Marauders at TEOTWATKI Your Opinion to a Perhaps a Partial Hypothetical

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, May 8, 2019.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Ed, you are not thinking realistically.... Even if there are Some Law Enforcement at the time, they will be vastly outnumbered by the Bad Guys in any city... and when minutes count, they will be hours away, or taking care of their families, first... As I said above, Going Up, is a Fools Errand, and will get you killed, DEAD... Buildings are the local SHTF SuperMarkets... Every Bad Guy will be looking at them for goods... Once they spot you, your ONLY Salvation is Maneuver and Evade, without leaving much of a trail, OR getting caught.... If you were female, you might barter you body, to the local WarLord, but do NOT even count on that, because he, and his buddies, will have a LARGE Variety to choose from, and there is always one prettier or sexier than you... You are alone or maybe one or two others, and they are MANY, and know the terrain ...
    oldman11, chelloveck, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    yep and we agree (y) (y) .. .. however after TEOTWAWKI there will be no fire trucks .. .. no power .. .. no water .. .. no firefighters .. .. no fuel .. .. and so on

    if miraculously any infrastructure still exists it will be looted or destroyed too along with everything else of value

    ergo no fire trucks

    even in normal times yer takin a heck of a risk livin in a high rise buildin

    jus sayn

    it took em some time jus to get to the Notre Dame cathedral even though they had the equipment .. .. and they did not have to worry about 1,000 other fires at the exact same time
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
    Sapper John, 3M-TA3, oldman11 and 3 others like this.
  3. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    And you can look at things that if you want to live without culture and the endless opportunities that life has to offer and experience in a City, plan to live a lonely, isolated life missing out on many of life's pleasures and experiences.

    oldman11 likes this.
  4. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Yep yer going to be someones dinner one evening and their turd the next morning :(
  5. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    You & almost all the people here are misinterpreting what I'm saying and asking. The Premise was essentially would you be safe being in the top floor of a 25 floor Office/Residential Building with the Power Off. Every said No which is fine. What they don't understand which is usual for this forum is I asked a question but did not advocate a position. As to my comment on Law Enforcement and Consequences, sure that can be ignored if they no longer exist, but in situations like Katrina they do exist and ones actions have legal and costly consequences like getting an Attorney, losing your job as a result, etc.
    Ganado likes this.
  6. Thunder5Ranch

    Thunder5Ranch Monkey+++

    Hogs always need more protein in their diet and lots of old wells fer anything they don't what costly consequences do you speak of? Sorry I am just a dumb uncultured rural type person.
  7. v0lcom13sn0w

    v0lcom13sn0w Trunk Monkey

    to the forest i will go.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You asked a question and you got factual answers! In short, EVERY one here has said your situ is untenable, both WITH Law enforcement and WITHOUT. If you were inferring any thing else, you totally lost us in your quest for answers!

    Most of us here have a very high quality of life, far more fulfilling then a life living in some megalopolis, and those Joys you speak of, are they worth fighting for, worth dying for? Working for da man, who profits by your labors, and you get at best a livable income in a ultra over priced, under valued city of filth, sin, and decay, bully for you! Life is what you make of it, and if your willing to risk it all to live in the situ you have, then more power to you, but don't fool your self into thinking you have any chance of surviving when it all comes crashing down around you and turns to ash! You have your answer, accept it as it as it was given and ether do something to change YOUR chances, or accept your fate and get on with life!

    By the way, here is ONE of many joys and fulfillments in my life, bought and paid for in cash, free and clear, built by my own hands! If the suns out, there is a good chance I'm flying! Catch me if you can!
  9. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    You my friend, are always welcome in my forest! (y)
    Bring the family, beans, bandages, and bullets!
    Bring the Viking and the others and we will build up our tribe to formidable levels of skill, cunning, and violence! :cool:
  10. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Like your previous fantasy, I asked what happens in the time period after "x" months of food (and water and whatever else it takes to keep upright) and didn't get much of an answer.

    Let's assume no one finds or bothers you in anyway because you've successfully squirreled yourself away someplace....... What is the plan for the time that follows the end of your supply cache ?

    Jump off the 25th floor ?
    Ura-Ki, Ganado, oldman11 and 2 others like this.
  11. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    If you're going to hide in a building then pick a library. Assuming that the marauders can find a library, when they see all of the books they will leave.;)
  12. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    I am leaving no stone unturned library warehouse outhouse a grid a day then moving on
    Ura-Ki, Lancer, Thunder5Ranch and 2 others like this.
  13. BlueDuck

    BlueDuck Monkey+++

    You are trapped.
  14. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I think @Ganado was referring to not being on a high floor the present day due to fire truck ladder limits, meaning that she souldn't be in the position of defending from a higher floor.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Disagree or not, merkun has a point or two. Variations on a theme make little difference when the end point is always the same. That type of scenario seems a waste of time and energy to write out, when 6 seconds of thinking will bring you to the same conclusion. Miss the signals of impending doom and you'll die in a city. You might better spend your time and energy planning on bugging out at the first sign. Funny, isn't it Eddie? All your questions and scenarios lead to the same conclusion. Try to stay where you are in high rise LA WROL, and you're dead, probably sooner than later.

    The city existence of city dwelling "professional people" is not ignored anywhere on this site. Moreover, if city people know how to survive in the city, why is it you keep pressing for solutions to the problems of city living? As near as I can tell, keep a BOB by the door, and regardless of fire, flood, uprising or earthquake, haul ass and use your city survival talents to get you out of Dodge.
  16. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    As to marauders in general, being prepared to last for months instead of hours it's likely at some point most of us will have to fend off marauders. There are few places they won't eventually make it to before they eventually run out of food and join the die off. It's a likely death sentence for anyone who isn't part of a community that can sustain and defend itself.

    This is a large part of my strategy, but odds are in a sustained WROL scenario I will eventually fall to thieves. All I can say is that their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow will be hundreds of pounds of spent brass while everything of value sits in the middle of a raging gas fire. I might "accidentally forget" to burn some food that has "special" seasonings.

    @ED GEiN it's good to think over scenarios. Read what has been written by survivors like FerFal. Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre and his story on Argentina

    Listen carefully to @Ura-Ki for his experience. He has stared the monster directly in the eye.

    There are also some very good articles written by a fellow from the Balkans who survived in an urban environment. Some will survive, but it's hell. The pursuit if happiness in our still kinda free country means you can live where you want to live, but you still have the consequences of that decision.

    In your area and based on your circumstances you need an off road worthy SUV fueled up and ready to go filled packed with enough supplies to get you the hell out of there to someplace safer. Have a way to quickly disable it since you have to sleep sometime.Note I said safer not safe. Safe is and always has been a temporary illusion.

    Defense of a building is something you do if you need to shelter there temporarily on your way someplace else. Only one of you will get to sleep at a time. You will need firearms likely not legal where you live (AR-15). Get them in legal form and have the parts and knowledge to remove the stupid add ons required by law to prevent quick mag changes or other mods. The moment SHTF happens you can legally convert them because the absence of law means everything is now legal. Will your out of CA relatives let you ship ammunition and mags to them that you can pick up later?

    EDIT: finally remembered Selco. His stories are excellent examples of urban SHTF, This article specifically talks about gangs of looters.I believe many of his experiences are in SM threads as well.
    Bosnia war survivor warns of things to come in collapse of America
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I think he's just trying to justify staying in a death trap.
  18. Merkun

    Merkun furious dreamer

    Gad. If I feel the need for "all the endless opportunities" I'll drive in with the GHB in the vehicle, partake or participate, and go home. I, for one, do not feel the need for rubbing elbows against city dwellers with a superiority attitude when it comes to us hillbillies. In fact, right there is an example of a city puke looking down hesheit's nose at a country boy. (All the while denigrating and ignoring the pleasures of country living.)
    Last edited: May 9, 2019
  19. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    What are these "cultured amenities" and "experiences" you are talking about? You want some honest suggestions, we need to know what kind of stakes you are playing around.
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  20. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I've seen the snobbery work both ways. I've used what you have described to take advantage of those who underestimated my intelligence. I've also been guilty of the reverse prejudice. Dense urban areas can be pretty fun and it's nice to have everything you need a short walk or bike ride away. Nice places to visit, but not places I would want to live - for me.

    I prefer the fresh air, beauty, and solace of rural areas the majority of the time. Even suburban life to me is only one step away from an apartment. That said, we pick where we want to live and take the bad and good consequences.
    Zimmy, Altoidfishfins, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
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