I know the school system here has called us several time's wanting to do a finger print session give the parents a copy and the school keep a copy. They got kind of mad when I told them that if parents wanted their kid's printed they could come by the Sheriff's office we had a small book that we did ink prints, a small picture and Dna sample that the parents kept not us and if the school wanted a copy they would have to get it from the parents. Most of the parents don't want the school to have a copy. I wouldn't give them a copy of my daughter's they have no need for it we at the Sheriff's office don't even keep a copy. If a time come that we needed it the parents can give it to us.
I agree totally. We just had a science museum reopen in the area and my husband was just reading that they were asking each person that enters to volunteer DNA for a human genome project they were working on. They further said that you would be able to go online at a later date to see your results. I can't imagine letting them do this to my family, sometimes makes me think I am paranoid, but I'm not willing to take the chance.
It's getin to the point that they are trying any and everything to catalog everyones DNA, prints and whatever else they can use to track us. What scares me I've been a Deputy for a long time and I am not the computer geek officer. I am the type that uses old techniques to solve a case. I have seen to many times when man leaves it up to computer's and other technologie's and mess a case up and come close to convicting the wrong person and would have convicted the wrong person if I hadn't been the one still pounding the pavement looking for evidence and working the case with methods that the younger guy's call prehistoric. What scares me is most of the general public think that if a computer prints it as a match it has to be true computer's don't make mistakes. So then the FED's can work and solve a case without leaving their office. I keep my daughter's prints and DNA on a small card locked it my safe just in case I would ever need I pray not but in todays world children are surrounded by evil. I don't think the goverment, schoolboard or anyone else needs to have it for safe keeping that's why Im the parent.
Remember boys and girls... The good guys DONT wear the black masks... http://www.survivalmonkey.com/forum/members/cabowabo5150-albums-suff-picture611-swat-mask.html
My answer: You don't need any of my DNA. The chimpanzee Genome has been mapped for a long time. Screw you very much.
if you appear to be attemping to do do me or my family harm you are the bad guy, I don't care if you wear a badge or not!
Are the feds in the us that far behind the rest of the world? I know in canada the rcmp have vehicles dedicated to running license plates and facial recognition by computer roaming every major city "looking for wanted criminals". The uk also has facial recognition being run on their city cameras. And most of the equipment was bought from america. I don't see how the feds can be last in line to"identify threats"in this manner.
Now the FBI and others want to identify you in minutes/seconds. Next Generation Identification and they are using it now with more planned http://biometrics.org/bc2010/presentations/DOJ/pender-FBI-Next-Generation-Identification-Overview.pdf
That's just great and I'll bet the way they plan on getting this from most of us is to say it is required for a drivers license. What a handy way to get your national registration (slave) data.
Well, on the one hand, I have no problem being "ID'd", as I know who I am and 'have nothing to hide'....... But this does smack highly of treating We The People as "Guilty until proven innocent". It's an assault on our personal liberties. I'd be very displeased if my kids were being fingerprinted just to ride the effing bus! We are fast becoming more 'controlled' than the old USSR ever was. Janet Napolitano would have loved heading up the Stasi of old East Germany....... she uses their basic ideas.
To control something the first thing you need to do is"ID" it. The next thing you need to do Is know where it is kept. Last is to track where it goes when ever it moves. And thanks to computers, smart phones with gps, traffic cameras and a host of other modern tools that is easy to do to so many people. I'm surprised that a good natured officer on the side of there road is anything more than public relations saying "we keep you safe but not by watching you every hour, really. No really this is it..."
As far as being "ID'd", we already ARE. If you own anything, buy anything, deal with any governmental agency, work in certain occupations, you are pegged. So what if they 'see' me on the street? Not much I can actually do about it. I am not wanted for anything, so, yes, in a very real sense, my statement stands as fact. If I could change Life In America and rip down all video surveillance, I'd do so in a heartbeat. We are forced to live with it. I just make sure the FedGov goons and their Little Brothers in the state and city have no reason to fixate on ME personally. Keep a low profile.