This is true and you will not find me in disagreement. However, all of the debt holders certainly don't want that to happen, at least not yet. I imagine there will come a time, soon, when they will, but until then they will also try to hold the house of cards together. Many seems to forget that China is dependent on the US as much as we are dependent on them, and this includes the lending and holding of debt. As of January 2023, foreign countries own $7.4 trillion in Treasurys — or roughly 24% of total US debt. I found below to be interesting. The list is long but here are just the top holders... So, these countries want to ensure the USA doesn't default which is a good thing for us but at some point, the scales become too one-sided and... (note: even Russia owns US debt LOL! but only $33 millions which isn't worth counting) Country/territory US foreign-owned debt (January 2023) Japan $1,104,400,000,000 China $859,400,000,000 United Kingdom $668,300,000,000 Belgium $331,100,000,000 Luxembourg $318,200,000,000 Switzerland $290,500,000,000 The Cayman Islands $285,300,000,000 Canada $254,100,000,000 Ireland $253,400,000,000 Taiwan $234,600,000,000
Ever notice that WE keep electing these Con-gresscritters, the only elected officials that most people complain about are those from other states, which is none of their business. My State of Alabama is as bad as any other state in this respect, once they are elected senators and congressmen will remain in office until they get a better offer or die. Elected officials need to be replaced often, just like diapers, and for the same reasons.
Here in SC senator Graham is worthless as a Republican but he keeps getting re-elected yep its all the other state senators people complain about. Some times I wonder why I even vote
We need to get in the habit of voting out ALL incumbents after a couple of terms, no matter how much bacon they bring home! If they haven't acquired enough money by then, too damn bad!