Oh it is. I've spent many hours looking at different designs, builds and (what I consider) failures. If a person is going to go the solvent trap route, go K cup for the most part. They are better than the mono's. Unless you have a CNC mill/lathe this is the best route. I have several friends that have purchased the 25 dollar China solvent traps for .22. Brother, they are as quiet as 95% of the higher dollar units out there. Got a local here that has one that beats my Silencerco unit. 1st shot is a bit louder, but you'll have that. The can I built for my CAR 15 in 9mm? Dude, you can hear the bolt cycle. K cups..
The cone stacks work really well too. My cheap cone stack solvent trap is definitely quieter than my $400+ gemtech, only catch is the cheap cone stack is an inch longer and weighs 2 to 3 times as much. The biggest difference is first round pop. To me a silencer is only as good as its dry first round pop.
Is there an “off the shelf” fuel filter that would be a good start for a 5.56 / 7.62 combo can on the afore mentioned form 1? Besides the combo from quiet bore?
No, they really don't if you get the proper one. The NAPA 4003 makes an excellent suppressor with the proper form, end caps and baffles. It will take the 7.62x39 down to where you can hear the bolt cycle with sub sonic loads. In a bolt gun it sounds about like a CB cap with the above loads.
Solvent Trap Kit - Solvent Trap, Fuel Filter for NAPA 4003 WIX 24003 http://www.silencertalk.com/forum/i...fTBO8AxdpBjGyAtUZthuUJLL4Q51GA08o9tJ5LuSi9vIb Wix 24003 / Napa 4003 End Caps Stainless Steel 4003 Solvent Trap Body Tubes – gunthreadadapters.com https://rouschsports.com/shop/threa.../stainless-steel-muzzle-brake-thread-adapter/ You can spend all night looking on Ebay and Amazon as well.
Solvent trap kit dot com looks Iike it could be over seas. I would just pay a little more money and get one already in country.
I finished my quiet bore dot com solvent trap on a fairly good size 90ish horsepower 12x96 inch lathe. It works really good. The mouse hole tried to deflect the drill bit. There's no way a drill press or a hand drill would work. You have to use a lathe or buy their $75 baffel drilling fixture. If you were a bad ass machinist I would say finish the baffels with an end mill. I put the speed up to 540 and drilled nice and slow.
I got a 9/32 end mill for any 22s I make, probably pick up a 25/64 inch end mill for 30 cal. The quiet bore dot com 5.56/30 cal can is huge, 1.5x9 inches and weighs 2lb. You can get a smaller thinner one that weighs 1/4 that for 5.56mm.
I ordered the quiet bore dot com 22 LR solvent trap with Titanium k cups and no laser engraving. Titanium costs 100 bux more but I can clean it with a sand blaster. Last time lasering delayed my 9mm solvent trap by 2 or 3 week and I found a local guy that does it. I got a warning that said don't bitch if it takes 4 weeks to get your shit because of the plandemic. I'm going to use a carbide end mill to drill the holes next time.
I just noticed the 22LR quiet bore is just about the same size as the gemtech gm22, but double the weight and 1/3 the price if you buy the all aluminum one. Might be a good match up for a comparison test.
I got the "glacier gear" modular stainless steel solovent trap in. It was like $300. It's supposed to be for "22LR" but this thing is a little club. It can definitely take 30carbine.
Nope because I don't know what the size is going to be. With quiet bore dot com you do because they give you a detailed technical drawing, but everyone else, not so much.