Lights Out, by Halffast pdf (Update)

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by melbo, Jul 31, 2005.

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  1. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Don't mean to mislead you... I got back the last time 6 years ago or so. Nothing recent. And, I was only "sort of" in the military (USAF, non-pilot, non-SP, used-to-be-F16-mechanic turned computer geek). Sorry, no good stories.
  2. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Just looked and we had 901 downloads of Lights Out this month... :D

    I think he's have a tough time keeping it off the net... Rawles was able to shut down Patriots when it published but that was before Napster, Morpheus and other file sharing apps...
    I'll take it down , of course. But it may have gotten bigger than can be managed. Look for a Publisher to Force a name change for that reason...

    Nice job David!
  3. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Welcome Aboard Idahoser
  4. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Is "Lights Out" still available on line? Haven't found it complete anywhere.
  5. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

  6. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Linky worky. Thank you.
  7. Gallowglass

    Gallowglass Winter is coming

    Really liked this story

    Gave me a lot to think about. My plan has always been to keep to the woods and keep my head down. May have to reconsider how many people to include in my clan. We may need more protection than four or five adults with rifles can provide.
  8. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    "Lights Out" has helped open more than a few eyes. Hallfast wrote a tremendous story.
  9. GoatLady

    GoatLady Lock and load

    Awesome read! Just finished it. One thing it made me realize was our BOB's were not good enough if we really had to bug out on foot, gave me lots of ideas!
  10. jim

    jim Monkey+++ Founding Member

    From the ending, it looks like he left out some material that will be reserved for the book when it's published.

  11. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I've got the first 100 pgs printed out (the work printer is soooo nice :) ) with the whole thing on my USB drive so I can finish reading later. First couple of pages look good, so I can't wait to finish it :)

  12. Halffast

    Halffast Wannabe Hack Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Thanks for all of the endorsements. "Lights Out" would have never happened without the encouragement and support of people like you all. I am beginning to work in earnest on the rewrite, and in the mean time I am also working on a new story. If you are interested, you can find it here.

    Thanks again. You guys are the best!

  13. GoatLady

    GoatLady Lock and load

    That book was a masterpeice![​IMG]
  14. Ommega

    Ommega Monkey+++

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    My wife and I both ejoyed you novel very much and wish you would have it published. Your story telling style is excelent and with bringing us into to action. (without getting all bloody:)
    Now it's time for all of us to supply you with some chapters for the next book!
    Good luck,
    Your Bud,[winkthumb]
  15. mrrk1562

    mrrk1562 Monkey+++

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    i started to read this story but could never get all of it ..i got as far as the rail road crossing ..i click on the chapters and nothing happens now please i enjoy this work and i want to finish it ..
  16. Nacho1

    Nacho1 Monkey++

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    Neal Boortz recommend on the radio today "One Second After" by William Forstchen. Sounded interested and a bit like "Lights Out" so I took a look at it, and was I a little surprised by the description on Amazon. I don't want to throw out plagierizm with out reading the book, but the description on Amazon sure does sound spot on for "Light Out".

    Has anyone read both of these books? I wouldn't mind reading "One Second After" but certainly I'm not buying a book if the story was stollen. One Second After (9780765317582): William R. Forstchen: Books@@AMEPARAM@@

    I loved Lights Out! I wish it was going to be published so I could buy a copy of it.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2015
  17. TheGoodWife

    TheGoodWife Monkey++

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    I have read One Second After, but not this one, yet - so can't compare.

    Will let you know after I read Lights Out, I've heard this is a very good book.

    One Second After has a forward by Newt Gingrich and a post-word by a general out of the Pentagon. Scary as hell.
  18. The Expendable

    The Expendable Bread and Circus Master

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    I have read "One Second After" and I'm on chapter 59 of "Lights Out". Of course there are similarities between the two... they both deal with the after-effects of an EMP burst and the social upheavals that occur. I think both books are worth reading, and they both make you think.

    I have a few issues with both books. I will not give anything away for those that have not read them yet, but there are situations that occur in both books that could have easily been avoided. Some people needlessly died. Other situations just would not happen the way they were written, or the solutions proposed are not feasible.

    As I said, both books are worth reading, and I don't want to give anything away. If anyone wants to discuss aspects of either book, you can send me a PM.
  19. dragonfly

    dragonfly Monkey+++

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    I finally finished reading , was long!
    ("IT Could be worse, it could be raining?")
    I was not quite ready for the abrupt ending....
    Maybe an epilogue?
    I wanted more.......
    It just seemed like I hit a brick wall at the end there!
    But, I liked it, and I hated it.....It scared me...and it made me a bit paranoid, in a good way?
    I think following this read, I'll take a break, before reading anymore like it!
    It has had an effect, that is certain.
  20. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    Re: Lights Out, by Halffast

    It may not seem like it, but I liked both novels.

    They both have their strong and weak points. "Lights Out" seems to fail to deal with any amount of sick or disease ridden masses. It's characters and all of their family are in top-notch health. I'm not saying that that is impossible, but how many diabetics do you know? How many people on high blood pressure medication or statins? Blood thinners? Heart Bypasses? Ad infinitum.

    In "One Second After", the local populace seem to lack any ability to gang together to solve problems, and don't until they are far too affected by what's going on to make too much of a difference.

    After reading both, and discussing them with my co-workers whom also read both of them, we came to a few conclusions.

    The main difference between "Lights out" and "One Second After" is about who is in charge. In "lights Out", most of the characters exibit an ability to take care of themselves. They rally the community and work on their strengths to overcome obstacles. In "One Second After", the characters (although somewhat solitary) are dependent on their local government to see them through.

    Although "Karate Man" may have not been a perfect leader, he was effective. His charisma carried him through his mistakes. On the other hand, Jim was a vetern, hardend (although not what he thought) through his experiences. Through his reputation alone, he was able to work his way into the local government whereas the average "joe sixpack" would have gotten thrown out or worse.

    "Lights Out" takes place in a rural setting in Texas, where the growing season starts early and ends long. The location for "One Second After" is in a small college town surrounded by mountains, lacking any decent sized farms.

    In "Lights Out", Karate Man gets a sizeable catch in gold and silver to help him to gain what he needs in order to survive. "One Second After" main character has his position at the college, and his wealthy in-laws to provide certain needed items.

    So it comes down to a few items; who you know, where you are, and how much you start out with. Pretty much like everything else.
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