I do not trust any book written by man..... man will lie and manipulate to serve himself......same as I don't trust any preacher who wants to beat me around the head with a book written by man. Faith and belief need not be linked to the lies of men.
Was raised on and prefer the Geneva Bible and its commentaries but it indicates why the King James version and Shakespeare are so important. It established the English language. We all can read the King James version and even figure out the thee and thou, but the spelling and even the use of letters of even 50 years earlier require almost a translator. King James read and used the Geneva Bible and had serious problems with the way it handled earthly powers and had a group of people translate a version he approved of. The Puritans were a stiff necked bunch, but they understood the limits of religion and were willing to suffer for what they thought was right. Most modern versions are attempts to write it in a way modern uneducated men can read and understand. As such they are readable, but not as thought provoking. We still can't even handle the 10 Commandments and if it is Shall not kill or Shall not murder. Big difference as the Amish and the followers of Zwingli still argue to this day. To this day the Jewish translate it as Thou shall not murder instead of kill. Geneva Bible 1560/1599 Textus Receptus Bibles Melbo has a version in the old text in the Monkey religion resources that is well worth looking at and there are many versions on the net. 1560 Geneva Bible pdf - bookmarked by book and chapter
That was another thing I was wondering about when I was watching the "What in the Hell is Hell?" video, that I thought perhaps gave the speaker's argument some credence. As far as I know, Jews do not believe in heaven, hell or an afterlife. Perhaps this is because they only incorporate the Old Testament and not the New Testament into their beliefs. (I think that's true. Correct me if I'm mistaken.) But, assuming that is true, is their interpretation of the Old Testament consistent with the interpretation of the speaker in the video? That God is saying that there is no heaven and hell, and that Satan is the one who gives that notion to Adam and Eve? Not sure.
not kill or not murder??? look to the original Hebrew??? says murder in Hebrew... also the meaning of words over time change... a book about a murder was titled "Who Killed Cock Robin" was written in the 40s or 50s IIRC? at the time the KJV was written the taking a life during battle the word used was "slay"... Samson "slew" a bunch of philistines with the jawbone of an ass IIRC... killing meant murder... least that's the way I understand it...
King James did not write/translate the King James Version of the Bible, that was left to a commission of 54 scholars. King James. was a busy man and had neither the time nor education to accomplish the task. In 1611, after laboring for seven years, the revision was completed. It was called the King James Version, primarily because he was King James VI of England at the time that it was written and adopted. In 1870, the original KJV of the Bible was revised yet again, in order to update the language. So, it is unlikely that you or I have ever read the original KJV (1611). I am currently reading the New King James Version. For ease of reading and study I prefer the more modern translations of the Bible, but for the beauty and majesty of both the written and spoken words I prefer the King James Version.
Yes! There is a Heaven! Yes! There is a Hell! Without the promise of reward or punishment, eternal life or damnation there would be no religion! That is true of ALL religions! Killing and murder are two entirely different things!
I had made a nice (to me) reply. I messed it up! Guess God had another idea. Today being the Sabbath and the Bible teachings for today are; Numbers 1:1 - 4:20 Video for chapter 1 is available here; https://www.youtube.com/@TorahClass/playlists Hosea 2:1 -22 Matthew 4:1 - 17
.. .. killin in self defense n killin in war is legal .. .. .. .. jus sayn .. .. .. .. behold da un tru bible .. .. jus kiddin yall
There are those that seek the scriptures for loupe holes and excuses and then there are others that look for the ways they should comply. First law given Moses is "Love God" It is the one law most people have a problem with. Because if you love God, you will be doing everything in your power to please Him, scriptures aside.
Good points. So King James probably just signed off on the translation, but really paid no part in the translation or text or modifying the text to suite a particular narrative.
I think it less a matter of 'signing off' on the finished product, than being the patron of the project, given that the English monarch is also the Defender of the Faith, and the temporal head of the Church of England.
I was just reading about whether the Jewish religion believes in Heaven or Hell. Apparently they believe in something called Gehinnom which is like their version of hell. One website describes it as a laundry machine where dirty souls go to get cleansed and then they can enter into heaven. I have read other accounts where they say Jews believe in reincarnation. I have read other accounts where they say Jews try to avoid the topic because they really have no idea what happens. If they have no idea what happens, and don't care to speculate on the topic, then what's the point of Judaism at all? They might as well not waste their time going to temple. That's probably why most Jews stop practicing altogether. There's really no point.
They also say, before you die, you should spend one day asking for atonement and forgiveness. I guess that's George Soros' plan. He can do as much evil as he wants. He can help Nazis round up Jews for the concentration camps. He can rig the stock market and make billions of dollars, and spend it on anarchy groups like Black Lives Matters. He can install corrupt judges in every court across the country. Then, on his last day on earth, he can ask for forgiveness, and everything will be cool for him in the afterlife. What a deal!
Also, it really takes away from the point of being "God-Fearing". What is there to fear if there is no eternal damnation? If you're going to die one way or another, and there is no consequences for your actions, then what is there to fear? When you think about it, our entire Western Civilization, and the good quality of morals and actions in Western Civilization is hinged upon this one idea of being God-Fearing. If you take that out of the equation, then there's no point in morality. Is "being good" for the sake of "being good" worthwhile? You simply end up with people like these Globalists who believe might makes right, and the more money and power they have, the better.
Prior to the adoption of the KJV in 1611, there were three Bibles being used in England. They were #1- The Great Bible, commissioned by King Henry VIII, which had a number of flaws in it; #2- The Bishop's Bible, which was commissioned and semi approved by Queen Elizabeth I, it was an improvement upon The Great Bible and was popular with the clergy, and #3- The Geneva Bible, which was written by exiled English clergymen in Geneva, Switzerland during the reign of Queen Mary and very popular with the common people. The Church of England was using either The Great Bible or the Bishop's Bible and the people were using the Geneva Bible. That is no way to run a religion, as in time it will lead to dissent, strife, religious wars and revolution. So, they did the smart thing and introduced a new and improved version of the Bible, which with periodic updates and revisions has stood the test of time...412 years and counting!
It's doubtful that King James had the time to proof-read what was to become known as the King James Version of the Bible. I'm re-reading the KJV myself and it is going to take me about 9 months to get through all 1,217 pages. That is only 4-5 pages per day and allows for a certain amount of time for thought and reflection, but it's not a line-by-line study and review of the text...that would require years of time, and a degree of scholarship and expertise that neither I have, nor King James had. King James might have had someone read the text aloud to him during the day, but even that would have hardly constituted study or review. An important thing to remember is that without the approval of the King (Defender of the Faith, and the temporal head of the Church of England) any translation of the Bible could be deemed blasphemy or heresy, both of which were punishable by burning at the stake! Fifty years ago, shortly after joining the Church, I read the Bible one summer while I was out of school. I finished it that summer, and that included time out trying to "find" the Lost Ark of the Covenant. However, I was reading 25-30 pages a day and I'm sure that I would have gotten much more out of it had I read fewer pages per day, but I was working against time.
You are absolutely correct. Kill meant murder, and slay means justifiable homicide, with no guilt from God or man. Jim