Long range commo? after SHTF

Discussion in 'Survival Communications' started by at99sy, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Well, not ALL the HF Bands, Just most HF Bands..... It doesn't do 60, 30, 17, or 12 Meter Bands but it does do the rest.... Nice old Radio.... Best to get yourself a couple of sets of Tx Tubes, before they are no longer available.... Tubes are getting harder to find by the year....
  2. @BTPost, you are correct sir! It does enough and if needed I will be heard. Thanks on the tubes, I used to have them, but wife let them go at the garage sale without me seeing first.. Gonna have to get another set + the drivers. Mine has Trio-Kenwood on the face.. it's a little differrent than the one my dad had when I was in grade school, but everything else looks the same. You have experience in these? How would a D-104 mic work on it? Or maybe a Turner? Yep, we're old CB'ers and used to repair and peak them babys, but that's a time long gone.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yes, I am familiar with the whole Kenwood Line, from way back.... I run a TS-690 as a main, with a TS-450 as a backup.... Have a pair of TS-430's in EMP proof Storage.... Started out with a TS-180, decades ago.... and am looking forward to getting a TS-590, in the spring. I am a reTIRED FCC Resident Field Agent, and have been in the Radio Comms Biz, for five Decades, as a holder of a Commercial Telegraph Ticket with both Radar, and Aircraft Endorsements....
    Comms is what I do....
  4. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Getting out is not easy and shtf is not the time to learn. Personally, I would get a license and learn.
  5. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    HF has repeaters??? (not counting 6m) lol
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep, 10 Meters is HF, and there are 10 Meter FM Repeaters, usually located on the upper end of the 10 Meter Band....
  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

  8. Almost got my license (novice) back in grade school... passed the code, but had trouble with theory then and never went back. Did a few QSO's back and forth with my dad sitting there, but that's about it... More to do outside when you're a little kid. I did a lot of SWL'ing but never got active in the chatting. At least I know Morse , I guess you don't forget it.
  9. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As the human voice is complex and CW is a single tone, Morse gets through better than phone.
  10. @Tikka, I agree. I also have a few SWL rigs, some battery powered and some 110v. I also still have a few CB's around.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I enjoy swl'ing. Christmas isn't as commercial on SW.

    In a legal emergency, my rig will tx/rx from 1-30 MHz.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    All my HF Gear is Tx/Rx 10 Khz - 30 Mhz, except the TS-690 which is 10 Khz - 54 Mhz.... Been that way, from one hour, after they cam into my possession.... Even my Public/Private Coast/Fixed Marine Radio.... with the Highly Modded E2Rom's (1.6 Mhz - 30 Mhz) Never hurts to have the capabilities, already at hand. Now if I could just find room for that RF Communications RF-102 Amp, and the power to run it..... The Filament uses more Power, than the rest of the whole station. Oh well.....
  13. dataman19

    dataman19 Monkey+

    Incidentally - the FCC doesn't care about your Bug Out Location n(Actually, they do. But you only have to provide the home base Ham Shack address to the FCC - the address where you get your mail and keep your main Ham Shack). You are allowed to have a second (actually multiple) Rigs at
    other" locations. So if you are smart, you have the Home Shack published with the FCC and the Bug-Out shack (which is in standby) not. ..
    Oh yea, when the SHTF the FCC isn't going to go around checking every ones Ham Shack - but operating without a "valid HAM license" will definitely "raise eyebrows" and generate interest you will definitely "not want".
    Phoenix, AZ
    (and a few other locations)
  14. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    That is exactly correct and other rigs in mobiles also..

    Usually people operating illegally create problems. Once a lady who was receiving TVI contacted the FCC about me because I had "huge antennas." She even told them I interfered with her TV when I was outside doing yard work. :D
    The tale ended when the FCC visited a "beam and boots" CB'er; not me.
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