Things to in the winters, when the Snow is blowing sideways.... 1. Reload the spent Ammunition Cases... 2. Study for a Ham License, and then talk to the Prepers from around the world. 3. I am thinking of more things.... Standby....
Adam should PM Jim Im grid tied in the bush with power grid outages . but Jim @Kamchuka has what Adam is asking . I'll let & hope Adam spills his beans . Sloth
BT, never really been into reloading but my chainsaws run perfect lol. My O'lady keeps me pretty busy with projects in the house as well, fkn pintrest! Aside from that we have alot of movies...and amazon. I reckon just keeping the plow rig up and road maintained is a large portion of my time, along with scraping, and shoveling snow.
Thanks for the ongoing input, gentlemen. I let this slip for a couple of weeks, but I'll PM you both now