Modern Pioneers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    I hate being labeled or grouped.. I'm an individual what and how I believe probably doesn't sync with the majority of those I've been grouped with... not that that will stop others... after all what's in a name?
    So just consider the following...
    I'm a Witch Doctor... I practice things that will bring me good Mojo... if you don't like it look for the dead chicken on your front porch... It may still be in the Styrofoam tray as I don't plan on wasting the good stuff...
  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I could care less what I am called. And, yes, I am paranoid. Paranoia has keep me alive and safe (most the time) running through some really badlands so I figure it will do me well here. Hell, the wife and I went through 2 revolutions together (the last one quite bloody) and an ethnic cleansing without a scratch and I thought sure some whacko would say, 'let's go rob the rich American." When asked if I am a Prepper, I reply, "Nope, I'm prudent. And, you should be too!" I then mention how well people were taken care of by FEMA and other government agencies during crisis like Katrina. "Thanks, but I will pass on their incompetence and meager help and go my own way...and maybe you should also." So, call me whatever you will but don't call me an 'unprepared optimist' because I am not and will not be to the best of my abilities for my family and for myself.
  3. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    LOL .... You think? My step brothers and sisters got a similar free ride because their dad was an OSI Colonel at Wright/Patterson AFB. ............ spoiled brats to the max they were. ....... Not to suggest all Officers kids were brats. I know better.
    Yard Dart and chelloveck like this.
  4. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Call me anything, but don't call me late for dinner.

    I think a better term would be " the old normal".
    RightHand likes this.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Call me abnormal,
    I trust God to give me the wisdom to live my life as He wishes me to .
    So far, I think He's done a pretty good job, considering what He's got to work with.
    The reserves in my stores, serve both me, and those living with me, that do not necessarily share my experience/relationship .
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  6. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Great Post @Seacowboys gives one much to think on. Personally though, I have most always used the "survivalist" moniker when describing myself in this context. One, because I don't give a damn what other's think and 2, because I never thought of "Modern Pioneer":D It does actually fit this lifestyle much better than any other.
    Ganado, Brokor and RightHand like this.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I mentioned to my neighbor today that I am a modern pioneer, and he nodded and gave the same look I would have gotten if I told him I was the offspring of Ozzy Osbourne and a hairless unicorn. *smile, nod* (to self: This guy is bonkers)

  8. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    If you had mentioned that you were a "suirvivalist," he would have given you a wide berth, locked his doors (watching you from behind the curtins) and possibly called the local police, the FBI, Homeland Security, and ATF. If you had said you were a prepper, he would have started giving you every coupon he could find for Preparation H.

    We are a misunderstood lot
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