Jack Hinson's One Man War, A Civil War Sniper

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by RouteClearance, May 8, 2017.

  1. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    We refer to it as the recent unpleasantness....
    bagpiper likes this.
  2. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    As opposed to the CURRENT Unpleasantness... A letter to the Editor; (news paper unnamed since it was not published...)

    Dear Sirs,
    The recent ruckus concerning the removal of the Confederate Veteran's Memorial at the courthouse, you are hereby advised that that Memorial was to AMERICAN veterans, enacted into law by Congress in 1958, the year the last Confederate veteran died. We must wonder at the state of the education system in this country, that did, and still does, turn out Marxist scum, despite the fact that American Veterans died on the battlefields of another unpopular cause, my war, The War against communism; The Vietnam war.
    When I arrived home, I was spit on, and called baby killer, and all kinds of ugly names including 'loser', of all of them, that hurt the worst, because all veterans understood that war was lost on the streets of America, not in the jungles of Vietnam.
    It is a hard thing, to think that you are fighting for your country, despite many being drafted(as many many of those Confederate Veterans were... many of them, as in the other Lost Cause of Vietnam, didn't believe in "The Planters War", but we would not display cowardice, so we 'did our duty to God and Country'... that is why we place memorials to those who gave the last full measure of devotion, because of their sacrifice, not their belief systems. As far as 'Lost Causes', "The Recent Unpleasantness" of our great great grandfathers, is rapidly stirring a pot of Current Unpleasantness, a state of being, that seems to have forgotten how we got here, and those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.
    We Veterans are the embodiment of the First Amendment, even confederate veterans, who's cause was Liberty(whether you want to believe that or not) against a tyrannical central government. Liberty itself is embodied in the phrase; We may personally object to everything that comes out of your mouth, but will defend to the death, your right to say it.
    So, just remember what happens, when you remove 'civil', from civilization.
    artjs, Dont and ghrit like this.
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