There is a movement in this country to equate Christians that believe the Bible as I do, with Muslim terrorists. Several what we call liberal papers have openly done this over the Paris attacks and every other chance they get. The Article you link implies that Christians are trying to set up a theocracy which is the opposite of what any real Christian or patriot would do. I do have contempt for that. I take your article as not factual but propaganda meant to smear Christians and feed suspicions of what are the new Brown shirts, as Christians are in the position Jews were before Hitler attained power.
Perhaps it would help you to know I just had a prolonged heated discussion with an old friend. He posted one those articles linking Christians to Muslim terrorists. He has become a Gay Atheist and like many in this country uses the Bible prohibition on Gays as an example of hate speech and therefor Christians are terrorists. I do not know how you think about all this.