We didn't, but many have watched it slowly creep in and have done nothing. Sadly I have to include myself in this as I've done nothing more than tell folks about what I hear/see and make a few calls and letters to state reps. It is quickly coming to a point when stronger measures will be required. Problem is, no one wants to be first. Honestly, who wants to take that first active step beyond calling congress and crossing "the line" only to be made out to be some wack job or worse? Not to mention fears for their family ect. Many folks I talk to feel like no one will follow their actions so what's the point? Not saying it's correct just that these are the thoughts going through many minds and giving pause. I think the deal breaker will be when the total ban on firearms comes into play-and it WILL happen. Read comments on articles from the mainstream press. The vast majority already feel a total ban on firearms should be passed and that we gun owners are all blood thirsty racist inbred morons who cling to religion and are woefully out of touch. Many "patriots" wonder if this country is any longer worth the risk or is it indeed a failed experiment that should go the way of the dinosaurs.
Everything I say is a joke. None of this is to be taken seriously and I wouldn't do it myself and I wouldn't recommend anyone else doing it either... obviously There is one certainty in all of this and that is that IF you are going to fight back, and that is a man sized if, you better take it all the way because there are no half measures in a fight like that. For example, any strike you have against the system is going to be met with a police (or other) response. Obviously you would need to be prepared for that and neutralize it before or as they responded. Most people would try to get away with something by running. This is wrong. You do reconn first and determine where the enemy is coming from and your group intercepts them before they retaliate. Take the fight to them. Bullies expect everyone to turtle. Punch them on the nose and they beg for mercy. This is just an example... kinda like a history lesson. Running and acting alone gets nothing done and people get thrown in the clinker and accidentally suicided. Better to die in combat with your boots on like a man fighting for freedom and loved ones.
The problem is who goes first? The people who understand reality are for the most part disorganized. Right now I'm seeing economic chaos, racial strife and an concerted push to complete this radical transformation. If that grifter Clinton wins she'll surround herself with the usual sycophants and tools and monkey wrench from the top down and the perpetually offended class will demonstrate and snivel and defecate on police cars and the social justice warriors will rush in and incite these good people to riot. No justice, no peace. Uh huh... This is definitely getting interesting.
Not to take my own post off topic, but the Bundys are a prime example of how a stand can go wrong and a cause dismissed. While the charges are not proven they were violent in nature didn't seem to matter the detention was enough to take the wind out of sail which I think was the main goal. Each pro-gun rally I have been to over the last 8 years gets smaller and smaller while the opposition gets louder and louder. There are a million gun owners in my State Oregon and hundreds not thousands show up at the Capital for rallys and Hundreds not thousands show up at the hearings they have to take gun rights away. There are many people who give allot of answers why the low show. But come to any facebook or forum that has pro-gun people you would think we were the majority rule. Yet these same people are absent when it is needed. That there tells you allot that if SHTF badly could you really count on all the people that say they would but wont. In Oregon one would have thought strong Bundy supporters would have been there in the thousands. They weren't and I wondered why because in Portland Liberals had thousands show up to protest. I know work can be an issue, but is that really just it ? Or is it many fear the repercussions ? Don't claim to have all the answers, but I do have question.
Ruby Ridge is a better example of what happens when you are prepared and wait for them to make the first move. The idea of who goes first sounds like you think people should act out alone. Just to be clear you need a group. I would image the best way, tactically, to go about something like that would be to get groups of 4. Each member has skills that complement the others and everyone knows where to go and what to do. This is how I would do it if I were to join a team. 4 people is small enough to be stealth but large enough to be effective. More people join the cause and they all work in groups of 4. This keeps people from spilling the beans because nobody knows all the secrets. Tightly regimented cells capable of working independently. Many do fear the repercussions and that is why I say if you are going to go all Sam Adams on people you better be prepared to go all the way. War is upon us all weather we want it or not...
No kidding, that what insurgents do, small tactical groups sadly they have success in it but it seems a proven theory @enloopious .