there are groups like USCCA that can help with this kind of thing... guess you could call it self defense insurance? they tell you first thing you do is call them, say you feared for your life, then shut up!
Thank you I will. Prior to you mentioning them I had never heard of them before due to lack of knowledge on firearms.
Just a NOTE, HERE: These type of Insurance Policies are being disallowed in States that regulate FireArms extensively... The Anti-Gun crowd say they are “Licenses to Kill” or “Get out of Jail, Free” Policies... Before you purchase such a Policy, make DANG SURE, that you understand what you are signing up for... and that they are legal in your State.... Just Say’en...
for self preservation .. i'd move out of California. There are other states where you can buy all kinds of firearms .. ie, not a list of only state approved models.
I hate liberals and am in California for family reasons no other though I do admit my HMO and Dental Care are great here. Otherwise, I don't disagree with any of the negative comments posted here on Los Angeles/CA. If I could leave now I would.
The applicable laws concerning the self defence defence to the application of force on another varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and they change over time...One would have to argue that at the time one acted, one believed that use of force was necessary for self defence when being attacked or threatened with being attacked; and that the force exercised was reasonable under the circumstances. Excessive use of force in self defence may result in offences of assault, or if fatal, in manslaughter. DISCLAIMER Nothing in this post constitutes legal advice, or gives rise to a lawyer/client relationship. Specialist legal advice should be taken in relation to specific circumstances. YMWDV At the end of the day, it is not the LEOs who investigate the incident that one may need to convince, but the jury if one is committed to trial as a defendant. Oh, and by the way...try not to pull the sovereign citizen schtick if fronting court as a result of tasering someone doesn't play well in a real court, and may result in discovering what one's tasered target must have felt like, when one was applying self defence upon them with a taser. This "sovereign citizen" (not quite sure what that is) set himself up to be tased as if he was attempting to make some point or other. Failing to comply with a lawful order is asking for it.. Glad no one was actually hurt- tasing is no fun and it multiplies the number of reports (even less fun)....
civilian tasers are made to provide a 30 second discharge to allow you to drop it and run. Do not buy anything that requires you hold it against someone, it aint the movies and they dont work other than to cause localized pain. I have Tasered at least 50 people over the years and when it hits correctly it works, As to self defense in Ca good luck.