I don't know if it is this thread that triggered this mornings dream or even if they are connected, but I have strong feelings about all of this and what I can remember of the dream went like this. . First off I have to tell you I live off the beaten path. From my house to county maintained limerock road is 1.2 miles. From my mailbox at that point to asphalt paved road is another 1.2 miles. There is one gate .6 miles from my house, and another 600 feet from my house at the end of my driveway. Both gates are posted and often locked. Signs say "private property", "residents and guests only", "private road", "no tresspassing", "no hunting". Signs in the dirt will tell you that the signs are effective at turning people who have no business there around. We value our privacy. . Now the dream. . The gates are closed and locked as far as I know. They were the last time I came thru. The signs have not been torn down again as of last sighting. I am walking from my new underconstruction house out by the rv parked in the carport. The rv is my present temporary abode. As I clear the end of the rv into the driveway, I come to an abrupt halt and reach for my ruger 9mm. Movement to my left has caught my eye and I am facing another male individual of aproximately 35 to 40 years of age. I notice a number of things. We are both stationary, and have locked eyes. His left arm and hand is exposed, but he is froze as if turning to his right to seek cover of the woods surrounding my home. It would have been a useless gesture as the woods are not thick at that point and he is fully exposed. His belt is a wide one, perfectly adequate to support a holster, but none can be seen nor any equipment pouches to support such an assumption, nor is a badge clipped to his brown camo uniform or his belt or hanging on a lanyard around his neck. It is as if time were frozen in place, and neither of us expected to see the other. His right arm and hand are concealed to me. Finally I speak, "Who are you and what are you doing here? You are tresspassing! Do not make any fast moves!" He has not yet spoken, and the words continue to roll from my mouth. I am pissed that he is there and not exactly sure of my safety. I don't recognize the brown camo as belonging to any local, state or federal police or military, nor is it recognizeable as a common hunter camo either. "DO NOT FREAKIN MOVE!", "IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND YOUR BUSINESS HERE NOW!" "I WANT TO SEE BOTH YOUR HANDS EMPTY AND IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW, REAL SLOW!" . . . . . . And at that point, I woke up. Guess we will never know how it ended. ..... my safety is never on and a round is in the chamber, the thumb snap was released on the holster, and my holster allows a full grip and even finger insertion into the triggerguard. My 9mm is double action on the first shot and fully cocked single action after. I have my ideas how it might have ended. I was ready fully. Was he? . Hell of a dream, and it woke me up fully. ..... and the hogs were so soooo hungry.