Those dogs were not being aggressive. The wagging tails tell that tale. POed pups don't wag that I've ever noticed if you get into their comfort zone and they stand their ground. That shooting was totally unnecessary. That said, the "officer" was plainly frightened.
It just doesn't "Take much to frighten some LEOs these days".... It is like they leave the Station House in a constant State of FEAR, for their very lives..... Then they take on an "Attitude" of "I am the BIG Boy on this Block, and I do what I want!" That is when things go South.... and the further South they go the more likely someone, or something, is going to get HURT.... When did "Protect and Serve" become "Protect My A$$, at ALL Costs, and Serve only when it is convenient, while Protecting MY A$$, at ALL Costs" Inquiring Minds want to Know...... This does NOT apply to Monkey LEOs, who have shown, they are very different that the above LEOs.... .....
@tulianr - Agreed 100% that the dogs should have been behind a fence. I don't think I need to say any more since the two post above pretty much have the points I would have made. Your situation with the neighbors dog is different and if they are going after your family or chickens you are definitely justified if you shoot them. You have probably already done this, but after a couple times of the dogs chasing your chickens around your neighbors should have been told that if you find their dogs on your property that you will shoot at them. Other ways to discourage the dog are OC for up close and a Red Ryder BB gun for a little range. For OC I like the bear spray product because of the 30 foot range and the cone spray pattern. Counter Assault - The Best in Bear Pepper Spray When I first moved to the property I am on now I used to have 3 dogs (labs, owner unknown) that were coming on to the property and after around 3 times of shooting a 22 behind them, they have never came back.
He was clearly pissed off at having to do his job and acted completely irrationally. My concern, is the Chief seems completely ok with this, not even a hint of concern from him. So next time this JO's sig-other turns his fat-ass-sex-begging little-dick down; or he gets a black coffee instead of light and sweet, he is again going to be all pissed off before he even starts work, go pull some poorSOB over for having mud on his license plate, come across a CWP and shoot the guy in the back for having a concealed weapon... and that will ALSO go down as a justified shooting... What state is that town in I am going to steer clear of that little burg. In my opinion this asshole should be charged with the a felony discharge of a weapon, and misdemeanor distraction of private property, and reckless endangerment. Not to mention suspended for knocking on hte guys door and screaming at him before the guy even knew the stupid bastard just off-ed his pooch. He deserves a good ass beating on top of it.
I checked the header this time. Figured it had to be in the TFL. I'm still waiting for the aliens to claim responsibility on this one. I would suggest this thread be moved to the TFL, due to the complete lack of cause and effect, logic, and blaming the enforcer for breaking the law. I'm one of those people, dogs simply will not bite, ( unless trained to like a police dog, haven't tested that one yet) my brother, is not. The same dog that will rip off his arm, will roll over for me. This has been seen many times, and I have no fear of dogs, and they know it. He was attacked (unprovoked) as a baby. He will always fear large dogs. It is a legitimate fear (for him). I would have like to see the officer try something less than fatal, but A) I do not KNOW he had anything else, B) a wagging tail does not ALWAYS mean friendly. C) he was a proven dog chew toy, and had reason to fear another attack. D) an injured officer would have been off on medical paid leave, and useless to those who NEED an armed response. E) why? Because the dog's owner ignored the law, the dog's barking, and the officers shouting. The dog's owner put that dog in harms way by neglect. Call it...assisted suicide by cop.
The interesting part to me is that, if this were a "non-police neighbor", many of those who automatically condemn the officer would vehemently support his right to defend himself from a perceived threat (whether it was a dog or a human)...but they will automatically blame the police whether they know the entire situation or not. It is one of the things I have noticed about the crowd that has caused me to distance myself more and more on a daily basis from the forums here. (I still get email alerts on thread responses...which is why I was even aware of this post)
Usually in this thread, I am a defender of cops, unless they are clearly out of bounds; but I'd really like to see the video on this one. From the few details posted, I'm having difficulty understanding the cop's actions on this one. I'm thinking this police officer needs to find other employment, as well as spend more time at the shooting range. This from my local news: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NC man reaching for cane shot in SC traffic stop CLOVER, S.C. (AP) - York County deputies say an officer shot a 70-year-old man reaching for a cane during a traffic stop because he thought the man was grabbing a rifle from the bed of his pickup truck. Authorities said Wednesday that deputy Terrence Knox has been placed on paid leave while the State Law Enforcement Division investigates the shooting. Sheriff's office spokesman Trent Faris said Knox stopped 70-year-old Bobby Canipe (kah-NYP') of Lincolnton, N.C., for an expired license plate Tuesday evening. Investigators say Canipe got out of his pickup and reached into the truck bed for his cane and Knox fired several shots, hitting Canipe once. Deputies say Canipe is expected to recover. Faris says the shooting was unfortunate, but appeared to be appropriate because Knox felt an imminent threat to his life. NC man reaching for cane shot in SC traffic stop - WSPA
ALL these shootings could be stopped, very easily, if the LEOs were Personally Accountable for ANY Mistake that they make. They screw up. at a minimum, they lose their JOB, Period. If that is to harsh for you, they go an Desk Duty for a YEAR, while they Repeat LawMan School and get reTrained, from the Ground Up. As it is NOW, it is shoot First, and justify your Actions, After the FACT. How many times do we hear that a LEO, Blew Away a BadGuy, for reaching for a Weapon? Looks to me that it is about 50/50.... Statistics tell us, and SHOW, you are much more likely to be shot by a LEO, than BY ANY OTHER Person. Why is that? If the LEO can't pass the Shooting Room Qualification, he shouldn't be carrying a Firearm, and he is WAY to Jumpy to be a LEO. How many Departments even have a Shooting Room Qual? Most are like this outfit, they just Say,"We will investigate this!" and then 3 months later they state "Oh, It was a terrible Incident, but the Officer in question, was just following his Training." And That Right THERE, is where the REAL Problem Starts.... We are Training our LEOs to KILL Citizens, and they are Trained to know their Uppers, will back them, if, "They say the Right Buzzwords" when questioned.....
I am convinced (as I have stated many times) that this is a training issue. When I joined the police, we were trained that the #1 priority was the safety of the citizens we were hired to protect and that part of the job was to consider their safety before we considered our own. At some point over the past 25 years, the priorities changed to the point that the #1 priority became "officer safety"...and that is so far ahead of anything else that (seemingly) the others might as well not exist. A police officer today will tell you up front that their main concern is whether they get to go home to their family at the end of their shift...and they believe that to the point that a citizen's death seems perfectly OK with that goal in mind. "To serve and protect" has died, and the new attitude is "Us vs Them"... Few of the people who trained me are alive today...and if they were, I think most of them would wish they weren't...
I can tell you for a fact that at least in Commiefornia "officer safety" was the number one priority taught 20 years ago. It was your safety first, citizens second and perps "who cares", and that's not BS. So when a perceived perp, that is actuality not one, gets shot it was just an innocent mistake by an over paranoid cop and justified. I agree 100% with BT that LEO's need to be held to the same judgement as everyone else. Screw up and get fired, sued and/or prison time if warranted just like everyone else. That's why I use the statement sometimes of "In a past life" in posts because I am not proud of what LE has become these days and want to be detached from it.
No bad behavior in this one, but not good either. If you're going to expect the hero treatment, at least try to act like you give a crap. Way to go NYC... You can't protect yourself, and we're not obligated to help either. NYPD Under No Obligation To Protect Citizens : Personal Liberty – Conservative News and Political Commentary For Your Personal and Financial Freedom
The problem is that LEOs, Politicians, Teachers (yes, teachers) and the ridiculously wealthy are de-facto protected classes. They can do things that affect the rest of us but aren't held to the same standard. For example, Teachers can strike a child (check, you'd be surprised), bully a child and/or humiliate a child with little to no repercussions, but if a child even strikes back the child can be (and usually is) suspended and/or expelled. LEOs can KILL people, innocent bystanders (if you live in NYC) and literally NOTHING is done about it. I do NOT consider a paid vacation "doing something about it". Politicians...sorry, can't go there, too much to say. Uber-wealthy, pay off whoever and it all goes matter what it is.
Can't argue with the truth. If we had enough non-sheeple making politicians do their job and the politicians (state and fed) that had any balls to do their real job things would be changed. Reality - No change and we are screwed unless something drastic happens.
The 2nd topic in this show covers what one would consider "good cops" and what they should be doing. The 1st topic isn't too bad to watch either Good Cops ? Are they really ?
Yeah, and gives people a kick in the ass about what is really going on with MOST current LEO's. The CT part was also very good.