Geez, I didn't know there was so much stuff to spend tax payer's money on, though I am now enlightened as far as that whole official list goes. It's nice to have pride in one's flora and fauna, though shouldn't we as citizens get off our butts and tell these morons that it should not be a point of business to make such trivial dribble official? I mean, how many 'tourists' come to your state and ask what your official anything is? I bet out of a thousand it is maybe 1. I personally wouldn't give a flying duck what it was. That would be the least of my worries when moving or touring a state. Though with that said, here is my choice for one that should be voted on.... Official Rodent: Politicians Who Waste Tax Money On Trivial Dribble While Not Funding Disaster Relief For Their States So That When Hit With A Natural Disaster They Can Gripe And Moan To The Feds. That's my two cent story and I'm sticking to it.