Lights Out by Halffast - signed copies - David Crawford

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by melbo, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. mattpalm

    mattpalm Monkey+

    Mee too!
  2. Starrgazer

    Starrgazer Monkey+

    I just finished reading this again, last night, on the one year anniversary that I read it last year. I have never in my life, read a book twice.

    Any info on when this will be published?
  3. bnmb

    bnmb On Hiatus Banned

    Hmmm...I'd like to see the movie... :D
  4. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I'm waiting on an update myself...
  5. WSM

    WSM Monkey+

    I thought I had thrown my hat into this ring but I can't find a post so...

    I'm IN
  6. sspence65

    sspence65 Monkey+

    Is the book drawing still going on?

    I'd like in.
  7. hailmaster

    hailmaster Monkey+


    Read this over a period of years ad recently read it again, still in the digital format. I would love to have the book for my library ad maybe even a copy of the movie. Whether I get a signed copy of the book or not. I would love to know what the publish date is. I'm hoping it would be posted on here. As I want to buy several copies to give to others.

    As to the digital format. I will not give it out to anyone else. I figure their loss is our gain.

    Thanks for writing this and everything else.

  8. Lynn_A

    Lynn_A Monkey+

    A signed copy would be nice, but I will also settle for a release date so I can just own a copy.
  9. mattpalm

    mattpalm Monkey+

    When is L.O. & lost and found getting published? It's almost fall. How about DEAD RECKONING ?
  10. oarlock

    oarlock Monkey+

    Lost my pdf copy after reading it 4 times

    ,sure wish this publisher would get the lead out!
  11. happyhunter42

    happyhunter42 Monkey+++

    How about I buy a copy if I don't win one and Halffast signs it for me.
  12. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Yes...I would like to win or buy one also.
  13. glee4532

    glee4532 Monkey+

    looking for that story is what brought me to this board,
    I'm in
    and thanks
  14. pepsi2451

    pepsi2451 Monkey+

    I would like to be in the drawing. Does anyone know a release date yet?
  15. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Attached Files:

  16. BullseyeNV

    BullseyeNV Monkey+

    Signed copy would be cool...

    but I'd rather pay for one. I printed out the pdf and it cost me about $40 bucks in toner. Can't wait. Count me in.
  17. tjeffries

    tjeffries Monkey+

    I read it a long time ago, and have been waiting for it to be published some day, when it is I'll order several copies for myself and my family, a signed copy would be great, free or not.
  18. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I'd like one or not.
  19. Penguin Zen

    Penguin Zen Monkey+


    I sure wish we would hear something..... a year or so ago I gave a copy of pdf to friend... she said that this story brought it all together for her .. and she is no longer a DGI.. they bought huge gen, prepping food ... I am so proud of her and I really do not think it would have happen if not for "Lights Out"..

    I want in .. plus would love to buy a copy ...
  20. BoWingo

    BoWingo Monkey+

    Would love a signed copy, but mostly I would like to be kept in the loop for updates on when the book is coming out.
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