Used to be that under federal law, ONLY Post office vehicles can cross fire lines. (If they are dumb enough to request it, the fire dog in charge MUST comply.) The cop was plain wrong.
    BTPost likes this.
  15. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Typical....dumbass police officers, persecuting godly Christian men, by arresting three church pastors on bogus charges.

    The Sherriff, and deputies participating in this travesty should be disciplined for wasting taxpayer money and resources......and the preachers should all be pilloried for their irresponsible behaviour towards their congregations. Stupid is as stupid does...regardless of whether one wears a police uniform, or a dog collar and surplice. Especially when there is enough actual news footage available of preachers being arrested for actual felonies.

    Evidently some preachers feel that that they are missing martyrdom so much that they have to fake it in front of their parishioners without letting their congregants know that it was a staged stunt. It seems that the preachers were less concerned about their congregant's well being; exposing families and children to the distress of witnessing the town's police officers using coercive force (arrest and handcuffing)and watching their pastors being frogmarched to a waiting police car, to be transported to the county jail.

    The Sherriff shrugged off the incident as an exercise in community relations, but he has made himself, and his police force a laughing stock. He has diverted police resources from law enforcement into helping to manufacture a sectarian marketing tool to promote a particular religious faith. Would such shenanigans be tolerated if the County Sherriff was supporting an Islamic propaganda piece?

    The appropriate course of action would have been for Sheriff Barry to have politely declined the Pastor's requests, and suggest that the churches pay for fake police officers (actors) in fake uniforms with fake police cars out of church funds to effect fake arrests for a fake trial. I guess consideration of re-election prospects never crossed the lawman's mind.

    Ohio Ministers, In Cahoots With Cops, Stage Their Own Mock Arrests to Illustrate ‘Christian Persecution’
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
    tulianr likes this.
  16. TexasAggie

    TexasAggie Monkey+++

    Again, it now appears that officers always have their guns out. Recall the lady cop in GA with the 16 yr old RORTC Student answering the door and she killed him because the game controller was a pistol. and the CA cop shooting the kid with the airgun. Remember, these are supposed to be trained to function under adverse conditions. however, it appears that their training is now on how to return home to your family at night and its us against everyone elsee.
    Yard Dart, Mountainman and tulianr like this.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It may be beholden upon parents to give their children a little cop survival training if they wish their offspring to avoid a Darwin Award. I'd be very reluctant to be even holding a vibrator in my hand when answering the front door to a police officer. :oops:
    tulianr likes this.
  18. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    You might be onto something there. When I was in the military, I had a black female Petty Officer in my office, who sent her son out the door each day with the caution - "Don't do anything to make them [cops] kill you." He'd often call her at the office, before he left for work. I thought she was a little over the top; but one day when I asked her about it, she said "You don't know anything about growing up black in this country." She was right; I didn't. Her son had apparently been stopped and searched twelve times over the past three years, and never charged or cited, with the exception of one moving violation. When I knew him, he seemed a fine young man; and had just started his job as a corrections officer. But just being a young black man in a nice car in some areas was apparently enough to justify a stop and search.

    Listening to her perception of life in America showed me a very different America to the one that I knew. We don't often see prejudice and abuse of power until it is directed toward us. "First they came for the communists ....." It may become necessary for many other children to leave the house with her caution ringing in their ears - "Don't do anything to make them kill you."
  19. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Aspiring TV producer mistakenly killed by deputies in West Hollywood
    By Joseph Serna
    April 10, 2014, 4:56 p.m.

    The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department acknowledged Thursday that its deputies mistakenly shot and killed a aspiring TV producer they thought was a stabbing suspect.

    In fact, John Winkler, 30, had gone to a neighbor's apartment Monday night on Palm Avenue in West Hollywood where a man was holding people hostage and tried to help.

    Winkler was shot when he rushed out of the apartment with another victim who had been trapped inside the apartment with a third victim and the suspect, sheriff's officials said in a statement.

    “The apartment door suddenly opened and a male victim came rushing out,” the statement said. “He was covered in blood and bleeding profusely from the neck. Simultaneously, victim Winkler ran out of the door, lunging at the back of the fleeing victim. Both ran directly at the deputies.”

    Three deputies fired at Winkler. He was shot once and died.

    Interim Sheriff John Scott on Thursday called the shooting “very tragic.”

    Winkler's friend Devin Richardson said Winkler was friends with two of the people held hostage and had rushed over to the apartment when he heard them screaming.

    “It's just a really sad story,” Richardson said. “He basically went to help some neighbors and ends up getting shot.”

    Winkler had moved to West Hollywood from Washington state six months ago to pursue a career in entertainment and had recently been hired for several days as a production assistant for the comedy show “Tosh.0.” Richardson said Winkler wanted to become a producer.

    An aunt said Winkler was thrilled about being in Hollywood.

    “He was quite excited the last time we talked to him,” said Anne-Marie Van Wart, 62, of Tacoma, Wash.

    She remembered the last time she talked to him. She was at his parents' house in January and Winkler’s whole family was there, including his two younger brothers.

    “He was just boisterous and excited, he was just getting his foot in the door of life. Just, the light was right around the corner…and [now] he’s gone.”

    The incident unfolded about 9:30 pm on Monday night in a large apartment complex off Santa Monica Boulevard.

    Sheriff’s deputies said they got a call about an assailant with a knife inside one of the units. When they got to the complex, a witness told them there were two men in the apartment and that the assailant was a thin white man wearing a black shirt, according to the statement.

    Deputies “announced themselves” at the apartment but got no response. The door suddenly burst open and a bloodied man came out. At the same moment, Winkler ran out, “lunging at the back of the fleeing victim,” according to the department.

    The deputies believed that “Winkler was the assailant and the assault was ongoing and he would attack the entry team.”

    After the deputies fired on Winkler and the other man, they heard “sounds of a fight coming from inside the apartment,” according to the statement. They burst into the room and saw another male victim as well as the suspect, identified as Alexander McDonald. McDonald was choking the third victim and “tearing at his face,” officials said.

    The deputies subdued McDonald and arrested him.

    Later, officials said, they learned that McDonald had held Winkler and the two other men hostage. When deputies arrived, McDonald flew into “a rage ... began stabbing the men and fighting with them.”

    The second man shot by deputies was taken to a hospital where he was treated for stab wounds to the neck and a gunshot wound to the leg. He is in stable condition.

    The third victim, who was treated at a hospital for stab wounds to the leg, arms and chest, has been released. Officials said that McDonald and one of the victims were roommates.

    McDonald, 27, has been charged with one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of torture. He is being held on $4-million bail.

    The Sheriff’s Department’s initial news release the day after the shooting made no mention of the mistaken identity and said the two people shot had “aggressed the deputies.”

    Assistant Sheriff Todd Rogers said that it was “pretty apparent” the night of the incident that it was a case of mistaken identity. He said he was officially briefed of that determination Tuesday.

    Scott, the acting sheriff, said the case was complicated and it took some time to sort out.

    The violence stunned residents of the apartment building and West Hollywood.

    Apartment 201, where the violence took place, faces the elevator and a stairway. On Thursday, the marble floor outside the door was still stained with blood.

    A woman who lives directly below, who did not want to be named, said she heard a commotion Monday night.

    She heard voices shouting, “Get down! Get down!” and several popping noises.

    Then she heard a man scream.

    “It was a primal scream,” the woman said. “It was fear, it was absolutely horrible.”

    Residents said the apartment complex was already on edge because of a fatal stabbing two weeks ago.

    A Yale-educated physician, Kurtland Ma, 34, was stabbed to death inside his apartment March 29. His partner has been charged with homicide.

    West Hollywood officials said they had been inquiring about the circumstances of the shooting for several days and were stunned to get the sheriff’s statement.

    “This was already a tragic situation but this makes it all the more tragic,” said Councilman Jeff Prang.]

    Aspiring TV producer mistakenly killed by deputies in West Hollywood -
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

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