Making an Atlatl

Discussion in 'Bushcraft' started by chelloveck, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    In a few words....How To Cast A Dart With An Atlatl

    Using the Atlatl - The Basics

    Atlatl Dart Tuning
    Hanzo and Ganado like this.
  2. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    Not quite the way I do it, but it obviously works. Haha.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I guess there are many ways to skin the cat as there are ways to cast an atlatl to take down the cat to be skinned. In the final analysis, all that matters is in doing such that the cat comes off second best...all else is a matter of aesthetics and finesse.
  4. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    That is way more movement then shooting my crossbow. Deer can drop 8 to 10 inches in 3/8th of a second. Let that sink in. You would have to be absolutely silent in casting this dart to not have a deer jump the string as we say or duck the dart. Deer respond to sound by dropping to their haunches before launching themselves forward. Many archers have experienced this first hand. Again this is not a viable hunting weapon in my opinion. Better to snare or trap or use a traditional bow or gun.
    BTPost likes this.
  5. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Here is the only kill shot on video I can find and it is a 7 year old boy taking a small doe with one. His skills at getting close to the deer were very good. He kept a tree between him and the deer before casting the dart which is a 7 foot hunting dart tipped with a steel head. Good penetration and the deer only went 15 yards but Grandpa did have to finish the deer off. There are more videos of spear kills and even catching a deer with your bare hands. Kudo's to this kid and his grand dad for allowing him to try. Remember this is a hunting game reserve fenced in . Slightly more challenging then a petting zoo. I mean this kid walked right up to the deer and hurled his dart. Try the same thing in my woods on pure wild pressured deer. Cold hard facts hurt don't they?
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
    chelloveck and BTPost like this.
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Here is a guy who kills a nice buck with a spear. Only took him 10 years to get one. This is how the guy I know killed one with a fish spear. Note in the video the apples on the ground under his tree stand. This buck was preoccupied with the bait and the spear was right over his back the distance was real close. So these types of weapons can be used to kill deer however the amount of time and effort really takes them out of the practical range for survival. Better than nothing but not my first, second, third or fourth choice.
    BTPost likes this.
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    One of the true masters of bare handed taking of game is Andrew Ucles

    You can find all of these kill videos on one page in a search. That is how few of them there are. Ucles will eventually get himself killed most likely from a big pig or a gator.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
    BTPost likes this.
  8. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Terrain is a VERY important Factor in using some of these improvised Weapons for Hunting.... A 10 ft spear is a Useless Weapon, where I live... Way to much Brush, for such a LONG Unwieldy Weapon....
    chelloveck likes this.
  9. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Good post @Ganado... and perspective...

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2015
  10. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Thanks for posting... an atlatl is an expedient tool when you have nothing else... for many, basic knowledge of it's working principles, like many other disciplines, is NOT an unworthy use of time and mindspace IMHO...

    Good post @chelloveck and comment @Ganado

    Take Care and God Bless,

    chelloveck likes this.
  11. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Yes terrain and the type of animals . Like I said in the kids video. This was done at Liberty deer farm which slightly more than a petting Zoo. It is hard enough TODAY in the woods where I hunt to get in range with CROSSBOW and or Gun. Once deer and other game have been hunted 24/7 12 months a year they will get real smart real fast. Hunts will have to be done at night because they go Nocturnal and hide themselves in the thickest nastiest terrain they can find. Normal hunting will go out the window as more and more people try and push them into places where they be shot. Deer drives will be the norm. I know Bruce will agree with me , A rifle is my first choice. Stack the ammo deep .

    I will concede an Atlatl is better then nothing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
    Ganado and BTPost like this.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    and "Nothing" is a prescription for FAILURE... Which I never intend to try out....
  13. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    My personal opinion is there is both active and passive hunting. And both have their merits.

    To me passive hunting would be snaring and trapping. But I also view hunting from a blind or tree stand to be passive hunting too. If I needed to eat, it would be snaring and trapping. And if I have the energy, active hunting too. Some folks get their thrill from actually killing the animal. But I think if you are hungry enough, that goes away, except for the joy of having something to eat.

    Active hunting takes more skill, I think. Or at least a different skill set. The relevance of the weapon of choice would be the range. For example, stalk close enough to take an animal from a couple hundred feet with a high powered rifle versus a friend of mine (who I think is crazy) who hunts with only a knife and no dogs. He will stalk to touching range to stick the animal someplace vital.

    Anyway, I do not discount any method. And having the ability to use any and all means at your disposal is important for survival. Especially since survival scenarios are not neatly scripted like on TV.

    Had an interesting conversation with @Bear about this stuff and other stuff. Always good conversation and company, buddy.
    chelloveck likes this.
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