Saw a GSG5 at Gander Mountain today. Of course they had something else that caught my eye, the Sig 522. I liked it as well. I have always been of the opinion that the 10/22 was enough .22 for me, and the GSG5 would cost as much as about two 10/22s. Now after thinking about the Sig and the AR22s, I am thinking harder about the AR22 since it would be the same platform as my ARs, and teaching my daughters on the .22 would prepare them for the 5.56. Here is a pic of the Sig522.
I also like the M&P AR22, it gets very good reviews. $397
I have several different 22 rifles, one of my favorites to shoot is an old Mossberg M44US, slightly heavy but very accurate, has aperture sights front and rear.