Mall Ninjas and Video-game Warriors

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seacowboys, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    This last shooter was homeschooled and came from a deeply religous family. I don't know fro sure but I'm willing to bet that he didn't sit around all day playing video games. So did he do it because he saw others on TV do it? Did he even watch TV? Trust me alot of homeschool parents don't allow their childern to watch TV. At least around here that is.

    Heres one thing that I'll just throw out there. Todays food is basicaly grown one what would be considered dead ground. That means that it has been farmed to a point that it has been stripped of it's nutreantis (sp?). The only way to grow anything on it is to put more and more chemical fertilizers on it.

    We have a book called "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A Price D.D.S. origanal copyright of 1939. He went around the world and studied people that were eating a native type diet and ones of the same races that were eating a modern diet of processed foods. He found case after case of people that were eating the modern diet that had much more physical problems. He also went into prisons and found that the people in there had eaten the same type of modern diet and had high % of metal disorders. The people that were eating a native type diet had very few physical problems. It is a very eye opening read if you ever get a chance to read it.

  2. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I think it's way too dangerous to point a finger at something like videogames here. What if we took the last 50 shooters and discovered (probably true) that a very high percentage were gun "enthusiasts" like most of us here?
  3. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Video games are just another tool that can help set off the trigger in a loose cannon. Sounds to me that the parents didn't really know their son or pay much attention to him. You would think one would notice a sign that their child is a little psychotic or their personality is changing. There had to be something that was going on with this kid that the parents either ignored or had no clue would be my guess. Or do people just wake up one day without any prior signs and go out and kill folks for whatever reason?

    I could see video games enhancing an otherwise deranged mind, same with guns, cars, knives, television or whatever fancies them.
  4. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I personaly belive the cause isnt the video games but rather the direction our culture has gone.

    If you look back say 50 years this crap didnt happen. Why? I figure there are several reasons but some of the top ones that occure to me that are not there now would be that one kids build up more pressure and are demanded to bottle it up so that when it comes out it dose so in a much more explosive manner. In the past it was expected that kids would have tifs and say mean things to each other and occasionaly even have a shoveing match on the playground, now if a school boy calls another gay for instance he can be thrown out of school for sexual harassment under the name of zero tolerance. The standards however are only applied sporadicly enouph to keep fear of punishment in many of the kids so they still get picked on but are then afraid to so much as tell the other kid off. So with no ability to let of the steam in minute amounts as it is created they build it untill it comes out in an explosive maner. Add to this that the kid whos classmate sit in class with him all year only know his name if they pick on him and other wise he is invisible and he sees that if he acts out in this manner he gets to be more well known than the most popular people he has ever seen, the basic attention they want regardless of why. Then remove the fear of any reprisal or being stopped, in the past everyone knew that if they tried to do something like that then they would likely have to contend with resistance from many/most of the men present rather than simply haveing backs for targets and if caught they knew they would spend a short life in prison ending with execution in anonymity. Then also add the fact that children in the past understood what death was more than today, those on the farm or with relatives on the farm had at the least generly been present for some kind of slaughter of animals and or hunting and these things were done responsibly with respect for life so they had more understanding of what death was. Top it all off with the fact that in the past even children were responsible for their actions, Johnny ran his mouth in class and he paid the price because he knew better, now its that Johnny couldnt help it because he has ADHD and it wasnt his fault because mommy told him no to often and daddy didnt hug him enouph, TV told him to.

    So in short, when nothing you do is your fault (its the fault of the gun or the video games), no one will try to stop you, the price for mowing down dozens of people seems near to the price for slapping someone that called you momma every name in the book, and you get to be more famous than an astronaut or Nobel Peace prize winner....then why wouldnt they be more likely to pull this type of crap.
  5. hartage

    hartage Monkey+++

    Those parents are always going to be around they will always fail. In the past little johnny went ape in a variety of less lethal ways. I guess we need to take the idea out of kid's head that the only way to go ape is with a body count.
  6. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Actually the reports are that he was only homeschooled for a short time and that he was in front of his computer on average 5 hours a day.
    Hours of unsupervised computer time and hours of violent video games. Like I said before "where the hell are the parents?".

    Anyone who is online for 5 hours a day has a problem. I only spend about, hmmm, well, um, never mind.
  7. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I am going to have a Yosemite Sam moment today and shoot a pistol from each hand repeatedly into the air while shouting at the top of my lungs! I intend to do this as a controlled experiment without telling anyone just to see their reactions. I will, of course, use blanks (just kidding).
    My point is that we all grew up in a violent culture and saw death minimized (think Elmer Fudd and his shotgun). We laughed at this each and every Saturday morning because it was funny. None of us got lost in a battle with a "waskally wabbit". Today, I see goth cultures and vampire cultures, and no-nazi cultures all lost in a computer game in 3-D. I watched a young man go off the wall to a group of his friends claiming to be "Charlie Manson" reincarnated and how he frightened them all at a city park one evening. I watched this display from the outside until I couldn't stand it any more. I walked over to the group and starred at "Charlie" for a several moments, then I slapped him to the ground with my open palm and told his followers that "Charlie Manson" was still alive and therefore, this reincarnate was a bullshit little worm that wanted to draw attention to himself and some of us didn't care much for that. Sorta changed his mesmerization a bit.
  9. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I slapped some guys when I was playing Hitman 2, but I haven't slapped a living person claiming to be the reincarnation of the living Charles Manson.

    I think you need counseling for your violent behavior resulting from too much time infront of Elmer Fudd.

    I bet you watched too many episodes of the Three Stooges, too. Face are a potential menace to society.

    I can't wait for Call of Duty 4 to come this Christmas. [pop]
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