Seems .gov finds new ways to bleed us dry in their spending. .Gov's spending is no longer an open wound it has become a severed artery that will never stop. The top two states: New York received almost $380 millions dollars and California at $340 million dollars for 2011 in grants, are friggin kidding me. I feel much safer now.
As a retired 30 yr. veteran PO, I know in my old dept. of 1400, there are more like me that are of the old breed. This new breed is a little different in that they have seemed to be more about themselves and what they can get. They seem to be willing to leave the dept. for the next best thing than to stick it out. Don't get me wrong, there are some of the new breed that are free thinkers and don't drink all the kool-aid. But you can't help but wonder that if shtf, they may not be too loyal, since a lot don't seem to be now. Yep we got a whole lot of that equipment everyone's talking about and it was more limited to swat.....but the best armed and best arsenals I have ever seen belong to several of the individual PO's that I know personally.