Loss of my Ruger Security-Six and brand new edc ppk/s.

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Marvin L. Steinhagen, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. I grew up on a farm. In order to control the breeding population and prevent trouble with aggressive male animals, they were castrated. I was thinking, intimate acquaintance with a rust spoon.
    GOG, Gator 45/70 and Oddcaliber like this.
  2. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    For a start anyway. [applaud]

    The rusty spoon is good too.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Seems to be a lot more crime in the QCA than just a couple years ago. People moving down from Chicago and bringing their criminal lifestyle with them. Also tons of drugs. Let’s build a wall on the I-80 and I-74 bridges! Sorry your stuff was stolen. I have ADT along with cameras and a large safe that can’t be moved for stuff I want to keep safe. All this in a nice upscale neighborhood because to be honest I don’t trust my fellow humans any farther than I can throw them.
    Gator 45/70, oldawg and GOG like this.
  4. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    I liked the comment about keeping multiple copies of all of your guns' serial numbers. That's what I do too. So the guns were out and available to simply be picked up? What can I say? If I did something like that I'd be having nightmares about coming home to face MY OWN GUNS!

    I remember when I bought my first gun safe; wow, was it expensive; but I 'bit the bullet' (Yeah, that's a pun!) so to speak, and got a gun safe that could be bolted down to the floor in four different places; (Which is a very necessary thing to do with any gun safe, OK!) and, now whenever I'm out of the house, all but one of my guns are locked up inside of my very secure safe.

    The one gun I usually leave out is a 22 LR carbine. It hangs on the wall in plain view of the main entry door. If I should ever open that door and see the carbine is NOT hanging, there, hanging on the wall then I would immediately know that we had visitors, and go into 'survival mode'.

    Forgive me, but in a way, you asked and were 'ripe' for this robbery. I'm also inclined to agree that someone in the neighborhood knew you owned guns—Which is another reason 'Why' I seldom open carry around the property, and never open carry if any of the neighbors are around. (Don't OC all that much, anyway. It's just that, sometimes, I'm 'lazy' with my cover garments.)

    You must realize that 'you've been made'—Right! This, of course, means that you're going to have to keep a much lower profile in the future, and along with those two new guns you're about to get, a strong (fire-rated) bolt-down gun safe—preferably with a mechanical lock on it—has now become an absolute necessity.

    Oh, by the way, don't expect too much from all of those fingerprints the evidence techs picked up; they'll all probably turn out to belong to you and you friends and family, anyway. Your biggest worry, right now, should be that the thief (or thieves) might come back some night with your guns in hand and try to finish what they started—You were 'easy', man, and they're not going to forget that.
  5. You don't have to state the obvious. Don't think I don't feel the same way. That's why my 1911 is my current edc. Hind sight has 20/20 vision. This occurred in broad day light B.T.W. AS I stated before, why do ethnic groups complain about profiling when they commit the most of the visible crime? The way the house was left, they know there is nothing left.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Put in your own camera system!!!
    To many of my neighbors come running to me for information when $hit happens.....
    I simply tell them I can't watch the whole street....You need your own system!
  7. That is next up after next pension check.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. D.P.D. detective called me last Thursday. They recovered the Ruger. AND they have an "ethnic" suspect in custody, wanted on MANY other robberies and burglaries. The (insert vitriolic invective here) had the nerve to drive down my street on a mini-bike. I whined to a young neighbor (who had been good friends with my late daughter) He kinda felt out the kids at Casey's and tracked down the schwein sheisch schwartzer ( sorry, I don't sprecken der Deutsch let alone spell it)and told the local patrol officer. Like I stated before, if people of that ancestry don't like being "profiled" they should teach their children they are not entitled to burglarize homes and rob others just because they feel like it.
    Cruisin Sloth and Gator 45/70 like this.
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