Martial Arts?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by TailorMadeHell, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    I agree. As a recent movie proved, it can also be used to poke eyes. ;)
  2. wastelander

    wastelander Bad English, bare with me

    I did some Krav Maga when I did my military service, kept doing it for a couple of years after also, it's quite fun and when you live out in the woods and work from home like I do, it's good to get to see some people. Problem with Krav Maga is that it does not offer much physical exercise really. Now I box a couple of nights a week with my dad and my kid brother, better exercise.
  3. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Boxing is good stuff. Used to with my "most favorist buddy" but never could beat him. He was picking on my brother and I beat the stuffing out of him. Guess I needed motivation--lol. Played with Kung Fu with my two older sons for awhile-open hands and staff. Great exercise and good times with the kids. Getting back into swimming--better exercise and you get to look at the cute college girls on campus--lol--if moma is not watching that is.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  4. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    I love martial arts. Watch the movies all the time.

    Over the decades (I am old), I have done several style of Kung Fu, several styles of Tai Chi, some Muay Thai and Escrima. Good fun all. I still teach Tai Chi. For my daughters, I try to teach them even though they don't necessarily want to learn. I think a combination of Wing Chun and Aikido or Judo is effective. That way, they can handle in a clinch or on the ground and have explosive striking from close quarters.
    kellory and tulianr like this.
  5. JoshPFT

    JoshPFT Monkey

    Always did love that one moment in Lord of the Rings...
    "You'll need to surrender your weapons! And your staff."

    "You wouldn't part an old man from his walking stick! ;) "

    Stick fighting has a long and storied tradition: even the Boy Scouts used to practice it before they decided to nix it to... protect them, I guess? [smsh] I'd definitely take up a little staff work for melee defense.
    Yard Dart and kellory like this.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I was a Boy Scout champion with staff. It angered a marine daddy, when I beat his kid in seconds. Daddy climbed into the ring with me, and got beat too, but he did split both of my lips in the process.[own2]
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2013
  7. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Combat with the use of a cane was taught at one time.. Had quite a following.. May try and upload something..
  8. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I never had the opportunity to train with a staff but always played around with it on my own. Great tool to work with and use in defense!!
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have just been sitting here, thinking..... About staffs, walking sticks, canes, and such.... I wonder if the old Staff, or Cane Sword concept, could be updated with a modern Ceramic Blade, and then be able to go thru Airport Security, and the TSA scanners? I know that the ceramic blades are possible, but what about the Scanners. Guess I better call my Ceramic Engineer Friend, and ask.... Hmmmmm.....
    Yard Dart likes this.
  10. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    McGyver a bazooka after going through security.. Would be interesting to know if the ceramic could be taken through..
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Plastics would work well, but if found, would still land you in the gray area hotel as an "undetectable by metal detector" type weapon. Several of the plastics would easily make a thrusting blade.
  12. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Ask most prison guards and we would find that all sorts of weapons can be made from simple material...
    tulianr likes this.
  13. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I have found a couple myself. (We do prison doors as well, any controlled access point)
  14. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    The Art Of Fighting Without Fighting:

    And of course this type of fighting has it's uses....
    Dont and Hanzo like this.
  16. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    i started out with Isshin-Ryu as a kid, and which there are no current dojos close by, then Taekwondo then Tang Soo Do which combines elements of subak and kung fu. My next adventure will be Krav Maga
    Hanzo likes this.
  17. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Ironic the last to posts are Bruce Lee and Krav Maga. I have always found a lot of similarities between Wing Chun and Krav Maga. But then, I don't know Krav Maga and am only a neophyte with Wing Chun. I just base my comment on my observations. I mentioned that to a Krav Maga practitioner from Israel that I met and he had no comment since he wasn't familiar with Wing Chun. We were supposed to train together, but we couldn't get our schedules to mesh. Bummer. It was a busy and tight business trip.
  18. Orance Fine

    Orance Fine Monkey

    It seems to me that combat arts were designed to be taught quickly, the better to get the young lads ready to protect the village. Guro Felix Valencia teaches Lameco Knife techniques. While nothing beats learning directly from Guro Felix, most of the art can be learned from the YouTube videos. And being that the art revolves around a few key moves, it can be learned in a pretty short time. The art is almost as effective without a knife, as a simple hand-to-hand art.

    Alternatively, Kung Fu San Soo is a life's work. It's not that the art is not immediately applicable: I was present at a seminar where a San Soo green belt demolished a black belt from another martial arts school. Unlike Lameco Knife, San Soo is an art of layers -- not every martial art is -- and there's always a layer under the one you're working on at that moment.

    If you're in the Los Angeles area, Master Bill Hulsey's 2014 seminar is scheduled for August 15th and 16th. You can go for the Saturday session only and that would give a splendid introduction to San Soo. There's a charge, but I don't think it's very much.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
    Jeff Brackett likes this.
  19. Jeff Brackett

    Jeff Brackett Monkey+++

    I'll vouch for the Lameco knife fighting. Learned quite a bit of that in my FMA training. The great thing about FMA is that they are designed in such a way that the same basic techniques are used with staff, sword, stick, knife, or empty hand. It's as much a matter of learning to move through the "zones" of CQC and taking advantage of various angles of attack, as it is learning the actual techniques. Extremely effective stuff.
  20. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    If someone has a background or earlier training from a karate that teaches discipline, they generally do very well in the adaptive types of training such as Krav Maga. The NUMBER 1, is discipline and self control and having the ability to not panic so that you can continually evaluate the situation and attach or defend on your own terms, once panic sets in it is like an open wound, I will be joining a group in the fall for Krav Maga and will post my experiences after that time. I would also like to learn to use "proficiently" knife, baton and sword. Gonna be a fun road
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