My Grandfather had that Marmite thick on morning toast , when I was living within Grandpas house in Jersey CI (where the cows come from ) ,I had to eat each breakfast the same acquired taste buds are now trained to say No more.
I haven't got it yet. The dogs or chickens might need a B-12 post from time to time if it's too nasty. I'm a big fan of gooseliver and anchovy paste. Maybe this will fit ok
I thought about slipping some in the pot of DW chicken soup the other day, thought better of it and instead applied a dollop in my bowl. Pretty good stuff.
The Vegemite came in today. If I had to explain it I would say it tastes like a beef bullion cube slathered on two sides with anchovy paste. Salty, savory, and lots of umami.
While both are an "acquired" taste, vegemite is much more enjoyable to eat on toast, crackers, what-ever than Marmite. Could never get use to the overpowering taste of it. No matter how little or how much, it was the only flavor that you would taste.