I'm still of the opinion that gear might have been left in place on purpose. That's a fairly modern Sunni army of fanatics suddenly on the Shia Iranian border. I remember thinking that when ISIS got the Iraqi army gear that was abandoned to them so easily. It looks like ISIS didn't follow the playbook given to them in Hillary's State Dept war school. It's not like the government contractors weren't eager to sell the government replacement equipment
The US military is not what it used to be, Navy ships that don't work, Air Force planes that are decades away from delivery, and no branch is meeting its recruitment and retention goals. The military is rapidly becoming a bunch of woke perverted REMF in "support" of the few trigger-pullers we still have.
My old Seadaddy, Seniorchief Normandin, used to proudly say of the US Navy, "Two hundred years of tradition unmarred by progress!" I am sure he's rolling in his grave at what his beloved Navy has become.
you actually think there was a brain behind that disaster? - 3 3/4yrs - other than shafting the general public and conniving EVERY single second of the day how they were going to stay in power >>> ever see one single thing from those azzholes that could be called an achievement? - hardly think there was some crafty strategy at work ......
I don't think any of us ever get to see anyone in politics with wisdom, ethics, and intelligence. We see a lot with apathy, ignorance, and a full set of purse strings attached. I just figured the Deep State did it. Seems like a Henry Kissenger/Donald Rumsfeld kind of move. I'm not even calling it wise or ethical. Please note that if I'm right, ISIS didn't cooperate by spearheading into Persia and Taliban has just had a skirmish or three at the border.